Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/730

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§ .376 » NTL! ¢§·· srhorc the time by the lows of odd for th lemtetlm ot ndainlstrstion p@dln;• no without tl;1eir.lo$lt¤tloe, as well so m eeseayehero there e · :e¤ ·- lewtul ground for the semeeeee Qu ndgiulstretloo ,_ idxvlemldcoertsys §wtlou¤1ybe¤¥dtMr¤¤h¤¥l¤?tor lu ohket A or mh smitm eee proceed ih all e=»~~• ·», ee}! sdteihl¤u·etloh htm hw bew$¥W¤lnfly‘B¤e¤, out vim end not he ed‘to d the determioetlou o§—ss{h&r@lp nlmdy by competent tml eothonty eedmr egting laws: Prooided further, Thgt nid palm dull be verlmd, sw in all casm.arlsi¤g:hea·e- dede: xrvloe by may m had GE all, HHKBOWN the service to he lnjneeerdsnce _<w?the~ l ed ot serving nonresident defendants la civil ml lh t¤ dldrtct couru of aid State; and lt any person moerved by mhimtloe does not appeor and more to he hard within dx months; from the dete·’ot the duel order, he be equally with parties ‘per.som.lly served or voluntarily appearing. (June 14, @18, c. lol, {1, 4d Stsgewd,) “ · ~ ‘ _ j . l _ 376. Gsths ie investigation; witn%.—-Any omcer forjémi oloyee ewolnted `or d ted' by the Secretary ot the Interlor or_ the `Gommlsslouer ot Indian Adelrs as epmiol exeminer le helrehip roses _ be authorized to edmlriister oaths luves@lons emmltted Qto him :.'»Pr§oo·ided further, That the provisions ot this paragraph shell not apply to the Gwge Indians hor to the Fire §Z·ivillzed·_.Tribeo of Indians ln Gklahome. “ (Aug. 1, ,1914, c. 222, § 1, 38 dtatr 585;) ’ · .377. Psyam Q deducdoa of cost he&s.—4 Epon A determination __ot the heire to any trust or xyqrieted yledlau, hroperty ot vslue of $250 lor more, or to` any silotmwt, or, after approval , by the Secretary- of the Interior, of any wht such trust or restricted. `·p ty, "there

 be oeld by such heirs, or by the benedclaries under such
 oumjthe   or mo·d t;_o¤· from   eroteees

of sale‘o! •llom¤,_or frm any lawn; to the estate of the m ot 3% where the vsleeot the weve of the deeedmt is @0 ormore and · not eréew _ $1,006; Where &l>@ised vslm. ot the dqte of the decedent is more thee $1,060 and lem than $2,0GQ, %_; where the eppralsedfavslue of tm estate or tm to $2w or doesxnot eroeed $.006. $0: w&re nogsrsim reloe of the estate I ot the _®e¤leot is more than 3,999 but dow not exeeed $5,000, where ehllniwd relax lot t& enateot the decedent is morejhap $§,®0 bet does not mmd $7,50% $65: end there aopral@; val& of the mute ot the decedent =le·‘°more then $7,500, $75; which smomat shall he aecomited tortsxld pold_l¤to.the the Uaaitesfstates, and e report shal1·M‘m&do whom! lb grease by the Secretary oi the Interior on or before the dret Mom day ie ot ell moneys collected and deposited ee _proyi&d: Provided fswtlwr, Bat the provld@ ot this mmgrepia Jsholl not upplyito the Omge nor to the Five Civillzed Tribes of Oklahoma. · (Jon. 24,4923, c. Q, 42 Stat. 11&.) 37*8, P•rttt$ ofsdotnmt rj. , heirs; ktmtig-—It the Seeretsry oi the Interior shall dud that any inherited allotment or allotments no capable of, putitioo to the adrietage of the heirs, he may @¤s·e' meh lmdsete bomrtitioned among them, regsrdlug ot their mpamcy, getents ltr fee to ‘ be it;eoed· to thecombetmt helriktor their sharon p¤ te.eto to he lam to ahempeteet heirs toc the lands respectively for jointly set amrt Ito @¤, the period to ¢m¤1e¤¢e·1e with the oi btfont or order ottegteoslohifot the not oitt in uid patent.; (Hay 18, 1918,.c. 1%, { l, W Stat. 127.) ‘ Q ’ n `_ 373, Sale of ¤§&h& M heirs.-—·The ad$t helm of my deceoeed Iudleu to whom A trmt or otw restrietloue oprm elieestlohe has been or shell ‘ be tm? leeds allotted to bla aedremvey tx lamb &lt•d

