Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/86

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§ 692 TITLE 5.'¥-—I:JXl§(.'UT1VE DE1’.:1RY’JIEA'2'E 692. Same; extension of chapter to nonclassificd employees; I prt V employees who may be excluded from operation of_”chaptci·.·-—· prt The provisions of scc·ti<>11s 6911:0 (S93 smd`69§’ to 731 oflthis title (M shall include superintendents of United States ll{lti0l1·:11`Cé1}`l€* · _.1 torics, employees of the Superintendent of the United Stated mii Capitol Buildingzs 2Uld'GI'01ll'ldS,_th€ Library of Congress, and .re< the Botanic Gardens, excepting pcrsons appointed by the Presi- lis] dont z1r1d confirmed by t.he‘ Scnaté, and may be extended by l ——}·2xe·cutive order, upon rocoxnmchdation of the Civil Service Bm Commissiotnto ilnclttdowmy employee or group of employees in sh: the civil service of the United States not~ classified on? May 22, ye: 1920. The President shall have power, in his' discretion, to sh: exclude from ‘tlie_oporz1’tion of said sections tiny émployee or hat; U group of-cmployccsin tho classified civil service whose tenure the of oftictz or employment iscintcrmittent or of uncertain duration. rot (1[gyf22, 1920, c. 195, §· 1, 41Stat._614.) Q , ‘ _ pew ‘ 693; Same; employees of —Dist"i‘ict of Cclumbi¤.———All regular Q- anuual employees `of the municipal govcrnmctnt `of tho"District _- ` of Columbia, appoi11'tcd_ directly hy the- commissioners, or by fm other competent: authority includingtthose receiving per €diem‘ compensation paid out of ._g€il0l‘&I £propriations, but- whose D6 ‘ services are continuous, and including pt1blic·sch.o_0l employees, YQ excepting school officcrs and tez1cherS,¤ shgll be included in the 9*1* provisions of sections 691 to 693 and 691 to 131 of this title, S8] but members of the police and tim departments shalhbc cx- .¢€¤ cludcd therefrom. » (May 22,1920,-c. 195, §. 1, 41 Stat. 614.-)` ml _ 694, Samck; dcfinition5.——¥¢In the hdministrittion ot sections pc? 601 to G93c{1t1d,697 to]? 731 of this titlé the expression "z1ll· cj] · cmployecs_ in the classified civil service of the United St21tes," as uscd in scctions·691 to 693und 697 ofthits title shall be con- °m strucd toinclndc all personé-wI1o lmgilc been or ‘c_‘ mayibc given :1 tit competitive status. in the classified civil scrx@, with or without » De] competitive cxa1nination,,—hy legislative enactment, or under y°' the civil service" `rules .j1romulgated lby the Presidént, or by 'ew N cExcc11t11m orders .CQYf2!'i§1gt, gmnpsc co£1_e111ploY€;€§..$vi,tl1cj_-Ultéili csc] positions into the qompetitivg classified service or authorizing tm tho appointment Uofwindividualsrto positions within such serviccr mi ‘ The 6'xpression " clussiilcd civil service? its the sdtnc occurs pa in other nctswot Gongress shall receive ivlikc construction to c' that herein givezn.? (Mar. 21,,1922,, c. 116, 42E Stat. 470.) » im; 695. Same; temporary employees of. Trcasury_,,Departmcnf; om payments to.————'IThc Sccrotary of the _Trca·sury· is 't1llthQ1'iZ€d and , directed to pay, out ofmny money m the Treasury not otherwise ya cppropriatcd, the agreed compensat.ion_ in each case to all pcr— eq. sons [(‘ll\]‘&()l`tl”l’H_\' employed by tho I>cp:1rtun=nt of the Treasury,. Sw prior to January 14, 1925,_who hud, before. such employment, W rc2u;·ll0¢l.tl1<>·£lg¢: for I`h(?U1`€ll1Qllt, or who had been rctlrod, from mi the Govcnmncnt scrvicc nndcr th? Provisions of sc·ct·ion»s» 691 pc to 693 :md‘_GDT to_73,1 of this title. In camo of theldcath (either C. _l»<·z‘°orc or after January 14, 1925) of any pcx·s“on cntitlcd to c·>an;»t;ns::tion nntlcr the pz·ovi;·sions of- this ncction, and section an 6138 of this tithe, tho mnount of such connpcxxsation shall bopuid tit to the widow, or if no widow, then to. the children, or if chil- W drcna, tlwn to the cstutc of Such ]_lt+l‘S(ll1.y (Jan. 14} 1925, c. 77, will § 1, 43 Stat., 7»1>~i.) . fl · _ A ‘ , 36 696.. Same; credit to accounts of disbursing officers for such Im payment5.—·—T_l_1o (1.`(>lll]•tl`(lu£+l‘ (jt?1l£”l’fll in amtlxorizecl and directed, M 1:otcwithst,;x11din;.·; the pruvisimxs of sctctions 691 tu. 693 and G9'if_~to gw 731 of this titlc, to` urodit the :•t·t·m1n`ts of ull ditalmrzsinng officers or (_»I°I2I§L‘lltS of tho I)i’[I£l!’tI!lO}lt ot tho '1frt·s1811ry with tbz: amounts 41 paid prior to .lz11num·y 14, 1925 inn".gm'»¢l faith for tcmpomry S(‘1`\'i(,‘(¥S>tU such pcrsons: who had ruaclxcd the ugeifor rctire· Qu _ mont or who had hccn 'rctirvd. (Jun. 14, 1925, cs. T7, § 2, 43 tu ‘ Slat. ;m_ l ‘ _ · pg 697. Same; ,other cmployccs l€X¢l\!d€’d••··*]'(lSllllflSt£2I‘S, , und Tl

