Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/891

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S·;·y· . · TITLE‘28.—·iJUD{UIAL( ` ig, me counties of Blount, Jefferson; and Shelby, whlch shall ,-.,.;»»ti:zzte the. southern division of said _ district; also the ,,,1,-5;.u-y embraced on the date loot mentioned in the countloo ,·.;· walker; Winston, Marion, Fayette,. and Lamar, which shall { Pomitute the Jasper division of said district.; 'also theteerri- ·h·§_r omhrnoed on the date last mentioned in ».the* counties of or agllullll, Clay, Cleburne, and Talladega, which shall consti; {MEV me eastern diYision¥yof_ seid district; also the territory . m,J·ro<·rwl ··on the date ,1nst mentioned in the counties of

_z2.§»_ Greene, I’i<;§ens,` Sumter; and Tuscaloosa, which shall,

,.__,¤;itnte the western divisionfof said district. Terms of the ,-xg xrict mart- for the northeastern division shall be held at liomwille on the tiret Tuesdar in April and the second Tues- {1;;;.- in} October; forgthe northwestern division, at Florence. on me second Tuesday in February and the third Tuesday iu. —to-;.,1»t·¤+;·1’roz¢~idc<l,—`That suitable rooms and accommodations we- holding court ut Florence shall be furnished freenof exg

,·;N·_to the Governmentj for the middle division, at Gadsden on

sho tirst Tuesdays ha February and A1igust;,Pr0vided,‘ That ouimhlo roomé and accommodations for holdlng·court'at Gads-- rl··;; shall be furnished free ofoxpense to the Governmenti for ma southern division, at Birxilingham on thehrst Mondayo in. }•I:Ql'C3l audi September, which oourte shall remain in segeiouj for the trnnsiaction of business at least six months in #edch V Volontlar yenr‘;‘for the Jasper division, at Jasper on thesecond

  • z‘{¤·<¤l,nys iH'J&!ll{H!'Y`8l1d JnnefY.Pi·ovidgQ, That snitableroome

mgd accommodations for holding court- sat Jasper Shall he l émnished free of erpoliee to the Governmentjfor the eastern ·1ivisi¢.n,_at Anniston on the hrst Mondays in May and Novemmr: and for the western .divi;<ion,.`at;Tuscaloo$a on the ilrst 'imoselnys in January and June; ·The elerk of the court for one northern district shall 'maintain an omce; in charge not lginwolilor a deputy, at Annistonrtat Flore11cc,_at Jasper, and or Gotlezdon, which shall be {kept ‘_"open* at allotirnes for the lmnsaotiona of the husiness.,of· Said .coui•t.. The district guage for the Qnoxjthern district shell reside at Birmingham. The middle district Shall inclndéthe territory»embra§ed on thelsti d:¤y.o.£.July, 1910, in the counties ofAutauga, Barbour, Bullock, Izutlor, Chilton, Coosa, Covington, Crenshaw, Elmo e, Lotvndes; ‘.1\l·mt;·,·ornery, kan:} _· Pike, which ·_ shall conetitutef tim, northern dirision ot sold rlistrlct;°o.leo the territory embrdced on the date lost mentioned in the counties of Cokee,. Dale, Geneva, _Henry, and Houston, which shall constitute the southern·divlsion" pf sglid district; also the territory embraced on the date last mentioned. in the counties ot Chambers, Lee, Macon, Randolph. Russell, =and jllallapooea, which ehall constitute the eastern zlirisfon of said- middle jtidicial district. Terms of the district oourt for the northern division shall be held at Montgomery ontho Bret fijnesdays in May and·Dece1nber; for the southern dl-_ virion, etlbothnn on the Bret Mondays iniune `and December; ‘ and for the eastern division, at Opelika on the Bret Mondays in April and November.? ,,Snitahle~ rooms and accommodation! . for holding court: at Opelika ·,ehall. be tarnished treeot expense to the_G0ve1inmént. The ·clerk_ ot the oourt for the middle district shall maintain an o§ee in charge ot himself or at de n ty ot Dothan, and shall maintain an o$€é in charge of higeli or a_ deputy at Qpelika, which- said oficese it Dothan! and O;¤}li1& shalt he kept open at elf times for the transaction of the bueinmo of ea,i<hg,divisiono. The southern district shall _ inolode the territory ehhraced on,_t,he 1et day otifxrly, 1910. in. the counties ot Baldwin, Choctaw, Clarke, Eocambia, Mobile, Monroe, md wqsnmgton, which shell constitute the southern olvlelou of said district; 'nlno the ·terx*itor3* wembrneed in the date last mentioned in the counties ot Dallas, Hale, Marengo, Perry, and Wilcox, which shall oohetitoto the north-· t om division of mid Termb of the district court for the southern dirision shall be held at Mohile on the fourth Mondays l¤`May and Noremher ;‘ and for the northern dlvieton,

