Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/71

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Ii? TLTLE 5.-·EXECU,Z’1VE DEPA·l'tTllfENT yin rho conduct of the lmsiinessloflt_he`Demrtment of Algrlcul- . were as may. be Zassiened by ·theQ Secretary of Agriculture. ch ,;.·.-lr ,9, 1889,lC. l22.*§; 25 flat. 659; June 30,,1906, c;e3913, to

  • 3; stat, 670.)  » " _. e i _ ·. y o gl n

1 old. Solicitor to supervise legal work.-——-'Ihe legal workl of sh llséllcpartment of Agriculture shall be performed iunder the. la} 5,,,rm-vision auddirection of the solicitor- (May 26,1910, c. ell QBH, 36 Stat; _ s ‘ in l _5_ `U — W , V l S _ Q C11 519. Chief clerk.—g—The Secretary of Agriculture shalllappoint lof 3 {,},;;,47 clerk; (R. S.f§ 523; Feb; 10,1925, e. 200, 43 Stat; 822.,) l 12 his duties; shall give to the-"Treasurer thelljnitedl cle c-s;;llses,,-in"the sum of eve thousand dollars,.condltioned—to render .lu,

1 mae and fdlllBf\l1·`-_8¢€0\1!1¢ vtotlleliflfrl-gasurer quartereyearly of ,3.*}

on moneys vvhlcl; {Shell by him;. received by yirtue of msi ju /,.ml·e, with sureties to be approved; by the Solicitor oitjthe- A

  • [;·l·;lsury.- ‘Suchiboi1d the omce of the Secretary ell

of ihe_Tre¤sury, to be by him, pot in suitsupon any breach. of 19 V me eonxditionsn thereof. 1(B, S. § 524 _;nMar. 2Q 177, 5 5,` i y 2S slam. $07.) t y g by ’ y y c;s _ a fm S .521. Oaths, situations, S and-- a§d•vitae taken by. po `eérnis. of ¢¤P¥63¢¢S,¤f &p•rfmcat; andefect scf.-Sgtéh ou lmlioers, agents, `or employees; of the of., Agriculture od of the United States as are designated by the sseeremys of Agri- use _ {‘llllllI'fl· for the are .authori7ed and empowered to ad- ~ minister to ori me from iany person an oath, aiilrmation, or at unillavlt Aivlieneverisuchfnoath,éamrmation, loreaiildavit is for use S fn in any prosecution or proceeding under- or `in the enforcement wl of any lawjjcommitted to or,"whlch"1ney,c"be_ cominitted to the e. sel·r(·tary of ¤—Agrtculture or the ynepmment of Agriculture or _tlll}’ tmreau»_or"snbdivision_ thereof for nadministration. Any gt owxieearn, a§rn:iation, or aihdavit administered or taken by or tu heforei snch c&cer, agent, or employee when oertfiled under his as nasld [and authenticated by theleeal of the"‘Department of en ° ‘ olteredor lnariy court of the United 1{1 Santos and shall have"llke_force and-eHect ·ast,,lf iadmlnistered . blll·l -` or taken before a clerk of such court without farther pmol; of m the identity as authority ~ofr such o$cer,=agent, or employee. ga _`~ {Jan. 31, 1925, c. 124, I 1, 43<Stat. 803*:) _ Y. 4 » c S ‘ to 522.~Sa¤\§3,_f¢¢‘_°f6f"admi!1i8¢¢?i¤g‘ lbrftnking.-—eNo-f o&ce,r, .S·I agent, oxgemoloyee of the Departmentof Agriculture sl1alL_de· V in;n¤<l or acceotany feeor compensation whatsoever l_,° for_admln· _S4 i~n·ring or taking any oathyadlrmation, or atlidavit under the (*1 onlliglrlty conferred hythis__sectio:1.jl·and s*tions»17 and 521 of l. “this*litle.‘ `(Ja¤.1s,1,>1o%,¢.124,5,2,43 sos;. l _· na 5?·$»sW8¢¢h¤1¤¤·—Ali only and lawfully constituted no S4 win-ted \¥&tQ13¤1€!1"()[ the·‘De·§artmeuteof Agriculture stationed Qol in and upon the bulldlngs·andi·premlses_ofsald departmentylns — - ol me city of lyashlagton, ,Districtiof Colnmbia,a shall have andé te perfomi the saaaelpowers and "dutles,__‘ whlle‘»on duty ln and $i Q:¤l>¢·ut said premises, as the Metropolltanpolice of the Dlstriéf o1°4‘ol11mbie_. (aim-, 4, 1909,1:; 301, 35 Stat,°1057.) g n gn 524. Bureaus; laws relating to Plant I¤dustr_y.--—All existing *4 Slfllutes relating to the·Division- of Sol_ls,'re0rgani2.ed into the fol l:m·e:luqof_ Soils; the\Dlvision of Forestry, reorganized into the, ,01 l¤m·e:,unl of Foreatry ; ‘the·Division of Chemistry; reorganized into oa We Bureau of Chemlstry; and the Division or .Botany,‘ the _9.1 %*3visio1rof Pomology, the_fDlyision of Vegetable Physlologyand sl i‘¥*‘:·!·ho1ogy, the I)iyision of Agrostology and Experimental Gar—a ci •?•·*·¤ and Groumixds, ,reo_rganlzed·`into the·Bureau ,of'P1ant In—, ta

