Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/835

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C;} k` TITLE 26.-——1NTER'; id) Iamme upon which any tax is required to be withheld I i at the ééuréc under this scctlmn shall be included in the return 1 Qi" this redpicnt of such incipmwe, but any amount apiltax so with- ‘ t Lipid shall be credited against. the ammmt at income tax as 1 waupaxtcd in Sufth return. { · ‘ ie} If~ any tax mqhircd under this to be deducted W gm} Exithheid is psid by the mtipient of the iacome, it `shall apt e bv mwllacmd from the withholding sym; nor in castes in which xx? mx istsc pqiid shall any penalty be impésed upon or col- 1 lwswxi from the gacipieut of the income or the withholding agent t t

2;;- failure to return or pay the samabummsg such fagure was 1

mgaatiuleat and for the purpose of evuding payment. (June 2, a lim, 4.@1 p. m., c. 23¤I,·§— %1, 43 Stat; 277.) - ¢

 Crcdit¤.·-—-·(:a) The tax computed under Parts It and II t 4

mf this chapter shall be credited with: · i il} In the csséof n citizen ct the United States the amount = of may i1:cc¤e,jva1*·pm§ts and gxcem¢proHts taxes paid or ac- z <~:··m·<3 during Ec taxable year tomxy foreign country or to any p ssmasitm af me United States; and ‘ . - i J 4*33 Ia the wcasw at n resident of the United States, the * nmumat of any such taxes gid or jaccmed c’iuring.the taxable pta: to any pc i0p at tho. United‘Statés{ and _ y J Q3: In the case of ahnlicn resident of the United States, the t ‘ ammmt of any Such taxes paid or accrued during the taxable ` year to may {amiga ccuntry, if the féreigu country ‘0t which ; .s»:·;·h" alien resident H. a citizen br subject, in imposing such 1 taxes, allows {similar credit to citizens ct the United Stgtes n·§idi¤g in éuch country; aud_ ‘ I _ ; · 1 {4) In the use ct n;¤y·shch'iudiv1dua1 who its a member of 1 a pnrtnamhijn 0; n benemiury of an_ estate or tmst, his promrticmté 5§g1‘8_0f such taxés of the partnership cr the estate ‘ or trust paid •r accrued during. the taxable ymr to a foreign 1 c¤u'ziia·y or to any pqssmsiou bf the United States, 'aé— the cage- 1 maybe. 'j B _. ,_ (5) The above credits shall not be allowed in the case ot ia t vitizeu entitled to the beneats cfsection 10150 at this title; and A in xm other cage shall the ammmt of crcdit_t¤ke¤ tindex this sib- * dilyésiou exceéi the saiue probcrtiou of the tax (computed on tfib basis of the tqxpaygfs net income without the dedqctitm of ésny imgoma, w1u··—pm§t§s, cr excm··pm§tg tax any part of which may be dliowad to him my n credit by this section), against wlaivh mach credit is taken, which the "`taxpayer’s nét incoxpe { comriuted without tlge deggtiop at my`·s¤1~ch iucame, warpiaiits, oa? cxceqyrohts tax) from s0m·c¥es without. the United k. states bearslto his eatire w income (coéputed fwitbout su& éaductioni mr the mma taxable y&1f._ · `. ‘·""‘j:# —' D -· (b L It taxes when mid differ {mm. we , smmmt; ciaimcd as credits by the taxpayer, cr it hay tax paid is refunded iajwboie or in mrt,'_ the taxpayer mall _¤0tify the Cqmunigsicner ot Internal Revenue, who — shall the . amount of theta: dm tinévr Parts I and II. at mk chapter mr me mar or-years affected. andthe gmuut of tax dm upon such rmimtiun; it m¤y,·aha1l-bepnid by the taxpayer · Bwh mticewind W -=4 » by tm co11ect9r,`0r‘·the nmmiht of wx qverpniq, it 8§l,·!§hlu be or refunded to taxpawa·_in tm c with tm pmvidom bt section-1065.fIu Hag case 101 •, tax but im th is· = aime: an a condition tc_ the d this credit QR! require the tawayer to glvé n wad suretjm amisiwtorytc amy ta be qipmved pyjthe Jia such sum ·38‘Gi¢ pg!. * mnt by tm tnxpaye; at may amount of tax !0u.M~ du; upon any such mdeterminaticnr md ttm bond W shall qimtaih such turthe: éomitmus u` the cawbdomr may rgquim. . a _ - , t ‘ ‘ _ (c)“ The credits pmytd& tm- iis mbdivtmu (A) at thlj me- · tion may, at the option at the taxpayer am lrtuyactiva G! K methm at accounting `emplcygd in his books; be taken

