Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/920

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§ *342 l •' TITLE 28;-J_UDIOI4L tics or domestic servants, as a” court oi law can have consistemily with the law ot nations; ahd origiaal, but not exclusive, jurisdiction; of all suits brought Hy ambas`sadors, or other public ministers; or in which aconsul or vice consul is a party. (·R; S. ·§‘ 687; Mar. 3; 1911, c. 231, § 238, 36 Stat. 1156.) 342. (Judicial e, section 234.) Prohibition and mandahms.——The Sim e Court cshall have power to issue writs of prohibition to th district courts, when proceeding as courts of aelxnniralty an `maritime jurisdiction; and `wrlts of mandamus, in_ cases warranted by the principles audusages of law, to any courts appointed under the authority of the United Siato§.~or_t0 persons holding office under the authority of the rUuitc<l States, where a State, or ari °axpbassador,' or other fmblic minister, or a consul, or vice consul is a party. 1(R. S.

  • § 688; Mall'.-3,-1911, c. 231, § 234, 36 Stat. 1156.)

343. (Judicial Codc,_secti0xi 235.) Issues of faot.-;The trial _ of issues of fact lu the Supreme Court, in all actions at law against citizens of the United States, shall be by jury_.·' (R. S. § Mar.`3,‘1911,-c. 231,_§ 235, 36 Stat. 1156.)- _ . · _

 344. (Judicial (Bode, seotioh 237, Qanieuded.) Appellate juriediction of/deorées of State courts; certiorari}-—(a)..A final

judgment or- decree in any suit in the highcstcourt of a {tate ir: which a decision in the suit could be had, €vl1ere· is drawn in quostiop the validity of a trcatyor statute of.thé Urritod States, and the Ae<;·iéion_ is against its `validttyj- or where is drawn, in 'qéestiou the validity of a statute of any- State,` onthe ground of its boingre ugi1ant_to_the Constitution, treaties, or.1aws·qf“tho a United sm‘iFes, arid the decisionis in favor of its Yalidity; may be reviewed by the _—Supreme Court upon a writ of error. The · writ shall have thesameeffect as if the judgment or decree had hoczi rcnderedgor passed in a court of the United States. The Supreme Court may reverse, modify; or affirm Qapfjlndgment or decree or such State court, ahd may, ~iu its discretion, avrard execution or- remand the cause tojthe court from which it was removed by. the writ. ‘ - ‘ __ , ‘ { _ ‘ (b) It shall be competent for the Supreme Codrt, by certiorari. torequire that there be certiiied to it for review and de- ·te·rmix;ation, withthe same power,a1id·auth0rity and with like effect as if broinght, upby writ of error, arxy cause wherein a final judgment or decree has beemrondcred or passed by the highest court ofa State inwhich a decision could beyhad where is drawn in questio¤_`the`va1idity ot av treaty or statute of the United States; or where is drawn in question the validity of a statute of any State on the ground of·it.s being PGDJKDRIIC to the Constitution; treaties, or laws ot the United States;. or where ani title, right, privilege, or immunity Tiaapectally set up or claimedfbg either party under the Constitution, or any treaty _ or statute of, or commission. held or authority egerclsed under, the United States; and the power to review under this paragraph may bé_ exercised na yvellawhere the Federal claim is suataiued asivtlere it‘ia deuied.~ Nothing in this paragraph shall be constrged to limit or detract from the rlghtto a review oira _ writ otherror lu a case where socba right is conferred by the preceding paragraph; hor ahalltlle fact that a review on a writ ` of error might be obtained under the preceding paragraph be an obstacle to. granting a` review on certiorari under this parag graph. _ ., “ ‘ / ‘ l` _ ' ' (c) It a writ otherror be improvidautly aouglrt and allowed under this section in a case where the proper mode of invoking a review is_by a petition for certiorari, the aloha shall not be 1 ground for dlamiml ;_ but the papers whereon the grit otherror .wae allowed shall be rwairded and actéd on ai n petitioaf tor certiorari and as if duly presented to the Supreme Court at the time they were presented to the court or judge by whom tht writ of error was allowed: Rrovidod, That {where iufmch a cud there agmmrs to be no reasonable ground for uantim A `mtitiou tor certiorari it shall be competent for the Supreme to adjudge to the respondent `r able for bla delay,

CODE AND JUDIOIARY ${36 and single or double costs, as provldedliu seclilon 878 of ams title. (K S. §§ 690, 709;¢Mar. 3, 1911. c. 231, $5 236, 237, gg } Stat:'1156 ; Dec. 23, 1914, c. 2,`38sSta't. 790; Sept. 6, 1916, c. 44%, { 2, 39`Stat/126; Feb. 17, :1922, c. 54, 42 Stat. 366; Feb. 13, 1223, c. 229, »§ 1, 43 Slat. 93f!.)__ l l _ _ - 345. (Judicidl Code, section 238, amended.) —.Appellat; Miuris; diction from deerees of United States district courts.-·A dirm _· review by the’Supreme Court of an interlocutory or ilnsl judg- . menb or decree of a district court may be had where it is su provided in the following sections and not otherwise: ` (1).* Section 29xBt Title 15. » · '

