Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/639

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625 { TITLE 21.-——FOO1 m·s.·ivs11— within fh€fIi;nits kat; such State or Terwitcry or thé District asf Gahmzbia, subject to- the evpcmcian and eiacf of · the iawg af Such State cr Térritcry cr this Distfichqf C·0lumbL·1, czzacized in the exercise of its imlice powers to the same exteniy and ii}: the same mamwr as though such ·ai*t icI&$* oxrsubstaxices V \ had p1~®uced in such Staie 01- Terrimry 0;- the.Dist1‘ict z gf C¤mmbia,§and shall not be exempt therefrom :by ma‘s¤m f of : Llwixxg i11tx·<}ii1zé:c~¤I therein ih ofiginal péclmges or otherwise. z (Hay 9, §..9®2,» c. 7S4,.§_1, 32 Stat. 193,; Feb"10, 1925,- c. 2W, 43* 3 Stat. S2?.) t ? ` Chapta: 2.-—TEAS. $2**1*. _. , Mx;. impartatiau of tw iuferiar to- standard; bond of i;¤ p9rter_; .regula· xiga of use of iaferixar impcrgaticxz. _{ · V ‘ if. ¥$i3§I'*é of EXQQIQS} 8[§§9ii1:f¥H£‘!3t§ termyvacaucies; COIHQEHSSUOIQ. 43. Standards of writyz dupiicate samples at custombpuses and. for 1 ` _ impartem mm dealers. ¤ r Q _ —` 44. Bands at; i mpcxj;‘; iexakmimntiou; importationsl nr ports having _ ‘ no examiner. gg ‘ » · — ’

 Permit for xiefivery; retention. bi inferior grades-; reexamination;

, ;»,:.,·tiu‘de11vu·y.; ‘_ , ( E] M3. Exnmiagrs; uimixmticn ucmrding ·tc.’usagee_ bt trade. ;_ I A`?. Emtcd States Beard at Tea Appmis: permit {cz- delivikfi: exporta- " tim: ar d&twcti<¤:1 of inferior 'grades. _ '— 1 4*5. Hgexaminntiozn; iisdings by cxamiher; dssistance of experts. _ » 1 43.., Reimparti¤g rejected tens ;` forfeiture. ” _Q _ } 54E. Regulatiags. { _ · _ x _ a Sectima .41; Importhtiem of ten inferior tc ·standnrd;' baud t af inverter; regulation af 1 use bf inferior imp¤rtn§i<m.#-—It_ 4 i sha}! W imiqwful for any pefsgm `cr persons 0:Ié0i·p0mti0x;V to i izmicrt or bring iam the United States any metchandise as). tim i w¥1i<:h‘is inferior in purity, quélity, - and iituws for cousmnptiox; i ta the ataxwirds pxjéwidcd in, Section- 43 *01* this title; and the `q impqrtaticn of all such. meréhandise is pmhibited, Nothinga t in t1:i§f chaptet snail gH;ec¢ `orx préveuti the impo1*t:1ti0—u inm t the Eéited States, under such re¥,_;u1atiou$ —as tlaé Secretary of In Agricx:1tu re_:i1ay; prescribe, of any merclmndise as tea whiéh g may be inferior in pm·ity,·qi1a1ity, and iituesgfor consumption is to the stan established byythe Secrgtary cf,Agricu1ture, i; gr of may tea. $iftj11gs, or tea ’sweepi¤gs,· for ithe t smc purpmnf mamntacturiug the5,ne,.‘caHai11e, or other `chemb { cal préducxs whévéby the identity and character ot the; original t material is entirély Ad&<·;:t;—cy¢d‘ 01* changed; impérters and manw t facfuregs who import or bring f;itc4 the United. States such tgéa, b texi waste, tea sittingz, or tam swcepings shall givéj suitable v maid, to he subject {0 Qiie approval only ot ‘ the collector ct s {·m;;;~ms, at port of é¤try,"ccudi£i0‘¤¢d'thatlmidimported »t: material sha!} be only used for tha Dl1l’}) herein prpvideq; a uxzder sash regulatimgs as may- be prescribed by the Seéretary s of Agricgnlture, (Mir. 2, 1%*7, C..358, {I, 29$Sm{:. 604; May c 16, 19G8;_£i. 170, 35 Stat; 1&;=May 31, 1920,_ c. `21'T, 41 Stat.; 1 712.) _.I ‘ 42, Beard ¤f·_cx9crts;§ npimutmeat; term; vacancies; com- e pxtimeén or befom Eebiiuary 15 of sag}; yam-, §heVSéc1*9· p tary at Agricizlmre xhail appoint 3 .b0ax*d, to consist of sévén ’e members, cash ct xbm sha11,b~¢·¤u expert izzyteas, ahd whe} xw sha 11L§m;£ra; and submit wif him standard samples of téa. e1 The so amzoiqted wai! be at;Va.11= times sxjbject; to rc- ia mam! by said &Sec mtary, and sha}! serve fc: Athe .te1:m at te mae year. Vamncies in the said board ¤cc1grri¤g by removal; tl death, resiguad<m,’0; hay ether muse shall be £0i·thwi"th ii1Led` sw by the Secr=emry_¤£ Agtieulmm by nppéinj;me:1t,‘smch appomtce 01 ta imkid fmt the smeiggimd sha1t·app&>i¤t_a V :1; presiding 0@c¢1·, wha shall fha the medium {913 all cQm:mmica— 0; tions; ta gr {mm such " Each; membe: act said board 11 shall receive as oajmpcasaticu at pe1·:nnm;m,· cx whic1n , tdgether with M1 '¤ec~@ry egipemcs .whi1a.e¤gaged mma p· me duty herein gpmvidedmhall be paidpqt otftheinppropriatiua —t< for “Expeusea of colleteting the revenue from c:i1é£0ms." (Mar. bg 4 h sc 2·:¢.>¤-2·s,—-~·g_o _ g I

