Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/895

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Sgl A TITLE 28.·—jJ§DICIA’L < the eoeoml :';l‘m—sday ia" January aatl theelxth f1‘uesday· after. C the third Tlxestlay. in September; and ,___for the Ottuaxwa division, at Ottu;1,1w;; oa the first Tuesday after the aeeoml Tuesday do lilsmzzary and the third, Tuesday, ix1_September. » _ E . . 'fl;e elerk of theeeourt for said distriete shall maintain arr " ooa·e in merge of himself ora tle;;mty‘at Davenport and at tsmowsaifor the traaeaetioa of the business of said_di·visi0x1s. ali, 55%*; Mar. 3, 191‘1,_e. 231, § S1, 36 Stat. 1111*; Mar. 3, lesf;. e. 322, 3]*- Stat._734;,Feb. 23, 1916, c. 32, 39_ Stat. _-12; i agen 27, 1916, e. 9D, 39 Stat. 55; Mar. 4, 1923, c. .256, 42 Stat, 3%;:; Ja:1.`2S, 1925, c. 10-1, 43`Stat. 794.) , ‘ ‘ _ i5?. (Judicial Cme, eectioa 82,`aa1emled.) _Kansas.+-The" Saaie of Kansas shall constitute one judicial di$triet,`to Ire; l—:ooxrn as the district of Kansas. " ,-It is divided ·int0 three {};:.;isio11e~, te be knoiynl as the first, Qeecohd, and third divisions ofrtlse district or Kansas., The ilrst division ehall inclttde the Territory eanbraeed on the lst dayjof _July, il910,_ln the e0unties_ of Atelaisoe, ‘Brow12, Chase, Ch0}’.€‘!lIlQ,· Clay, Cloud, Deéatur, · }¥§t·l<lasoo,·'Doniphan, Douglas, Ellis, Franklin, Geary, Gove, (;l'illl`Slli,, Jackson, Jefferson, .Jewell,_ Johnson, _·Leavenw0rtb, },i*m·elo, Logari, Lyon, Marlon, Max·ehall,` Mitehell, Mo;¥i·is,`_ ymggalle, Norton, Osage, Osbome, Gttaxya, Phillip$,·P0tt,aw·ato-P mite, kawlixxe, Republic, Riley, Hooks, Russell, Saline, ·-Shawnee, Sixeriklaa, Sherman,. Smith, Thomas, Trego,‘Wabauns§ee, Wah lat-o, _Washia§ton, and Wyandotte, ·'l‘l1e,éec0ad division shall im-lmie the territoryVe1abra¢ed on `the date last mentioned i1f_ me roimties of Barber;=Barto1;, Butler, Clark, ·C·0manel1e, Cow- —1o3.·, Edsvarhe, Ellsworth, ·Fim1ey, Forgl, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Harper, Harvey,. Hogigeman, Haskell, Kingman, lfioe·2:,.§{earny, Lime, MePl1ers0n,_ Morton, Meade, Ness, P~x•att,_ Pawnee, Reaohlliee, Rush, Scott, Sedgwick, Stafford, Stevens, Seward, Summer, Stanton, and Wichita,. The third division shalbieclude the territory embraced on the said date last meiniioxxed in the counties. o£_ Allen, A_nders0n,».Bou_;rbou, Cherokee, iioffey, Chautauqua, Craswford, Elk, Greenwood, Labette, Linn, Miami, Moatgougery, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodeon. Terms,j._ of the tllstriet court fer the first glivision shall beheld at Leavetv rvortlz on the second Monday in Oetober;,`at Topeka on the seeontll Monday 1a;·~.p_t·u; at Kansas Clty cm the second Mon- _ day ia’b3auua_ry· and the tlrst Monday ln October {and at Salina oo the aeeoml Moatlay in_’May; terms of the district <;0urt_for the eeeeed dlvlsion shall be held at Wichita oxrthe second Mon-— i éayela Mart.·h‘ and Septemberyand for the third di~visi<-m, at, Fort $0%; tm tbe'§ret·Monday in May and` the secondjionday ia November; The elerk of the district court shall appoint three deputies, ture of whom shall reside and kee;} his office, at Fort Scott, one at Wichita,-_.and tlxe other at Salina, and the l";3&fSl1&l‘S]l&ll·&]}i}ClDC a deputyiwho shall reside and keep. ble oiliee at Fort Scottlaml the marshal shall alao appointa deputy,·wl1o shall reside and keep his omce at Kansas City: (R. § 531:.M;ar;_ 3, 1911, c; 231, § 82, 36 Stat, 1112§ Sept;.6,· 19l6,·e. 447, 39 Stat. 725.) l “C . ·‘ ` 158. (Jadicial_,Codé, section 83, amended;) Kentucky.-»-’¥I`he State ot Kentucky is divided lntcrtwo districts, toybel known aa the eastern aml‘e‘eatem diatriets of Keutrxcky, The eaetem. dietriet Shall jeelucle the territory embraced oathe latday of July, IQG, in theeountlea of4Carrol1, Trimble, Henry, Shelby,

