Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/877

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S35;] —!I’ITL£j` ~28.—-·JUD1CIAL~ (

   Q ,
  1. _;____,,v,_ MW,...(,~i» é-!H!H:E*28TSJUDTCT§-L 1

Pitt L4-JUDICIAL. CQDB · (jmptar, ·' , - _ 8***** 1,- Iazsmrm COURT3}‘0RGANlZAT!0N , -_;. .; . ;...-1. .. 1’· 2. f>1$1‘R!¤'1‘ €¤U¤‘¥`8¢ ·¥iF°¤¥89¤€’1‘i0¥- ·----·--· ;;;:,e :--”=-,.···-L

_ 1sm·m c·r cw ¤‘;j§)_; M2¤g1¤1za1»~—9r—cxvss¤‘;°ZI§Q ...,. ,;-;...- 71

43 is£srméT”_°i*5i?§rs; M_IS(Z§L|`{XNEO{§S PROV_ISIO$S_ .. 4;--.. -101 .3% xawrzzxcxv cuurgjs; ms·uuc·rs Asn vuovxgwxs APPLICABLE 1*0 ` _ a·Am; S·u#rms- .. -,6.., ; ; . ,..--;-..-.-4-- 141 g 4·m;·w·;· cmv¤·x·s_0z· n;·a{r..u.s -,  ;..;-..-.;-..;.- 211

1 Tm: 1‘0rr:·r 0:* Cnams . .., .. .;-1. ... Q...-_. 241

X ·rm;—<j<m¤·r or Cmvsmms APPEALS .. ;_ ...,. _--...;,;-..;;..Q 301

{ 1*;,;; Su·u1—;>m.(‘mfR1‘ . ‘ Q.  ; ... .. . . 321
smxs counwx TO nom: · cx: é0CR'1`.TQ.L..Q_ .;. 371_

`CROSS REFERENCES ·m».¤su1ar csurts; gee Tttlé=22. Fqmucxc Rm,u·mz·rs no Ixnacounén. { kwiurts of Terrjtotlés; see '1‘itIe·`4S, `TBRRITORIBSUAND Insunn P0s·. 1. S!}:~§%`¥{?N$. _ Z j I _ Z, — ‘_ ‘ U. A · · · evimiraal prowdum; s<;é` Put 2 ot Title .18, Cnxmzun Conn 4x¤‘ (`|H3UN.\L,'I‘it0§2!{}D'URE.. . · ; _ · _ _ ‘ _ ` ikwgrrmeét ot- Justice; sccbhaptcr 5 bt! Title 5, Exncmxvu Dx-

m;$·rg Asia Gmmnxuzxrr Orncuns Aim Emmbtnns. ·_ ‘

¤‘ui:e·d Sturm {;o;art_tor China; see '.l‘it1e‘ 22, Foxgzxcx Rzpnxoxs Arm I:»‘1‘Ri:L‘(»iJRSE. “_ • · 5 _ ' ' _ ‘ Part Y.-q—JUDICIAL CODE (`mnpier §.¢—-·DIS1'RlCT COURTS; ORGANIZATION. ` _1. Imtrict courts: judges; appnlintmeut and rgsfdeucé. _ - _ ’ 217`.·\ddIti0unl distriét judges for certain districts; vacancies.; rvqmepuce. _ 4 _· ’ `_ `

2;. "yiditiéxnral Juqgé for qigtrict of M·h;uesota·‘; residence; powersp ° v:x€m1é}’. · * · ” '

 imxrict judges: salaries. .

_¢;, a=!··rks of certain &:uurts;~ appointment. - ¤ T. Deputies and clerical assistants; ‘ . _ - -H. lmpxy clérks; removal.; qeuru ot plvrk; l`iubility t6x· defaults of deput§cs. G · · ' -9, {Tiers and bailids. ‘ _ · 1·•., Records; wheie kept. ' 11. Aiivriug terms. _ . _ , 32. ·Tria1;_¤ct discontinued by new telring _ · _ $21. ¢‘cmr1;•‘apcn arcourts of qdmimlti gud pquity.- M. Mantis}: adjournment; fdr tx·ial~o£.cx·imiual causes. 15, Spvcial terius. ‘ ‘ ·- . . ` 1*3. Adyaumment fp: nonattendancc of judge. · _ 17. Immbllity of judge'; accumulation at business: designation of an- _ other judge. · ‘ ‘ “ · .

 l’cm·<·:· of dpsignntcd jgudge. I

1:•. lzpqigmtton 5y Chief Justice. _ 20. Xmv umsointment and revocation. . ‘_

1. {resignation to_nld another Judge. · Q

22. Circuit judge designated to hold district coutt: powers. 2::. Same; duty cbdistrlct cr, circuit Judge. __ ~ . ·

4. Interest or ge!_at1lcmlg ip‘0f district judgb. · -

_ 23. Amdavit at personal bins or {)!'¢]Udi¢€`0t»jl{dK}3. 2*3.-fm1(inuance in case 'of vacancy ih QGii•0,` ‘ · . Y g2?. Districts with more thhu gmc judge; division of business.- _ Section 1. (Judicial ‘ section l, amended;) , District martin; judges; `appoiqgept and residence.-—-—-In. egch or the districts d·¤s;·ribqd in chapter 5 there shail be a.c0urt called u district court, for which them shall be appointed one judge, tb be qalled a dintyict judge, except that in the northern district Gt 'Cnlitomia, the southern district `oot Cglifomia, the northern. district at Illlxmis, district at Indiana, the *dis§rict_ of Minnesota, that Qistrlct at Ncpraska, the enstcru·district of New `Ymsk, the northern and s0ut!mm distrigits of Ohm, the distri;:t ct Oregon, the mater!} _¤ud wmtéru districts at Pennsylvania, the wwtcm district at Texas, and the wmtern district ot, Washington, there shailbc an addiyional dmtrict judge in each; in the district of New J crsey two pdditiongl district judges; ·m1d" in me southern dl8t1•ic1E‘ of New Xork three additiénnl distiict judges, {nd such othey udditionql district judges as have been . or maybeproyided for by law. There shali be one jqdgéfor the

