Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/83

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GQ ’ TITLE 5}--·EXEClUY‘1ll’E DEP.Al2TMENT1 ’*~» · ‘ l ,,,,,,6,. pl-m·g~{I{1re_ and practiée, lor .t0 supervise a smal1,ste¤o· G Qwllil; sl-~<·1igm mf :1 small section performing clerical opera-

 Q, ,2;* (·l»n·e>;p0r1;li11g__difliéulty. , - - ·   (

~ ;,·;K» qmuml rates of compensation for p0sitions_ in this grade Sep

 A; iw $,111804 $1,740, $1,800, $1;86Q,_$l,920,»$1,$l$0, and $2,0-10. tig;

» m·ml¤· tivo, -in‘ this ~service,-which may bG_`1"€f2:!1'1'éd to vas, the visi

 yleriealc grade, shall; include all glasses of lpositions the ciai
`»;;‘il·s of which are ~t0` perform, . umlér geueyall supcrvisicju, sidl

llimxllt and resp0;1sible·¢Hicé w0rk,{·requiri1;.g. `éousiderablef ‘me1

 m¢m·lc¤'l:c of :1 hspecialized subject, matter`~pi·` both, and a ex;

,; . plug!} ku<ix·»fl0dge Of Gillcé prccrgglxnrcwiimd pra¢ti¢e,'<)1i"to suf , '1 _,.l.—-g·;~l· u large steuogtaphic éectioh or ahy 1arge`segtion_ per- sha ,·..,»,I,;l.; simple clerical operations _0r ~fo_ supervise a.`sma11,see- h$3,§ {gi ;; mggzlgcll in diilicult but; routinehthee wmjk, .. ·~ ;g _, _G ”l`ll·· mmuul rates of c0`mpénsati0x1—I0r positiousin this— gradg the am: me $1,860, $1,,920, ;$2,000,»$2,,100, $2,200,_$2,300, and;"$2,400. ,¢I&¤ 4;;:lgm six in .tl1is·`scPvicee,. which may be re£ei·1iécl*·· to the mm _;.; Ml-i;»;4l—clcrf<:a1l` grade, ‘shz1llY=iuclude all —cla,sses of positions Mid law klzuios of \5·l;icli·arc` to perform, ugqe;5 general éqpgrvigiqu, the l·;w»;»si~hally diilicult and fespousilile ioiilce work, péquiring @$1 ,.,;¤·mlQ~¤l tminlngkuxd €$p€1’i€l1C€, thQ`QXEYCISG of indépeudeut 0119 _;;;·%;ul¤·1»t,l or knowledge of ajSpe<£ializéd» and complex f subjéct Fud mm·;·, or both, Land la ;tl10mugh'·kn0yxfledgc of-Bflic·é.pr0¢édure GW ,,..1 g•l':l<?li¢.‘_0,·0I`"_t;Q serve as the ·rec0gui:qed authority ot adviser the all mzmeezs 1·¤·quiriiig· longiexperience and an ezgceptiunial kn0wl— , I V @4;.; éf mb ¤nc»st,_dilllcult and éomplicuted aprocéglhre, or. ot_ a Sha l._-;·;=.· liixliwlt .and`.c0mplcx subjéct, or tohuperviée ·a large or WW i¤l.;a»¤·x'P;¤hnlt ufliég organization engaged in cliiliéult or varis.-2d°w0rk. l` G Ill.; annual rates of compensation for positions lu {his grade the mall iw $;£,1Q0, $2,200, $2,300, $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, and- $2,700. . tlraulc slevexfiu this ’service, which may be referred to as the

l~)~i~m:¤1 administrative grade, Shall include all classes of posh

amp mv duties of which are to perform, ·undci·h‘gen¢;ral superyi- ttm 4;.%:;. wsumslble office work along specialized and technical {am

g,,,al_ zmuaislug S{I€€i31i7.€d'LI8iDiDg and ex riencé and the

·»m··i~l· nf indopcndgnt judgment, or as chief f%1°k to supérvise Shah

 ;··m·n·;:l huaziheas operations of a small ihg_epgn;ieu_t estab- mg]

l?—·:.;lmz ur a ¤1ig01·,l»umau or division of an-cxequlgive depart- l

 ll;. ~:· to aupcrwiae a large or important; {Elie oiguuizsiticjn the

··l·;;a;·—ll in dixiiqhlt and specialized work. da _ hl (hm ’2`S¤· ummal rams `ot compensation for positions in, this grade mw ·¥.,.%l _ lw $2,490, $2,500, $2,600, $2,700, $2,800, $2,900,* and um ~;;,.,l,,._ · l L · ~ l ·1¤r·¤ ¢§:·.:<ll· high: in this service, which may be referred to vas than meh