 Audereoa, Mercer, Boyle, Gallat;ix1,,Boone, Keaton, Campbell,

Peadletoe, Grant, Owen, Fraultlin, Bearbea, Seott, Woodford, _Fayette,_ Jeaaamlae, Gerrard, Madison, Lmeola, Roekeastle, ‘ Pulaski, Wayne, Whitley, Bell, Knox, Harlan, ·La·urel, Clay, Leslie, Leteber, Perry, Owaley, Jackson, Eetill, Lee, Breathitt, Knott, Ply, Floyd, MagoHie,_Martia, Jolmeoe, Lawrence, Boyd, Greeaep, Carter, Elllott, Morganrwelfe, Powell, Menifee, Clark, Montgomery, Bath, Bowan, Lewis, Flemi11g,_Maeoa, Bracken, Robertson, :Nicl10las, and Iiarrlsen, "wrlth the vtfatere thereof. Regular terms of the District Court of the United States fer ___ 86270*-—-28-·-—-58 ‘ ‘ l` W

EJODE Ayn .1111110mRY ~ }· » § 159 ithe Eastern Dlstrzlet of Kentuc·k·y shalbbe hold at the follow-

 ing `tlmes and plaees, namely: ‘ _ E ‘ir’j.;i"A
 At Jackson: lieiginnlng km the llz·st_.Moneilay in Martell and the

i third Monday in September 'in eaeh 'year. . K

· At ,Fra.nkfoi·t
Beginning on the; second Monday in Marsh

| and the fourth_ Monday in September in each year. - _ { At Covington: Beginning- on the first Monday. in April and

 the third Monday in October ineach year. 4 _ M E,
 ·At Richmonil: Beginning one the fourth Mongjay in April and
 the second Monday in Novemlxer in eaehyear, · .  
 ,- Af_L0ndon"i; Beginning on the second Monday in May and the

Q_foui·th' Monday in November in each year., _ 1 At ,Catlettsburg:" Beginning on the fourth 1Mon<1ay‘jin May, and thesecond Monday in December in each year. ~ Q ‘ _ `At Lexington: Beginning on the second Monday in Jazmnry and the second Monday ln June in each year: Provided, That suitable rooms and accommodations for holding court at Issington shall be furnished, without expense to the United States., Xml at such other times and places as may hereafter be provided by laws __ . ‘ `§· _ J' , -·\T'116‘rc-[GBR ofgthe courtfor the eastern district of Kentaeky shall maintain an’oi1ice·in charge · himself, a deputy, or a. clerical assistant, at e:1ch~0f the pl% of holding court within _ saidldistriet. . _ —“ ·· - n The western district shalllnelnde the territory embrabeel on the 1st day of July, 1010, in the counties of Oldham, Jefferson, Spenéer, Bullitt, Nelson, Washington, Marion, Larae,·‘1`ay· l lor,. Casey, Green, 'Adair, Russell, Clinton, Cumberland. Monroe, .Me'tcalfe,·Allen-, Barren, Simpson, Logan, \Varren,_Bntler, Hart, ·Edmon_s0n,_ _Grayson,_ Hardin, -Meade,_· ‘Bi·eekinrielge, lH'an<*oek, ·Da%•iess, Ohio, McLean, Mulllenberg, Todd, Christian, Trigg, 1 Lyon, Caldwell, _ Livingston,__”Crittenden,` Hopkins, Webster, jllenderson, Union, Marshall, Galloway, McCracken, Grayres, Ballard, `Carlisle, Hickman, and Fulton, with the Jvaters rnereor, . 0 _ ‘~ ·· `. . - - ` Terms of the district courtetor the western.district_ shalt be held at Louisville on the seéond Mondays in·Mareh and Gotober; at Owensboro on the.tlrst Monday in May and the fonrth Monday in November; .-at Paducah gn the third Mondays in April and November; ancluat Bowling Green on the third Men- ‘ day in May antlithe second Monday in December. ‘ . ~ ' The clerk for. the western district shall maintain an office in ‘el;arge of hinxselfor a Vtleptity at Louisville, at Owensboro, at Paducah, and`at Bowling Green,'ea@§ of which oi}*ices` shall be keptbpen at all times-for the transaction of the businessof said court; ‘ J M · — · 0 · _ . The clerks of the courts for the eastern and_ western districts, apos issuing ~original·»proeess in a eieil_`aeti•,m.. shall make it returnable to the court nearest to the county of me residence of the defendant, or- of that defendant vélzese county is-nearest to a eonrt, and shall, jnxmediately upon papa ment by- the°plalntiE` of- his fees aeci·ue<l,* send the papers . filed to the clerkef the court to \VhiC}l the process is rnade returnable; and whenever thelproeess is not thas made return? able, any ldefendantjgnay, upon motion, on or before tlie calling ofltlxecause, have it transferred to_ the eonrt to which it should haveheen sent hagl the clerk known the residence of thede;-= fenqlant when the action 'was brought. (Feb. 12, 1901, e. 355, § 2, 31. Stat. 781; Mar. 3,01911, c. 231, §TS3, 36 Stat. 1112; Jan. 2%, 1920, c157,·41 Stat."400) `- ‘ e _ · ‘ ·_ ~ ` 159. (Judieial Code, section 84.) Louisiana.————Tl1e State of Louisiana -is divltledinto two judicial districts, to be knovm as the eastern and westernFdistricts of Louisiana. The eastern distrietslxall include the territory embraced on the 1st day of __ July, 1910, in the parishes of Assumption, Iberia, .1effers<>n. Lafouréhe, Orleans, Plaquemines, Saiht Bernard, Saint Charles, Saint James, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Mary, Saint Tamé ·/ ‘*h¤·