xonn are ‘JUDiC‘IARY §§ 1-3 CODE AND. JUl)ICIARY{ r` ’ Fart 1.-J-Jvnréinx. conmigontjnued Chapter A i , sac, 11* JURIES ""'“"""""‘f’f’_"""';.?'*"'?.?'?{""‘i2‘¥?"""""*;""°""""""""?·"—"'~T*»"’?£1’~"Y'? ·~~1£.h~·~G¤NIn,i‘t;` iiiiovzsroxs .._ ... .. .. Q. 3; ,..,..._ ,_ ..,. 431 13, Rnrnatiso raov1sroNs.._..-,. .. ..-1  ;..,. ..._..., 441

 __ .1·•1·¢ 11.-i-THE Jnizrcrnnr ”

14,* Harms coarse-}, ‘ 1.. ... .L . 7 .. 1 .,-1 - 45*1 15.¤DlB'1*1uC'1" urronsars, nrasnrts, {census no ornsn cover ·_ ·orr¤e1ms, asn comnssroans 1 .. ,..- ser -16. Fans} cournnsnxos, asn xeeounre or orricrss 541 17. Evu>nnc¤--u..;-...-t. .. , {-,,1 ...,,. ;. .,., 631 18. 1’aoc1·:oon..--..,.t . ,1,,..;. .. 1-..;, .., Q ;...--,,_ 721 . l' I " < ! . ~ I . northern` and southernj districts of Mississippi. The district judge for the middle district of Alabama shall also be adistrict judge for the northern district thereof. Every district judge `shall reside in the district orzone of the districts for which he ‘ls- appointed, and for odending against this provision shall be. deemed guilty `of a high `misdemeanor. (R. S. §§· 552; Aug} 2, 1886, c. 842, 24 Stat, 213; Dec. 19, 1900, c. 3, 31 Stat. 726; Feb. 4, 1903, c. 402, 32.Stat.‘ 795; Feb. 9, 1903, c. 527,.32 sm:. sos; Apr. 1, 190=$§~5c. sm, as seal; 1w;. nar. a, moe, .c. 1418, 33 Stat. 987; .Mar. 3, 1905, c."1427, § 2, 33 Stat. 993;, May 26,1906,0. 2557f34 Stat. 202: Feb. 25, 1907, c._1189, 34 Stat. 928; Feb. 25, 1907, ‘c. 1198, 34`Stat, 931 ;._Feb. 27, 1907, ,e. 2073, ‘34= Stat, .997; Mar. 2, _1907,.c. 2575,034 Stat. 1253; Feb.

 1909, c. 215, 35 Stat. 656; Mar.'2, 1909, c. 242..35 Stat.i!B85:

lslarf.2, 1909, c. 243, 35 :Stat. 686; Feb. _2-1, 1910,`c. 56, 36 Stat. 201; Feb. 24, 1910, 0;*57, 36 Stat. 202; June %, 1910. c. 410. 36 Stat. 838; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, `§_1, 36-Stat. 1087 ; Jute 30, *1914,. c. 216; 38 Stat. 580; Mar. 3, {1915, c."`100, §§ 1,2, 38 `Stat. 961; ·Ap‘r. 11, 1.916, c.‘—64, §_ 1, ,39 Stat. 48: Feb. 26, 1917, c. -120, 39 Stat. $8; Sept'. 14, 1922,`c, 306, § 1, 42 Stat,837 ;‘ Jan. 16, 1925, c. 83, § 3,43 Stat. 752.) . - ‘ ·-.__ _ . 2. Additional district judges for. certain districts;. vacancies.—g—The1:e_sl1al1 be in addition to the judges provided for in the _ sections], 3, and 4, of this title, one judge of the district court ot the United States forthe northern judicial district ei the State of Texas ; one jndgeot the district court of the United States for · thejudiclal district-ot the State of North Dakota-; one of ·—the district court of the UnitedStates for the western district of Michigan. The said judges shall possess the same powers, perform thesame duties, and réceire the same compensation and allowances as th'e.»present judges of the respective districts. The judges appointed pursuant to this section for the judicial district of the State of North Dakota and for the western district of Michigan shall be held. and treated as the senior judges and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties in their respective judicial districts as may be incident to seniority. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in either the odlce-ot the district judge of the northern district ot Texas, or the district ot North Dakota by retirement, fuisquanmesmoa- orfdeath of the judge senior- in commission, such vacancy shall not be nlledd Upon the death, iresigxiation, or retirement ot the district judge holding omce on February 17,19%, for the svestern district ot -Mich’igan, they vacancy caused thereby shall not be _ nireux (ren. 26. ioio, c._50,_ gg 1,-‘2, 40 sm:. nest sums 25, 1921, lc. 29, §§ -1, 2, .42 Stat. 66,67; Feb. 17,1925, c. 254, §§ 1, 2, 43 Stata,949.) » · · . l . a ` 3. Same; residence.——'1There·shaIl· be in addition to the judges provided for in sections 1, 2, ‘and_4 of this title the following number. of district judges for the United States district courts in the districts specldedz ‘ 1 L `- `_ ‘· For the district of Massachusetts, two; for __the eastern district of New York, one; tor. the southerntdistrlct New York, , .- x