 (2) Section 682 sci Title 18, where the decision of the dis-

‘ ufiét court is adverse to theYUnited States. ‘ /(3) `Sectiou`380 of this tiple. " _ . . (4) So muchet section 47 of this title as relates to s1jg` review of interlocutory. and final judgments and decrees in suits to enforce, suspend, or set aside orders of the llntersmw ` Commerce Cbnnnmlssiep other than for the payment of mexsw. (5) Section 217 _0t‘ _Tit.le *7. (_M;r1 3, 1891, c. 517,5 5_ 26 Stat. 827; Jam. 20, 1897, c.~ 68, 29 Stat. 492; Apr. .12; lgmgn, ” c.-191, § 35, 31 Stat. 85; Apr. 30, 1900, c. 339, § 86,-31 Sm:. _158; Maz. 3, 1909, c. 269, § 1, 35 Spent; 838; Mat. .3, 1911, e. 231, §§ 238] 244, 36‘”»_Stat. 1157; Jan. 28, 1915, c.·22, § 2, 38 -Stet.b 804; Feb.-13,‘ 1925, cQ_229, § 1.,} 43~Stet. 938.) F, -34% (Judicial C0§e,l section 239, amended.) Certihcates of ‘ questions by eircuit courts of appeals and of Appeals of `Dist;·ict· of Columbia.?-In huy case, civil_\or crtminsl, in e ein l cult court of appeals, Oli in -the;Q0urt 6{ Appeals of tl;elDis· . trict _0f Columbia, the court al; any time may certify to the ~ Supreme Court of the United.States any quwtionsi or -gmipu-` sitions .0f law concerning which instlfuctions are, des1red_ for _tlle pgoper dvéisiem of the cause; and thereupon the Supreme Court may either give binding instructions {Em lhe questions and propositions Certified er may x:equire°thst the entire gemnl Tn tllé cause be sent up for its ccnsidéiatiqn, end' thereupon i shall decide the xvlmle matter in c0¤ltr0versy in the same s manpetes if it had heenlbrought there by writ of, error or l sippeul. (Mar. 3, 1891,1:. 517; § 6, 26 Stst; 828} Mer. 3, 19H,_ _c·. 231,·=§ 23;), 36 Stat, 1157 ;` {Feb. 13,1925, of 229, § 1, Q3 Stat. l 347. (Judicial Code; section 240,- imgmled.) Certienzi tel

 eilfgzuit ceurts‘0,f»appe•lS and Ceurt of Appelb of District of s
 `Cohuinbiq; appealor write of error te Supreme Geert fran cig-

. ‘cuite.coun‘ts/ of appeals in eertdin eases; other reyiews mt » tllowed.-—-(:1) In__ax;ay chse, civil or criminelpiu s circuii coqyt » of appeals, or in the Cburt of Appeals of the District of Cqlmm· · bla, it shall be competent for the Supreme.C0urt etjhe United` , States, upon the petition et.- snyjierty thereto, whether Gus- . l ernment or other litigsnt, to require by certiorari, either before . or aftei a juglgmeut ep decree by such lower ceqrt, that the K caum be certiheél to the_§epreme‘Court fer determination py it . with the ssqe jbwer authority, endelth like e&eet;` as if· » thee cause had been brbuéhtlthere by -m;x·estricted·w:·it otherrer —

c1·¤ppeel. _`* · ji `

l, »(b) Ahy case in a circuit céurt at npwnls whe;re`is`drawu in ·‘ question` the validity ot e statute ot any State, an the ground of its being repugnant ge the Constitutiem} treaties, er laws of L the United Shstes, and the decisllpn is»eg_sixist· its validity, may.

_ .st theselectien et the party relying. on such- Stste statute, be 1

I takexg t0_ the Shpreme Court for review. im writ bf ertor cx P appeal'; but in ul§tLé{8Elt is reyiew es certiorari shall not be · alleww at nthe instance eg stick party, and the reyiew on such a writ oferror erhppuk shell be restricted to hn exsmlnetlcm » und clecisien et t§e’Fede1jsl questions granted ins the ease; ` e T " (c») No judgment ox; decree qt g eircnlt court et. appeals gr n ot the Courfw et Appeals of the District at Columbie.,‘shal1` be » sutfject to, review by the Sup:·eme~Courtlotherwls3eVthisx1_as’pr0·» , vided -i¤ this 'segiion. (Mars.}, 1891, c.` 517, I 26`QStat. 828;