Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/926

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§ 413 _, [ TITLE 28.e-JQDICIAL ( hid 1ug that to which the clerk; or a duly qualiued deputy- clark than uctiug, may belong, thu clerk, ur u duly www depuw clerk, aud said <.u@i@iu;¤m· web tu` plum msu mm 111* mid bu aiteruatéy, without raf¤·e¤ce to party i§li•ti0us until the whole number mduimd $111111 be placed therein. (Ju® 30, 18%,}:. 52. $2. 21 StatQ’R3; Har. 3; 1911, Q2 Rlfi 276, 36 Sta1;.111B4; Feb. 3, 1917, u. 27, w Smt; 873.) ` K 413. (Judicial Code} mcticu 27*7.) Sami; ·app0rti<m&· iu dis,h·ict.··-—Jumm~ éhali bed returned fromfsuch pam ct the district, {rum Qme to time, as tha. shall direct, so as to be' must fnvoxable to au impa:·t1a~1__ trial, hud so us nut to incur an" uuu u·y expense, or uuduly- burden the citizens ct may p rc uf the district with such zuérviccy x(R. S._ §, 802;_Ma1·. 3,_ "19q1Q c. %1,{2?7, 36_Stut. 1164.) . _.-` . . { _

 414, Same; grgnd im petit juries in Indiaua,·—·A judge ot

the District Court for the 'Distgiét of Iudiuna may,111 his dig? cmetiuu, mus;} jurors to be Jsummouéd for a petit jury in crimil 1 ual cases, from thu division lu whiéhjhe cause is t0_be tried or fmm an adjoining diivisiun, had cause j\11'Q1'8 for u grand jury tu be su@u¤ed from such parts of the district as hc shall frcxé-· timé to time direct. A;§1‘8¤d' im? éumuicued. to attend a term uf such ccurt muy iuvestigdfc, and dud au indictment or make ·a preseutment fur, any cxiimeur cmzuse cqmuxitted in the dis-=· trict, iéhether 61* not the crime gr omeuse-was comugitted in `thé ·div{sida»iu—véhich'the jury is int sessiqn. (J am; 16, 1925, ct 83; § 5, ·13Stat.752.) 1 _ _ " .. 41$._(Jdici41.ACode, section -278.) Same: hut disqninliied ` became uf. race or color.-No citimu. possessing au. other quali- Ecuticns which are ur may prescribed bylaw shall be disquulidedfpr sérvice au Sgrand or.petit_ juror in any dg0urt,b£_ fha United Stutw on account of face, color, or previous ccuditipu —<>f servitude. (June 30, 18‘{9,\c. 52, 2, 21 Stat. $3; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 21, °§ __278,_36 Sgat. 1165.) _ . " (1 I 416. T(3udi¢inl Code, uu section *279.} Same; véuirg; service wnqd i·et¤m.—-—·Wr1ts~of venire faciaq, Wh€ird1l’€Qt6d by the cpuyt,' shali jusuc {mm the ¢£erk’$ `0§ce, hud sha1l be served and turned by the marshal in perscu, or by'·hi§ deputy; 01',—i11_C8S¢` the éaxfshal or hié» deputy is not au iudiiercut. person, O: IS interested .111 the event of the cause, ·by such_ Hf person as muy be specially; appointed turf-that purpose by the court, who shalt administer to him an oath that he will truly hud impartially serve andxcgturu the- writ. Any person uumed in such writ who, msidu elsewhere ths,11f at ‘ the place at which nthe court ié_ held; shail be served; by thdmarshal muiliu `a copy mated! td _ such penmu commanding him mxqtteud as n juror pt u time aud place desiguhted therein, ~wl1ich copy shall be régistéred ind depwted in the post c&cé addressedtc such person ut hisusunl p@t·—0&ce nddmss, _ And the receipt pt the person so uddtéssed for such,1·%istere—d ·c0py_sha11 be regarded is personal service ut such writiuycu Such persdu, aud no mileage shall be, allowed _1'or the of such 'perscu. · The posmgc und nwispmy tee shall be paid by the marshal and nllowgdhim in the settlement of his apcountgf (Bt S. ’§ 803; Matf.3, 1911, c. 231,1 279; 36 r um ._1165.) . ‘ . _ · _ - f ’ ‘ ‘417. (Ju&ci•l “C¤de.," aectiqu 280.) ·'l`alésm¢¤· for petit. ·iuri¢s.—-—-·Whcu, `tmui challeugm Qr. otherwise, there is uotu a petit jury tq determine any civil mg criminal cause, the maxishal 0:: his duputy shall, by order .0t the cquniu which such_ detect ot jumiis pappeus, return jurymeu from the bystundcru sutucieut to complete} the panel; and wheu thu_ma}sha.1 or his deputy is disqualidad us afcresuid, jurdrs xingrm sdréturued by such distinterested person auf the court may appoint, and such persuu sha11 he `swuru, as prpvidéd in sectiEun416_0fitl1is title. ·(B. S. {804; Mui. 3, 1911, c. 231, [280; §8_Smt..1165.)_» _ 1 u _` 4l8.:(J¤dici”aI Code, section 281.) ‘ Spedal ju-ries.--Wheu special j uries are ordered iu, any diétrict court, they L·s11al1 'be` returned by the marshaluiu the suma manner and {bun as Is}

