Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/679

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Filazaiéf “A , , , BR; K 3* }$`§~j§£§,».A§ ’ A·c?-•·T—•~¤a·a•~•••~••T•¤·»·••p••·¤nsq•••-T•¤a•»••i»•••»•¢ · W · _CRG%” R&5‘ERE1§CES _ aight; of way ia Iaaiangkgaag; sca Tltla 26, Izmuzm. l §:§ghta at way in public laaas; sea Titla -13,_Paax.1c Lum. sxaagauiraaa had aaa This 43, Puma Lntags, , Chapter 1.-L-·$-FE$EBAL HIGHWAY— AUT. _ S·<"*I`. l I •n . · _

  • 4, _Citaiian. , la, _

2, 1¤~aai1;¤>as. ”· _ _ _ ‘ ‘

i. 1*l>w¤·m` and duties as to highways reposed ia Secretary of Agri-

_ valium am! 0th$e1*s.` — _ ’ _ 4, éisiabiiahgaat of accmmtiag diwgisioa. · " = _

 _’§‘x·anafei· at war material suitable for highways ;· distributigg. a

1;;, i*mjls>~c¥s_ to receive Eeéeral aid Nappmval by‘Secrcta1jy at Agil- _ ‘{·al:urre;` tina at highway:. _ , .

3 Same faaas maize praviidadl j . _ _ _ _

~,_ <*2m:·a{—¥cz· ai. gzaaatrawqiaa, ctc., required ; uppyoval of _Secretary at Agripuitare, . . . . ’ _ - - ; ii, !·`r¤·m.i0m ffmza tolls; · V _¤ · ga. Width at {right at way and wearing siurtaca. 11_;}·‘a:¤l» appartiaaed to States; when payable. _ 12. Sui»misala:1_.¤f pmjact_statemeats; approval; setting aside share at l _ kiaaygssal aid. ' , V ‘_ _ stay Construction and rmanatmctiou work-; haw caaaupted. . -. 14. layman; ta States of i?`eglcml’; time and manner of making. . L 35. I·`a~ifm·a of State ta maintain; (Federal-aid road; duty, qt Sé<;x·e· A iary at Azricziltare. . , 16. Alam of `Fadarsram.mada; 9 . _ __ ' H. {waaeat by United _ Statga tc conveyance ot paoperty acquired therefrom. 7 i . . . . ‘* -· · N. Apgsrapriaglaa at public lands for higliway purposes; reversion. nw. l’:;¢s·acript§0a-at mics aad regulations by Secretary, of Agricultuie. 20. impart; is Congress by Secretary of Agricaltura.· f- 21. Dedaatziaa {ar admiaistration and research; apportionment of rei maiadar amaag States. · _ " " l _ 2:3, _§3ertim;¢fioa_ at disposition, of appropriation. _ ` ,22%. Farm: madaaad trails; applycpriation; manner of expenditure, » 24. Approv4ara§ apmiects in States not permitted to provide mr highways. 25. Eaect af ~ partial invalidity. ; ~ ·; l · { l

 1, Citatiaa.-i-This chapter may be; cited as the Fedaral 1»Ilghway,Act, (Nav. 9, 1921, c. 119, S 1,42 Stat. 212.) .·

2. Beaaitimse-When med in this chapter, unless; the context indicates alhcrwisa--‘ , · ` . ‘ ‘ ` `, 4 l Tha term "highway"{ includ@ rights oi way, bridges, drainage stractarm, aigua,. guard rails, and prciective struclurw in l·maaacti¢>a with highwaya, but shall not include any highway . ar street ia a municipality haviag. a pcpulaliem of two thousand five hundred ar ’mara»aa ahcwn by tha last available census; e·x<;lept what tpértlaa of any auch highway or stmet along which within a distance of one mile the houses average more than {aa hundred {eat apart. 1 a , A . The taxa ,"St.,ata highway, department" includes any State a1ii*{¥§i‘“[m€§{, commission, board, or utiicial having adequate gwsyers and suiieably equipped ami { lorgamzad ta discharge to the aatiaiactixzm at the ‘Sacratary bf Agrigultmrc the dujias haraiu reqairad. · _ _ ‘ The tarm ‘*mai¤taaaace" maaaa the constant making oi needed repairs am prmerva a smooth surfaced highway. A " The term "c0:1atractioa" means the aumrviaiag, inspecting, actual building, and all expcam incidental {0 the egrcmatrueticxx 0§ a highway, except locating, surveying, mapping, and costs af rights at way. ‘ ._‘' A , _ aa ;, The {€¥m.°‘P&¢G11S£}‘i1£uGH" means a widening or a rebuilding at tha highway or any portion thereof ta make it a can-J timwua mad, and at aawciaat width and strength in acgara adequately ta: tramc ~ - l } _