201112 AND JUDIOIARY § 144 "at Selma on the second Mondays in January and July: (R. S. § 532{Mar." 3, 1911, ‘c. 231, § 70, 36 Stat. 1105; Feb. 28, 1913, c. S9, 37 Stat. 698; June 27, 1922, cz 247, 42 Stat. 667.) ‘ .:143. Arizona.·—·»The State of Arizona shall constitute one jndiclal district, to be known as the district of Arizona. Terms , of the district court shall be held in Tucson on the first Mon- Qdays in May and November; at Phoenix on the Bret Mondays ‘ _in April and October; at Prescott; onnle Brat Mondays in l March, and September; and at Globe on the first Mondays in

 June and .Decembe1·. Causes, civil and criminal, may be trans!  
 ferred by ,the court or judge thereof frorn any of the aforesaid l

l places Where conrtf shall be held in saidvdistrict to any of the

 places herein above mentioned in said district when the con-

, venience of. the parties or the ends ofjustice would be promoted lby the transfer; and any interlocutory order may be mode by the court or jndgethereof in any of the herein above mentioned places. The clerk shall keep his omce in the capital of che

·State. (Jnne 20, 1910, c_. 310, § 31, 36 Stat, 576;   3, 1913,

lc. 17,·§§ 1, 2, 38 Stab 203.) _ ~ _ ·L _ ‘ _ . Q 'I44. (Jndicial Code, section 71, amended.), Arkansas.-—(a)· RTIIG State of Arkansas is dividedfiito two district;s,_to be known - Y as the western and eastern districts ot Arkansas. .

 -(b) The western district} shall include four divisions conlstltured as follows :' ,The Texarkana  division, which nhnll
 include (he" territory embrocedlon July 1, 1920,*in the counties-
 of ‘Sevier,_Howard, Little RiYeP,·Pike, Hempstead, Miller, Lay
 fayette, and Nevada; the El Dorado division, which shall
 include the territory embraced on such date in `the counties
 of Columbia, Ouachita, Union, and Calhoun; the Fort Smith -
 diwfision, which shall include the territory embraced on such

l datein. the counties of Polk, Scott, Logan, Sebastian, Franklin,

°Grawfor<l, Washington, Benton, and Johnson; audfhe Harrison. `
 division, which shall include the territory embraced _0H”Sl1€hr
 alatoinl the counties of Baxter, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion,

,Newton,`and Searcy._ . ‘ *‘ _ '_ · — ‘

 A ‘(c") Terms of the district court for the Texarkanéirdivision

l shall be held at Texarkana on the second Mondays in May i and November; ·fo1l_`fI1é El Dorado; division, at Bl. Dorado on the.·fourt,l1 Mondays in Jannary and June} for §heY ljort Smith W divisibn, at Fort Smith on the second Mondays in January j and June; and for the Harrison division, at Harrison on the { second Mondays in April and October, _ `

 . ,(d) The clerk of EhG C0l1.I"C· for. the western district shall
 méinfain 8,5. office in charge ot_himselt· or a_ deggnty at `Texar- '

i kana, Fort Smith, El Dorado, and Idarrisou. —Sn ~·h omcos shall'

 be kept open- at all times for che transaction of the bue_iness

§ oftl1e,court._ .·‘ * . l . ‘ _ ~ _ if (Te) Thei eastern ‘dist,rict, shall include fonr divisions con-

 stituted as follows: _The eaStery€division,· which shall include
 the terrlgory embraced on July 1, 1920, inc the counties of Desho,

{Lee, Phl/llips, Saintf Francis, Cross, Monroe, and Woodrnd : the E northern division, which shall include the territory ennl>r:u·e<l don ehhfdate in the counties of Independence, 'C}€`l)llI`IlC» Stone, . k Ikard, _Shar·b, and Jackson ;·tl;1e Jonesboro division, which shall i include the territory embraced on soon" date ln the oouuiies lot Crittenden, Clay, Graigheadg Greene,. Mississippi,Toineett, [Fulton, Randolph, and Lawrence; and `the western division,. which shall include the territory enibraced on sinch klntoo in g the counties of Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Clark`,·<‘lovcland, Conway,·Dallae,, Drew; Faulkner, Garland, Grant, llot; ,Sp1;ings, Jefferson, Lincoln, Lonoke, Monigomery, Perry, Pope, Prairle, Pulaski, Spline, Van Buren, White, and Yell. ‘ ;;

  • A _(‘f) Terms of the district court for the eastern-_ dlvieion shall

be held or Helena on the second Monday .iniMnrch andthe Bret Monday in_ October; for the northern division at Barosvillo on ;;he`fourth Monday gin May and the second Monday December; for the Jonesboro division, at Jonesboro on the dnt Monday `ln May and the fOl.ll‘·U1_ Monday in _Novem,ber;'