Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/611

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597 , » ‘ agree 19.-TOE

hesring jand appea1s.for-tbe·revlew of. ( ot_lme·1¥cha41dise,`.nnd of heu*lxg.nud‘deeid1ng,ps·¤tée_ decis®_ of collectors. · A $8D%1‘8l,8DP1‘li8$'B or &. HIjIl)I>I'l.]$1' •b•,H have power to ordex`_nu`a¤alysls of imported and ,1TB])O1‘t8' thereon by lhboratogim or bureaus of the United States. ‘ ·_ ThB·D1'@8i(!€I1# ot the board- shall assfgny three of the general- appraisers toench of the said

 ana emu dednate www I member, emu be chairmen

the1·=eo£ ”The prendéntot the liwrd shelf be competent.- to sit as a. member of any board or to assign one or two other members to my Tot such ‘i¤"the· nbeenedor disability of any one oy two_memUers of board. -. ‘A majorltyI0t),;1ny;b0ai·d shall; heve p6v§·e1·`to hem; and-decide, all cases and questions nhsing therein or asei@ed thereto. ·‘NoYmembe1·'0£ any of said _. boérds shalllsit tohear orgdeeide any case on appeal sin the " decision ofwhieh"l1e ufay Ixawfe pzeyiously pdttlcipated. The fbosrtl ot three general - appraisers deciding ,n geese-f or an genexznl _apprnlser_qecidiug tau)- appeal for Qu "fenppraisexnent may, upon the motion pt either patty, made évithin. thirty. days nexteetter Such decision, (grant 1 rehearing ion retria1·0t snid ease when in the opinion dt said board oi· said geueful nppraisei? the ends botjnstlce sv·require._ » · · _ _· .; _· · The of the ·B<>&u·de of Gehexfal Appraisers ape exempted from so much_of section 4Q of this title ns relates to tlxeirsnlnries,/_ 3 \°· When any ot the generelf ahviiaiseis ot. merchandise resign; his office, having held his commission ns fsuch at lenst ten `yemjs; ond having attained `the nge ot seventy years, 'hemhall during the reeidne of his natural life reeefive the salary which was, by lnyr payable to html ntl theqtime of; his réslgnution, um 10. mo. ¢.s4¤fr,~s 12.96 sm. 136{Mg moe; c. 205. T3, 35 Stat., 406; Aug.; 5, 1909, c. 6; 5 28, 36 Stat. _9e8$_iSept. 21, }922,—c. 356, '1‘it1e‘IV;`*§ 518, 42 Stef. 972.) Y . . _‘ · ·< ~ to 406. of genenl sppraiseme hling; copiu fog- und of -i>l»;bIicig .tio¤.--;All of the general Appraisers shall be prey . saved and hled end 'shall be open to inspection, and it shall be the duty ot the · said Board ot General Appraisers to forward A copy lot each decision to the collector eotncustoms. for theQd1st:l»ct in which the merchandise 'nEeeted thereby was Vimpowted end to forward me edditiohnl copy to the Secretary. ot the Trea•g1:y,‘1iho,Q•hal1 eeusesuch decisions as he oz: the ot G@ora4 Appraisers shall deem sudcientli important to be published inwfull, or; it they shell not deem at full `puhlicqtion thereof neemarzv. then the board shalllenuse abstracts ot such decisions to be made for publication, audsuch decisions and sbstmcte thereof shall be published tron; time to time and, at least onoe ench week for the (mcormuuoe of customs omcere and the public, (Sept. 21;,1922, c, _356!Titlo IY, § 510, 42,* Stat. 973.) .· so »· . .· q —- “ 407. Beipd of duties and correction . of éi·r0x·s~ in liquidmtie¤.··-·—'I‘he Sedretnrys of the Treasury is 'nuthorized (to refund duties and correct errors iiriicwidetion ot entries in the followinerreeeszj ( A ( _· , ; O (1) Whenever lt is escertninetl on final liquidation og rellquldntionot l¤n°ent;·y thntmore money has been depositevfoxe (paid than was required by mw to be so deposited or paid; ` (2)- Whenever it is deternmlnedlin the mannermequired hy law that any _ fees, ehnrges, of exuettons, other than duties, have been erroneously collected; * · e y ` (3) .Wheneve1j n fnanifest clerical errox·‘ is `CIQSGOVEYGG in any entry or linuldation» within one yeér- after the l”dete—`of entry, or within eixty days attei· liquidation whew 1_iquldatll> made more than ten mc}nths.·nfte;· the date of entry; and °° (4) Whenever; duties have been paid on? household or`pe1•- sonal eitects which by 1aw)m·@te not subject duty, notwith- ·n `K

rvrvuspvrmsl t §# 416 » standing ar protest was not tiled withln the T lme and in the Jrnaxmer-prescribbd by law. {Sept. 21, Title IV, · I`520(a)»,_42*St•t. 973.) ,_ _ : ’ ·· . -_ 1