0 arm Dzwoa _§ 45 2, 1897, c. 358,, § 2, 29. Stat. 6435; May 31, 1920, c. 217, 41 Stat. 212.) " , A . · 1 43. Standards of purity; duplicate samples atraatomhoaees and for importers and dealers.———Tllo Secretary of Agriculture, \l[}0!li the"? recommemlatiorl of the hoard otexperta ,pro·vidt·¢l in eectloa 42 of this title, ahall hx and eatablish uniform standards of- parity, quality, and fitness for consumption of all kinda ofiteaa imported into the United States, and shall procure and deposit in the euatozzlhouaesof the ports ot New York; Chicago, Sari Francisco; and a such other ports aa he may Ldeterpxiue, duplicate samplm of {auch standards. Said Secretary shall procure a , sameieat member of other duplicate V samples of such standards to supply the importers and dealers me tea fatg all ports Qdesirihg the same at dost. All teas, or merchandise.'deseribed_ as tea, ot lnterier parity, quality, and Htixess for c0n§¤mptioh ite eaeh standards 1 shall be deemed within " the prohibition of section 41 of this title. (Mar, 2,~ 1897, ·c. 358, 93, 29 Staf. 605: May 31., 1929, c. 217, 41 Stat. 712;) 44. Bonds of importers; examination; iiaportztieas at mrtg having no €X$Mil1€f:·*OB_"m&kiI`lg entry at the eoatomhease of ill teas, or`; merchandise described as tea, imported into the, United States, the importer or 'coasignee shall [give a bond ' to the celleotor ot the port that such merchandise shall not we removed from the warehouse until released by the eollee-`

0r,, after ltshall have been duly examined with reference
0 ·its purity, quality, and illness for consumption. ·For the

yurpose (ot such examination samples of each line ia every; nvolee of tea shall he submitted by the importer é1"é=0HSigH€t?

o{ thelexaminer, together with the sworn statement of such

mporter or consigned that each samples represent the true guality of each and every; part of the invoice and accord with he speciilcations therein corltainedi or in the dlseretioa of he Secretary of Agriculture, .sueh samplw shall be obtained »y the examiner and compared by hiu·f with the standards establiahed by this chapter. ; In. eases where said tea, or nercha¤dise,Aescrihed as tea., is entered at ports where there s no qualided examiner asa [provided in section 46 of . thia ltle, the consignee or importer shall in the manner aforesaid `tmxish under oath a sample ot each .1iae‘or.tea to the collee dr- or other revenue officer to whomiis committed the colleeion of duties, and said o§oer shall-also draw or cause to ve drawn samples of each llae in every lrxroice and shall forrard the same .t0 a dulyqualided examlaer as provided ja aid-section. The bond above rgqoired shall also he ooadllooed for the payment of all cuatomhouse charges whioh may ttach to such merchandise prior to tltsa Being released or de troyed-Z(as the case ma}? he) trader thelprovisioas of this hapter.1 (Mar,. 2, 1897, ¢._'358, { 4, 29 Stat. 595;*May 31, 920, c._217, 41 Stat. 7712.). - Q » · 45. Permitfor delivery; reteatien of inferior grades; rexamirlationtg a partial delivery.-———If, after an examination as lrovided lu section 44 of this title, the tea ia found by'- the xainiaer to be equal lh parity, qualltr, aaddtaesa for coazimption to the standards herelahefore iarovided, aadao rexamliiation shall be demanded by the collector as prorlded ax section .47 of this title, a permit shall at once! he granted _

> the importer or ·€QI}Sl§B&8 deelarim the tea free- from

ue eoatrol of the customs authorities; but it oh examination ooh tea, or merchandise deaeribedyas tea, is mood, iaxwthe pinion ,of the examiner, to be iaferior in parity, quality, ad dtgleas for coasuaiptioa to the said standards the importer r oouatgtuee shall be imm ediateI¤y_ notlhed, and the tea, or perohaadiae deaorlhed as tea, shall not he released hir the ¤atoa1house,‘unleaa one reexaminatiou calledfor. by the imorter or cohaiguee the Qadlngnof the examiner ahall be found > be erroneous. Should a 'portion of the iavoice; he passed ‘ yjthe examiner, a, permit shall he granted for that portion