Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/665

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55} 1. fill.! D»—·l'0EIIG¥i EULA mad. sm!¤.’•&¤N. er Mae, by •a· hda; uy’*

it pqjwy, lt by   my person, to.

eom¤i£`F8$?¤¥! Q •¤&®·¤•¤» M gm new sr ma, may be_&nrged, ?mceeded¢9|:§•t,¤‘¤d»,¤¤¤V$¤¤¤d»I¤dd¤ltwithm8¤!@¤€ met as the U¤iced_&ntes, in thenma m@, 11:111 gg if ¤¢ d$¤l‘hG Mw ¤ ¤d l¤·’&e United bctcre any clcu dnly·•&crbed thaeinto t¤ter_c1* whe uw sntlwnll meusjeettcthes•msp¤ m¢nddis•b1lity¤eretor•s me sr mil be such act for mfntense; sud any d0cn@t 9¤1¥¤rt1n; to 'heve n¤xed, cr Ssnmxbed tnmetc cr Eerecn the seal em nmtureot the cmccr sdmini 01* `t¤1d¤» in thereccf, {shall be admitted M withent proc! ofinny sul cr or cttw bmeinl character `bf such; persen} und if any nnrsncb seal ot mm} cr sna1l‘@u· in evidence any md: dccnmnt- jvith s false or ccnntufdt sul sam m pr esmmren he mu be-deemed and m¤¤¤_.m beguiltycf ¤ · s~¤ ==· =» » not exceed yuh nsf Im than yentysnd. fined is a sum no itcexceed $,000, and may be‘chsi·ged, proceeded agaim, éenltwith, therefor, in the `trictwhere he Enybe¢rrested_0:· inifmcdié (R. 8. }1750.) 132. Gaenl by ter Dlpbmstiej ml Ccnwht S6vioe.——Thc jls inthoriscd to pfcscribc such ¥`€¤¥¥*$@» mtlmtke Inch orders Ind instructions, with nnylaw of the United -Stat&, in relation tc the dutiw of nH·‘ diplémstic and) consular 0¤ccrs, ct their budnem; the render; ing ct accounts and returns, of cédpensaiién. the csfeieeping cl the archives publici pmperty 'in the Minis at susuch c¢mmnn1cntion»o£‘intd ticnfénd the pfécufcmcut ind `_ ( ‘¤ ¢— ·· ml, 0I_ th8'p1‘0dl¥!U°0f_ the. &1’t8,‘ mms, •g-mnme, ssa mm um to time, is he my think iccnduciye to the public- interest. It @s§1 be the dnt! 63 tl! to conform suchtckuls. ticm,crde11,nnd (B,. B.] ‘ ` 133.P ,d fw and

 seuezuyassumésa may •¤r1¤¢r1zea t¤·i¤<m1¤*§

ft in meh ·¤= ¥ . · ·;<» as awrcmiateé td: by f@» the use `cf the’éiD¥§¤.;atié and 'cf _U¤itéd.· and `,t0 alter, · . or tm ;gm—p¤¤•‘w he user ere<:¢e<1._¤»‘ co me { 'bi'&¢\2o¤A! and N ncqnirétl for the be is the 4 &his td the 0&ces"‘cf‘ we , That sub-

sites and »··=¤» = =~;4» tad w e is repair, and d nf¤& tionc1Gc$nu. (nt. 11, u11,··¤.;1w,s¤sm.¤1·:._>~ t. ’ , L (iu. eee.,