NAL REVENUE § 966 ru the year in which the taxes of the foreign country or the possesesion ot the United States nccroed, subject, however, to glze conditions proscribed lin subdivision (b) of this section. It the taxpayer elects to take such credits in the year in which the taxes og the foreign country or the possession of the United States hccmed, thebcrodito for oll subsequent yeoro shall be taken upon the some basis. `” ` (d) These credits shell be allowed only if the taxpayer furnishes evidence satisfactory to_ the commissicmor showing abe omount oflucome derived from sources without the United States, and all other information necessary for tho vorihcutiou md computation of such credits. (June 2* 1§2·l, -1.91 p. me 2. 234, § 222, 43 Stat. 279.) , · 964. Returns; persons reqoired to noke.-—-·(a) The following imlisridoals shall each make under ooth o return stating specihoolly the items of his gross income om} the deductions and credits allow? under this title-- ‘ ‘ (L)_ Every in ividual having a net income for the taxable year of $1,000 or over, it single, or it morriegi ood mt living with husband ei éife; _ _ _ (2) Every individual having a mt iocozoe for the taxable your of $2,509 or over, it married and living with husband 0: wife; and ‘ ‘ — ° (3) Every individual having n gross income for the toxoble year of $5,000 or . over, regardlese of the amount of his not income. _ _ , __ _ * , (b) It a husband and wife living together have on oggregoto net income for the taxable year of $2,500__or over, or an agro gate grms income for such year of shooo or oven- _ (1) Egch shall make suclre return, or o ‘ (2) The income of each shall be lmlodeé i¤_ o single joiot return, in which case the tax shall he computed on the aggregatelincome. ° · . ’ -. - . ·- ‘ _ (cl It the taxpayer is mxabloto, make his; own return, the return shall be made by o 'duly outhorixed agent or by the guardian or other persoufchorged with the core.of thoperso:1 or property of such taxpayer.- (June 2; 1924, 4.01 p. m., c. @4, $223,-43 Stat,280.) · w ` '_ _ 965. Same; pert¤ers11im.—»+Every fportnership shell moke g _ return for oooh taxable year} stating speclhcolly the items ot its gross ixicome · and the deductions allowed hy this title, and shall incluilel ‘ in the returh the Il8. xml addresses oi the mtilvlduols who would he entitled to sharejio not income lt distributed. and the orootmt of the distributive share ot each mdividuok The return shall he sworn ‘to by auf one ot the partners. (June 2, 1924,- 4.01 p. m., c. 234, { 224, 43 8tat.·280.)` . ‘ ‘ . 1 . $66; Some; Edueisrig; ylim reqnired; .wnteats; verikathlic-(s) Every _ hduclory (except a. receiver appointed by euthority jot law ln` possession ot port · only ot ~ the property of individual) shall make" under ooth ‘a retoro for any of

 following individuals, estates, or trusts for which he acts,

stating specihoally theftemsot grm ihcomothereot and the deductions ahd ermlts allowed mmer this ftitloe-- . ,. Y L(1) lucllvldual ·hnvi¤g· es not income for the tnxzable . your of $1,006 or over, it dll§}=0, or if msrrieq am! not living ‘ owohmmoem: · _- r l . ‘ (2) Every individual harm; n net income for the taxable .· gear ot‘¤,5Q0 or over, it married and living with husband (3) Every lhdlvidool having an grow income for the taxable l yea; of $5,®0 or over, Togordlem of the amount ot his not

   V °— Q

(4) Every ostnto or twat thohet income of which for tm C8XQ§M goo: is $1,000·or over;- = 1 . (5) Dior! estate or tmét thm gross income ot. which Ion th taxable not ii $5,000 or - oyer, regardless ot! the amount M the not income; and " ' ‘