Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/882

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§ 41 _ TITLE 28.—·——JUDICIAL_ of auf intornal·revenuo tux alleged to have been erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or of any penalty claimed to have been collected. without authority or auy“ sum alleged ·to have been excessive or in any mamnér wrongfully ccllocled umler the interualymvenua laws even if the claim, exceeds $10.000,- if the collectoxj of internal revenue by whom such "tax, posmlty, or sum was colloctcdis dead or is hot liu office as collwcior of internal revenue at the time such sqit or proceodlng is vommoucegd. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as giving to either the district courts or the Court _ of Claims jurisdiction to hear and determine claims growing out ot the _Civil War, and commonly known as " war claims," or to hear and determine other claims which had been rejected or reported oxyadvcrsoly prior. to the 3d- day of March, 1887, by any court, department, or c0mmission.auth0rizcd to hear and determine the same, or to hear and determine claims for pensions; 01; iis giving to the district.c0urts jurisdiction ofcaseé brought to mmvor fees, salary, or compensatioxf for official - services of oxliccrs of the United Sthtes O1" br0uQgh`t; Rfor such purpose by persons claiming as such officers or as assigriees or_ legal; repgeséztativios thereof; but no suit »pem1mg”¤¤_;1»e 27th day of June, 1898, shhll abate or be aifocted by this provision. No suit against: the Government of the United States" shall be' allowed under this paragraph unless the same shall have been brought within six years after the fight accrued for which the- claim is inode. `Tmfclaims of married women, ilrst accrued during marriage. of persons under the age of twenty-onc_ years,. first accrued during minority, and ot ldiots, lpuatics, insane opersohs, and persons beyond the seas at the time the claim accrued, entitled to the claim, shall not bé barrodit thelsuit be brought within l;111*oe*dyo&z;s afftor the disability has ceased; buf no other disability than those enumerated shall prevopt any claim? from being b&l.’!'€d,'I1l>I' shall a§;1y of the ~said disahilitios operqte cum1alativelyQ All suits brought gud-"fried dude; the provisions ot this paragraph shall be tilfedby the·court without a jury. , (Mor. 3, .1887j c. 359, §§ 1, 2, 24 Stat. 505; June 27, 1898, c,

 § 1, 3<)’Smt. 494,; July 1, 1898, ·c.   § 3, 30 Stat. 649; Feb.

24}, 1900, c. 25; 31 Stat. 33; Mar. 3, 1911, c.·231, § 24,, bar. 20, 38 Stat. 1093; Nov. 23, 1921, c. 136,5 1310 (0), 42 Stat. 311; Juno 2, 1924, 4:01 p. m_., Té.'234, § 1025 (c), 213 Stat. 348; Feb. 24. 1925, c, 309, 43 Stat. 972; " , * _ ` (21) Suits for sml»au·)‘ul~i~aclos;¢re of ‘p14b`l·iollond.s.——Tw%y— mst. 0£{·procood1¤gs`·in"equity, b rit `ot linjunctlou, to é- stréin violhtioué of pho provi¤iox1 s lot the linited Stétes to prevent tho zmlamifuljxxcllosum of public lands; aixd it shall bo 8§m€i§2‘1iI to give the court jurisdiction` if seririoc of `origimnl process be had iq any civil px·oocedi:1g»ou api agent or employoo oaving chapgo or control of the inélosuto. "(Feb. 25, 1885,12. @149,} 2, % S-alt. 321} Ma;. 3, 1911, c..231, § 24, par. 21, 36 Siat; 19%.)* · `— · · » {%)_8¤1¢s‘ mzdor immlgriltion mid contract favor laws.-—— Twouwwocogd O! oil suité and probeodings qrisixig under any law regulating the immigrstioooi dllens, or undo; the cmztract labor mm, (Mar. 3, 1911, c.' 231, § 24:. par. 22, 36 Stat. 1093.) {wl Suda against tmsga, mouopolloa, and unlawful oomb£vm;io».s.—·;-Tvg#euty~t_;bird. Qt all .-suits and proceedings arising smdér any law to protect trade gud commemé agdlustgrostmiuts and monopolies. (Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, 5,24, par. _%, 36 Stgt. 1093;) · J j · —‘ ·` . (24) Quit: concerning ailotmosjatls of umd to Indians;. do orcca; ¤»ps~ca1.—-Twc¤t;··fougth.,Ot all notions, mlm, or pro- . ooodlugs izsvolwlag the right ot any person, in ywholo og in part oi Indian him or dc&t,A to any allotmogat of land under me lnwwor umu. - · r ' Asad the judgmut or décme oi my such court in favor of

 ma? claimsmt to so ·a.l1ot mou€; of land shall have- the same

elfoot, when properly cortmcd to the Seorotary ot the ,IDl§€1'l0l.‘, ps it ouch allqtmout had been allowed and approved by him`;

