Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/632

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§ 146 / Tarts 20.- convicted of any erlme or misdemeanor punishable by hue or imprisonment, other than imprisonment for life, such court or judge, in lieu of sentencing him to imprisonment in the county jail, or tlning him, may commit him to said school, to remain until he shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years, unless sooner discharged by the board of trustees. And the judges oi the criminal and police courts of the District of Columbia shall have power to commit to said school, first, any boy _ under seventeen years of age who may be liable to punishment by imprisonment under any `existing law of the District of Columbia, or any law that may be enacted and in fprce in said District; second, any boy under seventeen years of age, with the consent of his parent or guardian, against whom any charge of committing any crime or misdemeanor shall have been made, the punishment of which, on conviction, would be confinement in jail or prison; third, any boy under seventeen. years of age who is destitute of a` suitable home and adequate means of obtaining an honmt living, ery who is in danger of being brought up, or is brought up, to lead an idle or vicious life h; 1'0urth,_u¤y boy {under seventeen years of age who ls, incorrigble, `or habitually dluegards the commands of his father or mother, or _ guardian, who leads a vagrant life, or resorts to immoral placw or practices, _ or neglects or'_ refuses to perform labor suitable to his years and condition; or to attend school. And the president of the board of trustees may also commit ·to said school such boys as are mentioned in the foregoing third and fourth classes upon application or complaint ·in‘ wrltiug of a a parent, or guardian, or· relative havlng charge of such boy, aud upon such testimony in regard to the facts stated asf shall be satisfactory to him; and for taking testimony in such c:1ses,_he is hereby exnpoweredto administer oaths,` (May 3, 1876, c. -90, § 8, 19 Stat. 50; June 5, 1900.*c. 715, 31 Stat. 266.) ‘ 146. Period of detentio¤.———Every boy sent to said school shall remain until he is twenty-one years of age, unless `sooner discharged or bound as an apprentice. (May 3, 1876, c. 90, 5 9, 19 Stat. 51; June 5, 1900, c. 7.15, 31 Stat. 267.) l _ · . 147. Number of boys limited to number thatcan be properly socemmodated.—Whenever_ there shall he as large a number of boys in the school as can properly accommodated, it shall he the duty of the president ot the hoard ot trustees to give notice, to the criminal and police courts or the fact, whereupon ho boys shall he sent `to· the school by said courts until o notice shall be. given them by the president of the board that more eau be received; (May 3, 1876,4:. 90, I 10, 19 Stat. 51.) 148. Eatieing by {rsh school or harboring ucaped boy; - arrest and 1=etur¤.———If any person shall entice, or att l pt to entice, away from said schoolj any boy lgally e@it to the same,. or shall harbor, conceal, or aid in harbor or conq cealing any boy who shall have trom mid school, such person shall, umu couvictionCthereot, be deemed guilty ot a mlsdemeanor, and shall my a une otvhot less) than $10 or more than $100, which shall he paid to the treasurer ot the ·board° of trustm; and any policeman ghéll have power, and it is hereby ` made his duty, to arrest any boy; when in his power so todo, yho wall have wmd from said school, and return him thereto. (May 3, 1878, c._90, [11, 19 8tat.`51.) · . Q - 149.,E¤pLoym¤t. and instruction of boys;-npprmtjcingg in-U duatuu.-#—·—The trustew shall have full power to plane any boy committed as herein duerlbed, during his xhlnorlty, at. sueh employment and cause him to be instructed in such branches et useful knowledge, as may he suitable to his years and capacity, as they may see Bt; nad they may, with the éousent of any sueh boy, bind him out as an apprentice ,durlng· his minority, or for a shorter period, to lmrn such trade and em-_ ployment as la their judmeut will tend to his future henent; l and the president of the board shall, for suck Pll1‘®, have l power to execute and d£]iVQ[,r011 Jmhalf of the said board! indeutnres ot apprenticeship for any such boy"; and. such