  • ?*=~¤,ry; nogofficrwise repealed, shall remain, in effect as apply? rin

ire: to the respective` bureaus into which the divisions fnamed __1£ ,?=ti\‘¢· l)é‘f3ll.fQ0[g3‘1liZ€d.v (Jnae,3,·1902, C. Stat. _303; ·) ‘ _ . 52_5» Disbursing clerk; deputy.-—eTlie Ghlef of Division of~ WT ····\*s<··•n11rsfaud_I)isbursements in the Department of Agt‘lCultl11‘¢ shall be tl administrative omcer of the Hscaladalrs of the, A ,*l€‘}J2il`ll1ll)Ilt, l I 1 I I V,- `4 dl

’S, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOXEES e 534;, The ‘ deputy- dlsbursing »-clerk shall have authority to sign ecksl in the name ot the dilsburslug clerk; he shall give bond the United States in such sum as the Secretary of tlie€Treas- ·y may- require, and when selecting for the disburslug clerk all ber subject to alltthe liabilities and penalties prescribed by w for the otllclal misconduct in like cases of the aismrrsiug ark for whom he acts, and the official bond of- the disbursing ark executedlshall also be_ made to cover? and apply to the acts the deputy dlsbursing clerk. . , (Mar. 4, °1911,”c. 238, 36 Stat. 526. Promotions. of laborers without exaniuation.4¥-All ce., asslflwlaborersle whose positions were- transferred from the mp fuudsito thestatlutory rolls by lAct»Mareh 3, 1905, c. 1405, ` l_ Stat; 861, and .who-were `by the last clause of such Act placed the classi§ed— service without further examination in rtlxe ades and at the rates oticompeusation provided therein, are lglbleiorl .p1;ounotion‘ without further Vexamlnation, (June 30, 06, c.°3Q13,l.;3¢l$Stat.- 605.)le = lT.* V. - 9 I l o szbsppoiactmenes, promotion, and changes ra me Secretary ¤ot=Agrlcu1ture isjnizthorized to. make such ap-

  • l1l[lIl€lltS,°{lP(l!1l0_tl0l)lS,°;_&Dd changes as salarim,_·to` befemld

at of the lump funds- of the wrerafburaus, y ditisions, and tlces of the departmentras maybe for the interwtsof the rvice. (Mar. 4, 1907, 2907, 34’Stat. 1%.), ‘ · l » ` 528. Salaries} chow lpaid.—é—The` Secretary — of Agriculture is _ lthorized and directed topay the salary ot web, employee · em the roll ot the bureau,. lndependent dlvisl0§§ or o&ce in nick the employee is working, and no other. P (Mar. 4, 1907,. MT,34 Stat.1280.)‘_c » ‘ " L 5 A ‘ 52% Assignment of pay.——-»~—’1‘he Secretary.; ot Agriculture is ztherized to permit employex ot the Department of Agricul- 1 are to make assignments ot theiripay, such regulations a he may prescribe, during such timeyas they may befiu the., upley of tlxesaid ,department., (Mar. 4, 1909,fc.`301, 35 Stat. p

  • 57.) f · +·‘ 9 ·

$3o;"De¢¤a1sdg l e1i{§l6y&§ Kmeéo iseerej j Qrytxnerosls s · aylbel ruutlejroux or to the ofllceotthe Secretary when neee ·· try ;'&!1d’l(h€ services of the persoucwhoru itis pbposed to e . lll are not required ln that oliice. ,_ {Mar. 4, 1907, pc. @01, 34 mt.12s0.) ‘ e tgp Y s t to 531. Same; law clerks.-—-Law clerks may , detailed by the acretary u of Agriculture for ,ser$·iceLi‘n· or out of Washington. uel·;o4,_;911, cr 238, smt.1&6.i o ~ S r o — 532, Some; from‘aud»to`libxiary and bureamand 05cm.-e mployees of they library Qruayolabe ‘temporarlly_ Aetuiled` phy the acre-tary of A`gl’lCllllZ\1l‘é‘ foryllbrary service ln the bureaus and Bees. of the departiuentnaind Ycmployeesflot the bureaus and ,_ Beers of thedepartment eagageu in“ library work mf; also be tmporarily, detagpd t0’u16`lllZ>l’§l’)T_. (Mar. 4, 1911, e. 238, 36 rat.,12o1;) 1 cu », o l __ e t  » p > . 533. Same; from and to Division of Aceountsaud, "Disburse lents and bureaus;and- oEces.+—-E;uployt·es, of the Division of · ccouutsgaud Disbursements ,may~_be;Aetalled by the Secretary , {Agriculture _ for aceountluglandc dlsbursiug work in any _ E the bureaus and `_o§ces ot the department for duty in or _,,,» 1t ot the city oflwdshlngtou. am1¥employees¢.of.—th,e bureaus 9 ud omces ot.c_thef·departmeut may also be detailed to the Diviou of Aceduut_s`¤and·-Dlsbugsemmts for duty in or out ot t the ` ,ty`”ot lWashlugtou,* trareli—zi§°‘expeuses_ of employees also <le—. 5 llledY.to_be··pald from the appropriation of the bu1:ea_u erotnee n- conueeaos with , .l »·wl1lch*such,tra—w*el~ islperformed. .( Augw.10, )12,le; 284, l37—”Stat. %;4.) _ l _ ‘ s 534. Leaves of `abserlce; employees- outside Washington.-~·· he employeescot the Department of Agriculture, outside of the ty of Washington, may, np the discretion, of the Secretary of 9 grlculture, be grantedsleaye ot absence, not to exceed fifteen l nys iulauy oneyear, which- leave may i_n¥exceptiox1d`l`»aud` _