 such oxnployccs of the Lighthou>ee Sorvinge us come within the pe


¥, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES . 72 yvisionspf seQtion·763 of Title 33 shall not be included in the. wisions of sections 691 w 693 and 697 to 731 oftl1ls`title lay 22,1920, c.»195, § 1,41 Stat. 614.) 6 ‘ . . T Bn8, ClWnsslllcations and lzates.-—j—l*`0ri the purpose or nom-- nmgj the nmountgof annmtyo vsthxch retired employees shall zelxje, the following classitlcations and rates shall be estabned : {May 22,‘1920,·c. 165, § 2, .41 Stat. 614.) - 699. Class A; amount of anlnlxitsnj-—§31aSs A shall include an · lployees to whom sections 691 to 693 and .697: to ’731_npply;wlm all have served the United States hfo1·_ n·totn1 period of·thirty ars or more.; ..The'nnnuity to il retired employee in this eluén ` all equal G0 per €$l}tl11l1_0f guch employee’s average angugli X Sip salary. pay, or compensation from the United Stems fm g ten yenrn. lnext_preeedlng'the d‘ate~0n which he or she shall tlre._._In no case nhnll nn unnixity `in this class exveed $7fn r nnn.um_0r be less than $330 per annum. ‘ (May 22, 1920, 195, § 2, 41 Stat. 614.)  ; - _ ». l . 700. Class B; amount of $l\I\¤ltY:¥·Cl&S8 B shui; include- all lployées to whomsections 661jto 693 and 6W to 731 of this le·.apply`·who shall-·hi17e Seried the United States for n total ri0d_ of twenty-seven yents or. inore,.bnt less. `thnn thiity. urs. The annultyto a retired employee in this class shall unl 54·per centmn-of such employeefs average annual basic mryypay, or compensation from the United Staté for the 1 yenrs next preceding the date on- whl<;h_ he or she shall

ire._ In no case shall an annuity in thisnnlnsé exceed $648

gnnnnm, or he less than $32+ per annum; (May 22, 1_92¢l, 195,§2, 41 Stat; 615.) . »_ . a » _` ° 3 701. Clans C; amnmmor ”annnity.—Glnss O shall include all nplcyees to whom sections.691- to 693 and 697 to_fZ31_ of this le npplyewho shall have served the United Statesfor a total riod of twentrtonr years or more, bntf lessf than twenty-seven nrs. Theeannulty to a retired emplostee in; this tcluss shall ual 48 pe; `centnm gt such employefs average ninnal haste lury, pay, or compensation from the United States for the

 `yenis liféktl pmm»‘   ing" Tlié"(Y&Yé'"·6H Whlén"lie’h·nx* nshefsnnlt

tire., In no cnsefnhall an annuity ln this class exceed_$5'i'6 _ r annum, or`be less than $288 per annum} (Mny 22, 1920, ‘ 195, G 2, 41 Stat. 615.) — · 2,...; 702. Class D; amount of annuity.-——Class D shall include all nployees to whom neetions 691, to @3-.nnd 697 to 731 of this le apply who shall have sexnred the United States for a total rlod of twenty-one years or n1o1*e,fbut less than tmgnty-four _ ars. The annuity to n retired employee in this class shall nal- 42 per centum of such employees average annunl·bnsié lary, pay, or compensation from the United States for the

1 years next preceding the date onhwhieh he or she shall

tire. In no case shall nn annuity in thissclnss exceed $564

· annum, or.l5eless· than $252 per nnnmn. (May 22, 1926,*

195, § 2} 41 Stat. 615.) ¥ ‘ ~ . ‘· 703. Class E; nmonnts of nnnnity.——0lnss E shall inoluelo all iployeeé to whom sections 601 to 693 and 697 to 731 oi this le nnply. who shall have served the United Stntegs for an total rlod oi eighteen years or more, but less than twen‘ty-on1e5#4·:xr>;. . ne annuity to a retired employee in. this class shalheqnnl ».nex· centum of such exnp1oyee`s nvemgeinnnunl lmsic snlnxjy. jr`. or compensation irony the linltléd States tor_the<ten years ext pr#et·edlng the date on' which he o1··nhe_sllnll‘retlre. In · case shnll nn annuity in this class exceed $432 per tlllllnlxllll be loss thhn $216 per ainnmn. (May 22, 1620, 0. 195, 9 *3. Sint. 615.) ° I » . ° — 704. Class F; amount of annnity.»—-—Class F nlmll inoluele ull lployeen to· whom sections 691 .to·6*.)3 and 69*1 to 'l'31_of» this zle upply who shall have served the United States. for tl tlltnl i·l0¢l of fifteen years or more. but lens than elgxhteon years. ne annuity o 0. rétiretl employee in this clnns'sl1:‘1ll_equnl 30 r centum Etch employees average, annual basic \nnlux·5'»