» mal- administrative ‘ grade, shall include a1l{clasScs`. of Or *

1»~-i¤§··n>< the duties of which are tch pcrform,num1cr gcncrz;1 fum ~%¤;~·¤·v§»:i<g:f]` ditheult and ·re.sp0¤slble office work ·‘aldng’ spcé Argql ·éeHiz¤··l and technical lines, requiring specialized traluing aud, hm ¤·>,pl·ri¢·:z<·e» and the exercise of indepegndcxxt judgment, or T‘

 ~·•2;¤·rs·iae a large cmimportaut uillbe organization engaged, Shu!

F?. wurk involving 5pecializcd·tra1luing on the part of the. js S] ·:.l]=l~_s‘¢·CB.' 3 · » l "` _: Q V LG i Vim numnal rates of colnpensnfion for positions in this grddc 310; {lj:l·l§l." lnI· $2,701; $2,300, $2,904), $3,000, ¢$3,1()(),· $3,2€)(),` and mm

 ¤. . 1 _-
  • 2ran_l•· nine in this sgrvice, which `may be rafctréd to as -845

’l· ‘ _Yl{ll adu;luistrahtis·e’gradc, shall linclude all classes Hof b ,-1 l ·——%·li·n1s»tl”ie Qutieg qt yvhich are to perforin{ uxndvingenefnl- · 5 ’ "?§>·‘2‘\’lSlQZ`1. c·x<¤ep`t’ionally d1&c1ilt and rwxkmslble cmca W01‘ll_ ’1 at lm; sgmrigalizccl and tcéhnical lines, requiring conaidclmble. T1 l~··mllz4·4l‘jmining hull-Eéxperlence and the exercise at indo- `the·

» zazm jxulgmient, ’iTEfas·chi,ef clerk,·_§o sunewisc, me general invc

"¤~·‘§¤;¢.·>c¤ 0[)(fl’8tiOllS of Ya__. large" lndaptjndeut esfhbliSb¤1QIl¢ 0k' bllul » m;•j·»x· bureau or clivfsibn of 8l1_`(!XQ0l\u’\»T8` depagtment, or hfhce

 >=up··rv ·e ga/1m·ge gx imphrmnt office urgmnimtiem emznxed pane

ztl wprk ix ·ulving technical txainlug 011 the wrt. A0! tlxeeml G1 §—·•:~‘m.·s. , _ ‘· “ ‘ l ‘ JUUY

S, o1r1·*101aRs, AND EMPLOYEES l§ 673 The ammal rates. of compensatipu for_pl0·sltio¤s in ilxisgrade lll be $3,000, $3,100, $3,200, $3,300, ${4.11*0, $3,500, and $3,600. }rade·ten an » this seréice, 'which may be referre<l to as the dor administrative grade, shall include all classes of·p<»>=i-., {1S' the dUti€S.6f_WhiCh areéto perform, under geeneral impurl0n,’thé mos}:-difiicult and .reSp0nsible· oH3ce work aléng spelizéd, and technical 1i'nes,"·req¤irlng·extended-tréihlng, crmerdblé bxperiencg, and- the exercise bf imlépendent judgn;,j0r t0_·5upervise_`a`ll1urglé or important ofiicc organizmzmn qaged inllwork -inv0lx511g `cemhsidemblc twhulétal training and leriéance qu the plart of the employees. -. 4 ’ The. annual ratés of éompéusation {011 positions inétbis grade lll be $3,3420, $3;=f500,f $3,600, $3,7004 ami mln l _ ‘~ ’ J , lrziifé eleven-, in this -scrx*{c·é, WQQ1 jmay bélrcferrod to as _ ‘&s§is_t3nt Icliief ’admiuist.rativ—é "gradc, slmll include all

