Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/737

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TITLE 26.-—-JNTEI " TITLE 26.-INT1 1. TH: ifenxrswems mr larrsmvu. m:vmv·es.:. , ...,.. 1 gc es·s¤i:¤s_er uwrzugn. i¤v:;v:--...--.., ... ., ,. ,..- _11 ·

 Aaslsesuneers nee ee:.:.¤c·r:o:¤•.l--..e .. .5. .,.. 91 _

g’ ”x"""-'**_"""*""’*f"7"""P“_"*?""'·*"•"""""""""‘Q"'1'f"** 5, ismnerm umu-;. wasn; na aazumxm noone:. .. ., 241 oa lmmmree nxeveu- *.. - . : .*.~.. _ ,- Q 501 1, ewoxxmqzoue, _ wu:.unu·¤o‘2 neun, me necnsa G0: ` §£§e$!ATi§B in;·r·re•·.-..-, ..;.. j.,... ..,... ,--,-,-7-- 541 g_ Fggg (!]i§£SI..,-...·.; .-.-· -Q--··--·»-~-· .»-... - -... r-- =*» 5**% ¤·°”¤-·-e ·—-—··-—--—— -4 —-·--- T- --—-·-·--—---—-··· v ·$$i ana 3;*};;*;% Pi{{!SPlG?lU8 §(3»1‘CH¥8. .. .. $$1 e u, ·0ru:¤,’ coe;. :..¤vu, uw coueouzms: —¤.uwnc1*¤n¤¤s · ragga}! . ..- f--..? ..-.I..-..L..T--f_ { $$1 (jrlmpter 1.-—THE} OO$IMISSl0lllER ¢OF‘ INTERNXL · EN UE. " 4 Sflifj . }_ fs3H”i(il1SSl0H€i°•[ , _ ' 2, Sense; duties. » I _ ‘ X _ ` 3. lwapzaty wumesneeeu and sselstaet te commlgaloner. ` 4_ hegmtiee; diztles; deqlgeatlen to ncl: as comzelssionbt. - rs, mates ot assistant ro eomimlsslener, ‘ ‘ 1 6. Viale! clerk. · ‘ · { _; 7. Detail or revenue o¤ce of commlaeloeer, Section l.‘Com¤i$mcr.-+The:e shell beeln the`Departmer£t_ ` pr llae'Treasury a Comeniesioner of Iutemal Reviemze, yvho. shall " be eepoleted by the President, by and eiitlr the advice ged. V eweezezat et lhe Sermte,`·e1id_ shell The entitled to' a salaryet $16.000 a year, (R. S. { 319: Feb}f24, 1919,. c.·».°18, I.1300§ 40 ` ste:. 11-14};.3ee. 1925, c». 87,33 Sie;. 770,) I ». {_ _ T h` ` 2. Suse; duties.--The Connmiwlouer ot ( Internal Revenue, xnaeier the dlrvetlee of the . Secretary of; tile Treaem·y,_ shell have general superiexeudence ot_ the nsswemeut and collection , ef :1ll‘dutieS and tnxeer_‘lmp0sed·'by amy lawl providing internal rev··sme; gg shall prepare and distribute ell the iB§tl'_Q_£u0Il$! reguletioine! directions, terms, blanks, etemps, had othef mab jers pertain!-ug to {toe s zmt, spd collection ot internal · rwezzee; ged. shall ‘§rovLde hydrometérs, land proper h.nd_ 8i2®· . Ieient adhmve stereps and stsgpe er dies fer expressing Qmd °· eeuotieg the seeergl sump duties,. er, in the case ot percentage » duties, the weep; thereoif; ind alter nude. renew replace exneh games trom time; Qccasiendmaj redplre. `He my also premxre lot requisite terés, declelens re·:uletlene,· printing et exim deojdonie and

 nllalljbe done at the Government   O$ee,_

esalge permitted by the Jetht ymglttee on Prlnthég to be done mdu 111-Gf_'HGe`4£2 QI Q¢%1'# 1 ,_ wise ;>»rov1ded__in 111'ot 1‘lt1e_4A,-the rmnsionerot Imemnlkevenea mg; mule; & adm! be estab- 1i¤l»ed_oby—t;e oi tm fI're•wry, , grew dm peblie poglee, l receive bt&_ sud nuke for blank hacks md to in the disk mm; qwthe uid shall sixlewtallby collection district; me expense e · , md fe! · the eol ¤ o:ln@lrev¢¤uo.; otlnterenl , Revenue make b, detelled- tc qhce in

 year ot ali     the Berau of {

‘ Imezmnl Revmme. (R. S.;} $$1; Apr. 1, 1914; c. @, 38 Stat; 621; 1, 1919, ¢. { 11. e@ Stat. .@'0.·) , ( ` 3. J ty md le oemplnlomr.-gg There may he emplofedjn the"Btr¤u_;o£ &v&ue, Eva _ deputy oomleeimem ged an to eommies lo;1er~·‘ L (Feb- W, 1919, c. 18. S 1&1(n),··40 Stttl.`114»0.) ’ ° ¤ ` ' ~ Deputleng @es:a to ac; gs ¢amm@ioner.··-·--- The ot Iatemsl Bev@ue to deputy eommimcmers ‘ such dutim ee he mae; prescrlbe, and the Secretary ot the may clulgxrete my one or thug: to