 wm cum s         szimm,

"~ bnmlings; tmmture, mt ~ · awe! ¢m,-for

ITION8 AHB IITBBGOURSI l i142 _¤_ tue cfwptomnttc and consnlar omccs and residences. (im-. 2, 1921,12.-118, {1, 41’Bta£. 1214.) n 141. indian sotncrlty _142..Gencf1l m criminu casa. - 143. r1sdiction_in.civi1 caseulvcnnc. 144. 1Y¢t Shenilini to exercise tnnctioos ei coun} {nero!. - ‘ ’ __. - 145. Bysted of his to be spptied. 148. Roles for counter court generally. _’147.; Dissat or conch m and pwltcstion ct rnlcs, ctc. 148. £l‘nn n or roles, etc., to`S ry of State. 1$9.»w&!fl.!!f,_81’l'GBE,`{C!i8.1, and Mtence by ccnmx gcmrshy. 169. Jsrtsctetten ot consul in crime! cases when sitting sions; when 151. Jurisdiction oi, consul in criminal cnscsjrken itttn; sku; when _ to mtnister lies. r · 152. Calling _ in mocintg sn crjnrinat cues; referencs to pnlnister en .153. Jnxdctwn ot consuls in chil cased: nnsuty.; assoctues in chu ‘ . ‘ · eases; reference to xninibteron disagreement. 154. Evidence; new taken. ; · ‘ ` 155. P¤ni nt generally; contempt. — .156.·Cnp1tnI‘ oituxscs; rcquisitu for conviction; conviction of lesser 157. Punhnnent tor. contempt of ccnrt. 158. Exception of criminals; pardon!. 159. for _1udi¢1a1 grviceé; application of moneys; rendition ot

 8¢€0\¥Dt!· " r. ‘

100. Scttlwcntct criminal _ , · 181. An-·bttr•tion,’retcrenec, and conmwlms ot civil cues. 162; Aid of authorities invoked. . { _ 163. Where jnricdiction ot minister cxcrcmd. — _ , 104. Jurisdiction of minister; when appellate md tiycn @@1. R5; Appc1l£te`j@ict$on ct xnlnister; new trials; 1 .196. ‘1nr1sdicthon~_ or minister to try énpttnl nad felony cases. 107. Prevention of from {enlisting with foreign .` .§0¤¤I1'i¢8·—`“; '___`t " _ . lifes. Marnnnlfot ccnsuiarfhcourta; appointment and salary. 5 169. "lxecut1o¤Qnnd return or procqmby marshal; ‘ A i 170.¥Bond.c1` marshax. — [ 171.)__Bn·it on_bon<1»otthn1·¤hal.` . . _ ‘$ ; . 1 172._,Nedessity for prodoctton of originnl bone}. " 178. Service ofjvrcccn, ctc. in eutt on bond olmrmal. 174: ot in tcretgn comtriea. . 17;. Allowance for kecpingnnd ppsonnrt. · . ’ . ‘ UQ. "of "Btntc to ._ exercise judicial antics when no minister. 177. Genernl extennion of chapter to countries. 118. ‘*;M1nictci·s"‘¢nd" " comIs”`dc¤ned. .178. ssfjucicinl - ‘ P 180. Powcrjot coun}: in nnclvilixed- countries or countries not rcci 181. o1'·chnp€er·extendcd to Turkey. — , 182; Sucpwston by Presiomt of courts in Turkey and in 188. h¤onsion_.ot provisions Vo! chapter no Pnrdn; salts between Amet- ..3 cnnciti;cnssnd;¤bjectnofPcrs1n‘ondot1{•rconnttjl¤.

   141.     carry into

t of the tresticqcot the Stntm with Stctw in '1’nrkey,»: Uncut. Abyscmin.

 theterritorics tortnsrlysp•rtot@fcrmerOttomn
 &pt.-duly   to reside   mn,

in mdttion to otncr end them.

     respectively, be

inV%d_ j@dal Inthoaity in this Qtptor. whkh snnungtnm to thenmcsrx be n pnvcrzmcnuqnnccgtngmerem,

 is nllowcdby treaty,   in cccor¢tnnce_witn   usages

cl! an the or other ` foreign nations. (B. 8. H 4®, 41%, 4128; June 14,. 142. in, criminal canes.--’m;e cmccrs mwtioncd tnTthe section are jnily empowered to' crrskn nM tr!. in the mzumerprovidcd intnic chapter, all

 of     Stuées charged with ofenscs ngainst