CODE ANU JUDICFIARY $(1}:; but this provision shell not apply to any lands held on ,,,. before December 21, 1911,'by`eitl1e1·“ ot the Five Lfivilizmg e Tribes, the Osage Nation of Indiansz, nor to any of the leeee _withln the Quapnw Indian Agency. The right of appeal xlmii be allowed to either party as fil other cases. (Mer. 3, 1911, ¤·_ 231, § 24, par. 24, 36 Stat:. 1094; Dec. 21, 1911, c. 5, 37 Sm. p. 46.) _ v · (25) Partition suits where United States is joint temmt,- ’1‘wjenty-fifth.·Of suits in equity brought by any tenant in eem. mon or joint tenant for the partition of lends in cases. where the United Stateé is onejof such tenants in cemnen orljeim ceuzmts, such shits to be bronglxt in the district in 'wlllifll ¤<u··h land is situnte. - (May 17, 1898, c.- 339, § 1, 30 Stat. 416; Dim-. 3, 1911; c. .231, § 24, par., 25, 36 Stat. 1094.) 4 · (26). Original jzzriediction of bills of intcrplcedcr by in,rw·· jance companies; hearing; injzmctéoni: orders and dce:;¢·e»_-.- Twenty~sixth. Of snits in equity begun by bills of interpleeden t duly jverifled, tiled by any insurance; company or. essucintionex fraternal or beneileiel s0ciety,’and ayerring'· that one or more persons viiho are bone tide claimants against-such eenxpnny, qgsigicintion, or society resides. or reside within the territeriel {jurisdiction of said court; that such company, association, er' society hes issued a_p0llcy bt insurance or certitirete `of mem, t 'bership providing for thepayment of $500 or more as insur- _‘ ance, indemnity, or heneilts_.t0. a benetlcinry, beneticlariee, er a the heirs, next of kin, legal representatives, or nselgneeof the 1 Y person insured or member; that two or more adverse claim antshcitizens of diderent States,_ax;e claiming to be enmrleel ln _ Suche-insurance, indemnity, or benehtsrthat snch cemgmmy. 1 association, or society lms paid the amount. thereof info the registry of the court,._there to abide thejndgtnent of the cenrt.

· In ell such ceses it -the policy er certldente is drawn {mylable nfld; the estate of the insured end hes not been assigned

in accordance with the terms of the policy or certihcnte the district court of the district of the residence ct the personal representative of the insured shnll.hnve- jurisdiction of snch`s1iit.~ In case the policy er certitlcnte has been esslgned duri-ng the life of the insured in. accordance `with the terms of the policy lor certificate; the district court er the district et the residence of the assignee or oi; his personal representative shall have jurledlction. ; In cnee the policy orjcertitlcete is drawn payable to aq beneficiary or benetlclnries and there has . been nd _‘such_ assignment ns nforereid the jurisdiction shall 'be in the district court of the district in which the benedcinry or beneficiaries or their personal `\`§`repre—sentntlves resdde. In case there nre henetlcieries resident in more districts then one, then jurisdiction shell he in the district conrt ln any district ‘ in which a `-beneficiary or the personal rep·resentativ`e of 2 deceased beueHcie·ry_ ®ldes. . - ‘ · Seld court shall hear nndj determine the cause and ehnll · discharge the complainant from further `llehllityj; and renal! make`- the lnjnnctlén . permanent end. enter` all such other orders and decrees. es may he enlteble and proper, sndlesne · all such customary write as may he neceeenry or convenient te cnrry cut and enferce the eexne. (Feb. 22, 1917, c. 113, 39 Stat. 929; Feb. 25, 1925, c. 317, §§· 1~3, 43 Stat. 9¥6.)" - _

 »(27#) E·nfereernen`t of `ordera of Ingerstete Ceann:-es·ee_Cens4~

.mi~s¢ien.—-—·-Twenty-seventh. Of all" cases Jer the enforcement. otherwise than by ed,l¤dlcatlen· end cellectlep of e forfeiture cr penalty or. by innlctton of criminal pnniehnnent, of any order ot- the. Interstate Commerce Conimleeien other than for the peyrnent of money. ~-(June 18, 1310, c. M9, 9 1, 36’Stat.

 Mer. 3, 1911,·c. 231, 5 207, 36 Stet. 114STUct¤~22, 1913, ,

_e, 32 em. 219.) c ‘ t . _ _ (@) _SetHe•g aside erder of Interstate C‘emmerce-€0mmiesims.,-———-Tw‘enty-eighth, Of céees brought: to enjoin, set aside, nnnnl, or suspend inwhole erin `perteny order of the Interg stnte Ceznmerce Commiulcm. (June 18, IMO, c. 309. {1, 36