, __; _ \ ¥NA.L RE VENUE · 1-7' C?} X _* ¢ 7 ERNAL REVENUE Q1 _` cniptei-1. r . 12. Ones: ron ymonso--L-.; ... -- -------..--.. 721 13. Cvrms rmvvuss ,... .. ... -..-’..-..-., .. .. 731 14. Tbucco me axon-.: .. ---.- ------------- .. ------- ._.- 781 15. Cmnt: ARSJEEGAIETTES -------- Q- ------ ..- ----- -. ---- --- 821 16; TA: on nmnsqxonif nm nom---; ------ --» -----.-,.,-,, .,, $71 17. Excxn ·nx¤----‘--L.--Q.-. ----------- - -------------.-. ;.., "881 =1§. $·;··n;jss on srsctrxc owners -----.-------- .. ---. -...-. 901 19. I,¤co—¤¤‘ nix- ---------- -4.- ----- - ------ --..- ---- ,. ----- - 931 20. Es·rA·ri: *A}€D ain TAI --------- ;.--.. ----.- _ ----------.--. ,,, 1091. 21”?Pnovxsr»o¤;s;coxxou TQ sisxux. osszews or zuurton------ 11611 22. Bonn or`TAx; Am·nAr.s----- --------------- - ------- .- --- 1211 23. Aouxqxmtmvu nm omemn. movtstoxs-.. ------ 1,. -.-.-... 1241 act its Commissioner of ‘I¤.tere£.1- Revenue gienefs absenée. (Oct. B, 1917, e. 78, {KI, 40 Smt.,3-48.) ‘ g _§. mtiés of town · .·-—·‘I‘he to the Coognxiooiouer ot Internal? Revenue gag m authorized by sshd coLmmissio¤er’rto pertomr any- duties a eemle stoner may perform] (Feb. 1919, ‘ e. R18, Q l&1(e), ‘Stat.114.0.) ·` l _ U , · _ . · 6. `_Chief clerk.-g—’1‘tte ’ Commimioraer ot: Internal Reveoae to authorized to designate. onesof the hwdsot as sible! clerk of the tmreau without additional (B. S;

 l. `·· .. gl ( ._ ' W E. \ . x

7. Detail; of revenge agent to é§ce of eo¤m@mcr.—-—Hoth·-· ing ih leection 39-of—Title 5.·s,h&Il ·€0¤$tr¤& §£0 psevent tm .C0l`{1l‘IliSSit)§1§1°'_0f I utemal Réverme 1'romdetaiiing one revenue agent-for dutyiu his ot§ce._ -—(Aug. 5, 1382,  %,° § 1,_£' Stat. . 229.) Q;  ; V t Ct1§pter__2.-e-OFFICERS OF INTERNAL 11. “State " u¤d.‘.‘ prrson " donned. _ 12. Collection districts ;. number. . 13. Hawaii; ·col1ecuo¤' district; collector; 14. Collectors; appointxhent and. bomber. 15. 8amc:.b0¤d$.__ » · · · 18. Same; dtsburstng agent:. _ - _ I 17. Bomb; alfowarnchs for salaries and GIQQBQQ. 18. Same; gdjustmeut of salarieh. ‘ 19.; Same; sstlovramicea for ex+p•¤•<·¤._ . J · 26, S¤H1C{·`§.§j\18£lB0¤€'aQf accounts. ;. ages} ygr. _ _ .21. Same: c¢>¤tir¤•.tto¤f ot sppctntment by Senate; ractncia dorm; r $22. _8•mo; quarterly aeequnts. _ _ _ » 23.* Sumo; 'certt¤<:¤te'as_tq reports beforepnyment to. '24.L_S¤1¤.e; s.d` i¤1strqtt•:m’¢tI oaths by. . ` _ _ E 25. ·8.•.¤c;. ehths to gcccreats. · ` 28. Dittipq of collectors ;.' regatta at violgtiona N lst!. _ 27. 8;::16; (mt; epon otherreolleetor prohibtted. 28. Bama; monthly account of arti¢·.l¢£»» ihjzooded `warshoziseo. md éi· ` ·_ portedp — ~_ ‘— ‘ _ ¤. Deputiu; ¤P9Ql¤t@t sac! revocattch: eernpudtiogg bore!. SQ. Sum; demi ol deputies so¤cin1·¢¤t‘y.E ’ S1. Same; or vgcnney in mee or ¤.. Soma ;( vitro; depot; mtitlaé to eoxteetcrw pur;. 83. Internn1—reve¤tnc.s;ehts. _ · ‘ · 34. Dutta or comctors me 85. Storakeepcm. _ · ” 8¤.8sm¤._..; . __=·_f V. 87. Sem; assignment to smrabomaa. $8. Sims.: temporary ntorqmer. , . $9. Guyer:. · . ._ 40..8s;m;. teas and expenses. ‘ . — { ` 41. Sino: gnigwent to distitlcries, aes! so forth. _ , _42. eogmpensgtion to: Sgmging trait brandy, or whoa detgiiod . for Quia! duty; Y _ l 43. ‘~Gw¢¤r’o remrna. Q 4 _ _ l .4·1.`Bt0r&eeperg and gmtgers: performenceof duties ~by one 0t¤cer;‘ designation; commisstoa. · i 45.”‘ StoNK&:per·g:au:ez=; duties? bond. · Q6. Sgegnqz compensation. _ g 47. Stérékeopcrs, gaugers end ptorekeoper-gsgugern; eompenmtiona at · remix distmertu. t ·