  • The acm ‘*tc»x·wt mada"“maaas mada wholly or partly within

or adjacent m and serving tha national {greats. ·_ . The term "Stam {unda" mchiqaa ic; tha of this chapter funds raised under the agltherity of tha State, ag any

arouwue _ §§ l>—6 HGHWAYS Chagater . Sec. 2. Mxscnnmmsous rxovxmose .. ... .., . $1 §olitical or~other·o11bdivision thereof, and mode available for e expendltmae under the direct control of the State highway do- N phrtmcht. , ’ ~ . " - , ’ The term “bri21ges"Y includes , rollroadh grade separations, whether by moons of overhead or tmdermec croeeiege. (Nor. 9, 1921, c. 119,5 2, 42 Stat; 212; June 19, 1922; c. 227, § 4, per.3,42 Stat.660.) M . , V L Q ·· 3L Powers and duties as to higliireys reposed in Sccrctgry of Agriculture and others.-—gAll powers end duties of the Come cil of Netional Defense under section 3 of Title 50, Wee; jo relation to highway or highway` trerxeport are transferred to the Secretary of ,Agrici1lture‘.— The Ypowers and duties of egeocles ‘dealizig.'witl·i highways in the national ymksnor in military or "uavafl reservations under the control ot the United States Army or Navy, or with highwaye used prlmziwlly for military or novel ‘ptxrposes,· sl1a,ll·· not- bc token over by the Secreter ot ,Ag_r,ictiltt1re, but such highways shall remain under the control and jurisdiction of. such `li ogcncicso · ‘ /"P·l€ Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to cooperate with the highway departments, and with the Begrartmetzt of the interior in the construction of1px1blic_highwoys within Iudimi reservlatioos, and to pay the eemoont oscumed therefor from the finds allotted or apportioned coder this chester to the ’State~wherein~ the reservation is located. (Nov. 9, 1921, c. 119, H $3, ,42 sm, 212.; . ‘-t. _ . _ _ » ` 4. Establishment of Bhccotmling divisienw-The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish; an éccotmting division which shell devise aimd install a proper method? of keeping __ the accounts. (Nov. 9, 1921,_c.,»119, 5 4,,42 Stet;`213.) `H _ — `5.l 'llrsééfer of yar material `scitable for highwaye; dietribut}ion.+·—·'l?he Secretary ot War is! · authorized ood directed to transtfere to the Secretery of~Ag1iculturc, upon his request, all wor—`~_material, equipment, and- supplim- declared surplus from Stock oai Hand as ot November 9,1921, and not heeded for the purp0ses`_0tQ;he War Department but Suitable for in the 9 improvement of highways, ood the c¤;mo"S1m11_ he distributed among F the highway departments of the several ,Stiates‘ to be used fix; the construction, recohstmction, end meietcoencc of highways; mrchj distribution to be upon the same heels os that provided for in this·chapte1‘ in the Vdistrilmtioe. of Federal oid fund; Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture, in his discretion, may reserve from such dietrlbetioo not to exceed? 16 por ccntuih of such materiel, equipment, and supplies for use m` the construction, reconstruction, ood maietcoence of new tlortal forest. roads or other. roads constructed, reconstructed, or mainmlned under his direct supervieiom: Provided; former, That the Secretary of Agriculture `mey also reserve from such distribution not exceeding 5 per ceetmga of the materiel, €<mip—- ment, end cupplies rcceirw from the Secretary of War end `transfexe scid materiel, eqixipmezxt and seoppliesato the Sccrete:ry_ of the Interior for use in constructing, rccooetmcti,¤g,» improv-. ing and melotelnlng roodc and trolls io the notional perks and-xrionpmegrts. (Feb. 28, 1919, c. ®. 5 7, 40·Stot. 1291; Nor. 9, 1921, c. 119, § 5, 42 Stat. 213; Apt'. 9, 1924, c. 86, § 3, 43 Stat. .90.) 1 i 6. Projects to receive Federal aid; approval by Secretary of Agriculture; two classes of highwayst————·In approving projects to receive reoorex old under the provisions of this chapter the Secretary of Agriculture ehell give preference toleuch projects, as will expedite the completion of an adequate end connected system ot highways, interstate lo character.