j ¤ ·r·I§D_LFNE fran m@ but ln casa ot minor kéiu tlwlie eintemts , snail bq nys éuiy nwinted by the prqpqsgz · egngenpggneogéuotsmhccursmdstuenonpéuéonnnéq by Ent all such c¤¤i*€y¢@$&¤ll he subject gg this pppmval of the 8G¢)‘&t¤1`1` cf; I¤€€1;i&r,‘ and when ngproved snail convert ml} 1:, Mug sa it n nnél pstmt yrltbcut umn thenlmntion tml;

   to the nllottee. All· nlllmed lnné an nHenated ny

the hdr: nt an Indian nllcttec anti all land no patented to g whitn nllcttae shnli be mhkct in taxstim under- um - inws ottthe Stnte or 'llmitcry vrxro the mm h nltualnz P , ‘1‘h• snlh herein pmviénd skill nnt apply in 1 the Il té$d during the life lathe; mother or me `mlnorlty ot any child qt childrenn (Hay 23, 1902, ur, %, 5 7, ~32St¢t.275») _ . ‘ K. · Chnpteri 1 1 .-EBIGATION on `ALl;0T'1’@ IAQ, A $81. litigation lands; rzgulxitinn at use éfdwntcf. 382. lrrigntion projects undeznkeclnmation Aqt. 383.··Eg,§¤ste•otc¤i·t;llmit:&¢n••tp. V _ 384. Emb&ymc¤t qi merlataémts of izrlgntlca. r385t Expendltnre of appmpklsttnn for 38%. Rctmhunemgnt tgt. mnstmctinn .glxarg¤.' ’ l _n Sectinn 3§1.¢Ii;igati¤¤jhMs§ al me of wntgg.; n

 wheretne nina! water £•:n·—lnrm t£én is némmary ny

=1:én;lei· the land; within nny — Indian renqwsticn Wwntlnble fix? ngriénltnrnl p.u ct the Interlw is antnns- ` , ized td pre/sctibé meh mlbé nnd is he my deem . necemary tc n just and amen; 1 the Indians npcnihy m».nm¤m»;·•¤n nn atm nppiopxtintion or giant ct- pats lk; hny trmrlan pmlanz · shnllbe nutborized ‘01·.‘·per§itted tts ¢f_ otker ° ripnrlnn`;$rni1rie€0x·. (Feb,,S; @..119, `K 1. $4 Sat, A ll

out nn!   www vhivi    n   .mk·¢
 prnvmons? cflpectlnns $12,   mg 383, $1, W, 411; 416,

te 4i9»421.!3l»4&Q`43§.4Ns4%1.479.$i.•¤¤$dT*€i¢$$·

   and wlsicn mi. make   nan pmvlde

for ~_in“·mctiotn with. the M when tm. trrigntlén dell nr‘nnrb•rtn£thi¤i&bl•l& t ing:lu»d¤&inn1l tapndot¤Iédin¤s- .·ngét¤wtdthistitle, the the Interfax is nuhnrtzed in make

 tn: thm nm mgm tim I@¤:·Pmil¢d,
 ér   tn: » M tn:  r   t n, npuntlnng or ms, inte··
 ng anna  any mn mas, (nm-.

8._1$®cQ2E,%St¤t.,798,).-· · » `_: Q 3

   ol met;   an ta.·——»Nn new;`li·rigation

woisct any Imju nllmexm me mall be

 undermken ·m¤Ht?   have   ¢•@tnd {mi and n mxi—

mum ltxnlt atm: n ln¤d.¤m pam, wé r@<>¤·*

fmbmitted by the   lrrinticn enximr in   Indian Service

and nnpgnvsd Q3 the mam the. 8écmtnx·y0ttMInm$£nr,nnémchlimtitctcmsh¤Binno_° =cu¤ be ex@dncl‘ withnnt nntnntdnttctn at Qnngwss, and nn in coat in the · tertc eimcé shui! be unéutnken on any ruarvntix nr n1l@nt, xlmont

 anthértty ot     4. 1916, c. 146, § 1.

_$8·Stnt,210.) ` ¢ , · » t 384. Q E»lP¥°T!¤t M ¤p¢i¤$%t• df irrig•ti¤n.——·The

 afllndlnn AHntrs, under tbe_dix·ection ci the
 LM   Imcrivrt   emnwr ·¤¤1¤¤ti¤te¤<¥¤¤t¤» nt {vi- _
 whd @511   i¥‘@t£¢n   s    ; not tncxeecil

haven mnmw-t ·(Agr.t4,,1¤1n; ¤. act s 1, so sm;-211.>”,

 n ·     af   fm: irrig•¤¤n.—#·'1*ng Secnotary at the   may Q1     vqhlcn shall


         nndgi this pr0—