 _   Same; appropriation for.g-·’1‘he’ necaaari moneys to .
  • make jsueh refunds (are hereby appropriated, and thin anoreo lprlntion shall he deemed aii1er·t¤auent and indellnite approprlw

l tion. .l.( Sept.‘_ 21; 1922, lc.`356; '1‘itle,IV, »§ 520(b), 42`Stat:. 973.) ’ nl 4B9. Liquidation _.0f duties; wluévéness; reliq¤idat 1 Whenever any ·mercliaudlse, has, been éixtered and passed free f l - of duty; and whenever duties upon {any imported merchandise ‘ ’ ‘ have been llquldntedand paid, and the merchandise has been · deliyered to the consignee, or his agent; ‘such,ex1try and passage ¢ free of duty’ and snob settlenientl of duties, shall, after the expiration of one year from the date of muy; or after the expiral ·`tion, of sixty daysf after the date of llcjuldatiou » when. liquidao tion ls. made more than months after the (hte ’of entry, l rin the nbaence of fraud and in the absence ofwproteat by the conslghee, or his hgent, or by ·an American manufacturer, ’ hproducer,1 {or wholesaler, be` [Qual and conclusive} uponr all ·— bartiea; It the collector {hnds probable cause to believe there - is franid in the case, he may reliqdidate within two years after ` o the date‘·of.entry, or after the date of Hquldation when llqulda- · l tion is made inore‘thanA.ten° months after date of entry, l h (Sept. 21;·19§2,‘ cl 356; Title IV, § 521,42 Stat. 973.) . l l 413. Disposal of — mé‘spz¤,_r1»¢m¢ reimbursable charges for la- ~ hor, `servicésw etc.¢—-—Recelpm from reimbnrsahle charges for M labor; serwjicea, and other expenses, ¢0I¥H€(!{€d_ with the cnhtoms, “ shall be deposited as a refund to the appropriation from yhich f paid, finstead of Being covered into the lfTraaunry` ¤s_m1mu¤· _l noone receipts as provided by section 527 of this titl,e.·- (Sept . 21, -192::, e. asso, Tiitle·IV,L_§ s24;»42;sm¢. may r , R l ,414.·<Detall froé_Be1d”f¢ree·cf bngtéda `scrvicc for duty in `Waahlngtogna-é·In connection-‘3vlth_ the enforcement of pro- ~ visions of this _ chapter, the · of~ the ·Trqam·y is an- `thorlzed to one in the District of Columbia motto- exceed eight persona detailed; fromzthe Held force of- Guam Servke l and paid from the lavlmtllrlntiom for the expense of callectlng ·_ the reienue from customs. " (Semi 21, 1922,*:: wd, Tide IV, "§ 5%,42_Statv976.)·· I W " rl — · _; 415, Cuatomlwnse brokers; Hé@;-—'1‘l1e collector "or ~ chief Y officer of the customs at any port of wtry d shall,__ noon applica"- , tion, laaue to rnuy person of good moral character, helm h alti- ~ l zen of the Ijiiftéil ”Stat@—ra— Beam to trahsaet business as a I cuatomhouaa broker ln "the` collection district ’in which _ such »` licensee. gis issued, and no person shall transactébnslnesa aa a · customhouse broker_ without n license granted ln accordance 2 with? this? provision; but- this Section shall not be So construed l ·as{t0'—p;·_ohiblt any person froln transactlng bnslness at an cus- Z. `tonrhouke pertalnlng toihis ovrn importations. (June 10;__19l{}, c.283,§1,,36StaE,464.).#.·`— ` ~ 416. Shane; revocation of "llcenhe.···~—'D1¢ collector or·clllof ofllh cer of the-customs may at any; tlme,‘fer good. and sumclent · reasons, serve notice in writing upon any cuatoihhouselbmker · so licehsed to allow cause why said license shall not be revoked, _ ~.?"which notice shall be ln tlxeform of·a statieznent spe{·lllcally_ ·~ —~·aettlng forth the grounda_'6f‘eon¤;>laintQ The collector or chief l o@cér "of ‘€¥%.l8LQ§1S shall within ten days thereafter hotify the ‘ onstomhouae broker $la~ -wrltlng of a hearing to be held before

 ,him within five dhya upon ahld  e éhargeaf ‘At such hearing the

customh‘ broker may be represented. by cognsel, and all

  • lproqeediilgs, including the proof of the charges andthe answer

. theretof shall he ])1’&l)Céd,` with right of cross-axnmlnation· to ` » both parties, and a atenographlc record of the same shall he _ made anda CQPY Ktheréof shall he delivered to the cuptoznhouée - broker. At the conclusion- of auch r hearing i the collector or - chief 05cer of customs shall forthwith transmit all papers and ’ 4