—E1:> U0Ar1oN 618 · indeuturca shall have the fame force and effect as other inden- · tures of apprenticeship} under the laws ot the District of · Columbia, and be tiled and kept among the records in the o@ce L ot the said achool and it Ishall not be neeessary to record or s me them elsewhere. (May 3, 1878, c. 90, Q 12, 19 Stat. 51.) ` F 150. Release on parole of jaymile o§endera committed.-—

 Every malejuvenile offender who is; now or may hereafter be

· committed to said mhool, and who has by his conduct given. · suiilcient evidence that_.._he has reformed, may be released on . ·parole,as provided in this chapter. (Feb. 26, 1909,c. 217, § 1, was Stat..657.). » - r_ A . e 151. Board of triaatees authorized to p•role.¢-—It it shall np- »_ pear to the satisfaction of the board ofotruatew of said school , that there is reasonable probability that any boy detained in

the said school will, it conditionally released, remain at liberty

» without violating the laws, then said board ofptruatem may r_ in its discretion parole such hey under such, conditions and

regulations · as the; said board of tmatea may deem 'propon

· The parole of all such juvenile offenders committed bi courts · other Jhan those ot; the District ot Columbia shall be subject · to the approval ot the Attorney General ot. the United States. I (Feb. 26.1909, .c. 217, S 2, 35'Stat. 657.)* B __ j ~ 15A Support of boys sent toachool by District.-——.For the eupo _ port of the boys sent .to eaid aohool, as ahereinbeforo mentioned the District, of Columbia shall . pay Vto the board of trustees the actual per capita cost ot maintenance ot such boys?ond it_ shall be the dutyot the superintendent to make out and renda to the proper officers monthly accounts at the close of each} month for the support of the boys in said selwél. which shall be paid on demand; and, it not paid within ten days from the time the account is presented, shall draw interest at the rate , of 1 per centum per mouth until paid] {May 3, 1876, c. 90, § 13, 19 Stat. 51; Auk. 1, 1914, c. 223, § 1, 38 Stat. %7; Mar. 28, _1918, c. 28, S 1, 40 Stat. 494.) ` `Chapter 10. —- NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. I · 5 Sec. . “ 1 `161‘?Deaignation ot qgnool; ~ _ 162. Board of trustees; incorporation. . 163. Corporate, powers; property. 164. Powers of boardkof trustees. _ _ . 165. By—law•, rules, "aud regulations; release of girls. _ 166. Omcers and employees; appointment; compensation. ~ 107. Control. over inmate;. ‘ , `_ 168. Provisionsj relating to National Training School for Boy; np- . pllcable. _ · Q 169. Girls committed; commitment by court or judge, or by prealqealt - — ot board or l ‘ _ { ~ 170. Period of detention. - · { 171. Releise on parole ot juvenile otenders committed. 3 172. Board of trnhteea onthoriaed to parole. ° 173. Appropriatigaa; disbursement. . 17%. Rizht toamme or renal chapter. _ . _ ‘sms¤¤ 161., Designation of séod.-—»-'1‘he.Reforni School for Girls of the of Colizmbla shall be known and designated as the National Trainhgg School tw Girls. (June 26, 1912, c. .182, 51, 37 Stat. 171.) » _ ‘ · ~ 7 , 162. Bo•.rd· of ltraateeng "ineorperatlo¤.·~—Tl;at Samuel S. Sbellabarger, Angnatoa S. Worthington, Adoniram J. Huntington, William C. D0d8€l Mille Dean, Owen!}. Stablm, James E. Fitch, Thomas P. Norma, and Alexander- Graham Bell, and their successors, are created a bodycorpomte to be known as the Beard ot Trustms of the National Training School lor Girls. Their successors in omce ahall be appointee in like manner as the trustees of the National Training School for Boys are. appointed. (Jnly 9, 1888, c.*595, 5} 1, 7, 25 Stat. Z5, 246; June 26, 1912, c; 1%.. §`1, 37 Stat. 171.) . . _. Y ‘· ‘ 163. Corporate payers; property.-·——-Said corporation la author ized and empowered to mtahliah Iéndmaintain a training school tor girls at any place within the District or Columbia, eubject to the approval ot the coxnmlssionera thereof, and for that K