 pfxpositiianms the dutiés 'oi which are to perform the

at ,dTifflc1ilt· and responsible offlce work along specialized ll téclmical lilnes,.i·0qui;·ing efténdéd training and expericmce, gzierclsé of independent judgment, and the assmuptiun pf ponsibility fo1·‘1·ésults,i or to supervise the gemzral business. rgtions of ann executive department, or to stxperviseg large l `"impbftant 0iHce_ orgaui$ation 'ehgagéd in work `inmlving _ endél} training and ·CQ1lSid€l'&bIE expcrienée on the part of employees. ,. ‘ _ _ gg j ' l l ‘ 'he annual rates of compensation for positions in this gracle 11 be $$806, $4Q000,_ $4,200, $4,400, $11,600, $4,800, and $5.000, , éss a highér tate is-specifically authorized by law; . - ·l V · ` Grade twelve in this service, which mgy he referred 10 M `_chl¢~f administrative ;;ijade, shal1 inclgde all classes of — itiolns `the duties of which ar¢‘t0 stipemise the dmigu and

sQllafiu_t1 of otHce systems, methods and procedures,. nr to

heml oil a small bureau in case [}l`0f€‘·§l0IHll cr svieutitic ning is·n0t required; or to perform wdrk of similar imporcé, difliculty, andyriesponsibllity. , _ · ” · ‘he `érmual rates of mmpciiéaiibiitfhlr `§b¥.§lfi¢>iis" *l:il“ili·lé`§?:i”élc ll; be $5,200, `$5;400,. `$5;600.. $5,800, and $6.000, Hll}L‘S`S~ :1 lncrlratg fs ‘speciHc¤lly authorized by law. l _ Trade thirteen, ixrthis service, whicllmuy-lbe referred to ans executive gracleyshall include all classes: of positions the les ofwhich are to supervise the design of systems of ucnts fo1·`uSe by private ccrpcruitmnsisubject tg régulmicm by . Unlte<l.Stz1tes,_ pr fo»8_(ft as the technl¢.·s1lA_c—c>¤nsultz1rzt to ll ailment lgead or a··c¢immi~ssion`o;· béard ig; connection with uziicnl brséscal matters, br to act as clniafrnt a large lmwzux ¤`¤u¤>m—i. having importhnt aéimlnistmfiée orlinvestigzntive ctions in ca*Se` professional cr scientific tmining Vis not ‘· xircd, ori to perform w01fk_ oi slirhllag ’ impurtmxqge, clitlimlr y, pgspmgsibility. ,` *~ ° - _ ’ . · ‘ lxdaimixal rates. pt compensation fm- pélsitlcms in this grnele ll be`$6,000j .*56,500, $‘T;000, and $7,500, unless gx higlzér mm pcciilcz1lly"z1uth¢:x·izc~d by law, » A · mile fourteen in this swrvlcv, wl1iy,·h, may he referred go · :1 . speglnl lgxecutlvé grade, slnz;ll inblnde all clalwces `utj p& s thexclutigs and reepyrcxuents of whl¢;h are mum resgmnns lc’ exacting than theisc described in gfllcle 13. . l hc nnnuul"ru.tce·0f compensation forgpmeitiqms in` this gmnde ll be $7,500, unless a highev rage is sp¤5<·lYBmll_y uuflmrizzell C;US'X'ODIAL sszrpvncs. be vC\1St0dl&l..§~€YYi€G shall include all vlmsses of posiciemsxg duties 01 wlilch. are to supervise or to perform nmnmnl work dved in the cumzcdy,V`maintmmi1•:·e,`&nd prdtectlpm at puhli¤:” clings, piemising and veqnlpment, me transportation of gmhlic arsyémployees or property. and the trz1x1smissi¢_»u·¢»f 4·1r2¢·i:n`l M- 1 . l _ _ ~ . , bade One, `in this servicé, which may he referrml to was the · _ or messenger grade, shall include all eluslscls mi p.·;i·zi¢·»»>;