I zonx Ayn Jvnzqmxr 6 912

 require}! in each mm by the laws of the severe! States. ~* (R, g_ e

‘ { 806 ; Mar. 3,191}, et @1. I @1. 36 mv- II65-} 419. (J¤&chl Cds, www 282.) Grand jawn; samp; whew lm tha; reqdred sumbal-Eeery gram jew iméee-` eled before any district court shall ecmist of mt km thai;} sixteen mr merge than tweutrthree perwm It et the pefeeme summoned less then sixteen attend, they · ebgll be placed/Nee , the gxeud jury, abil the c0mrt»sh¤B Qeréer the marshal to ememon, either immediatdy er for a dey tied, hea tm bw; et the district; and not t@m the bkguméen, A mmieet numlm of persqus te cemplete the grand lm'}. » And wheaever a che}- Ienge to _& graud·jure1·. is dllowed,-and there are pet in intend- ' ance ogher jurors eu$cient @0 complete me gem) iury, the conirt 'shall ”make a like 'erder to the mmfsml to summen g sixilicient number of persons . tor} that purpow. (B., _S., 5 Mani. 3, 1911, c;f2§1, 5 282; 36 Sgat. 11®.) , - s \ 420.`(J¤di¢iIIZ CGM, _I€¢ti0B 283.) Stmei f¤¥¢¤&¤.-$-;I·"mm ° the persons summoned and accepted as greed jérgri, the coeri shall appoint theztoremen, whe- shall have payer te ,admi¤lsu·; , oaths and amrmétions to witnesses eppénting befere the greed! ` jury. .(R._S. { $@3 Mar. 3,.1911, c.£231,.§ E3, % 846. 11%;)` I 421.] (lnidicisl Cade, qectim 284.) ·Sn¤e;` when danced; scgcnd kraéd jllry.-¥···N0 gram} jury be ¤= ee ell to et—··_ tehd any district c9iu·f unless the judge in His mm discretion or uppn- a netihcetien l;y` the dlstrictglbittemey than such jury will be heeded, erdefs A-·vmi:e·te thereto}:. li the United States attorney for ény di&rict_ which has an eitypr yborough containing at least three hundred tbeumné inhabitants fislmall certify in writing tqthe district jqdge, er the swim die _ tiict judge ot°_ the district, that the exigeqcies of the puhlie service require it, the .j edge may, in his cliseretieq, 'alse erect al venire t0`issue,t0r a éeepnd"graml_ jixry. Am»uid`cem·t my in_ term orde;·’a `grzmd jury te be su`mm6¤ed_~sl;. mh t1@,-and to" serve such time as_it may direct, whenever, ~ M e ¤¤» ~ it-maj Be proper to do eo. Bet _¤e§hlng herem_shallT0per`:te to extend beyond the time permitted by lug the before indictment t0:;nd of n pegscirg ebcumd of • exim er‘l ,0¤euse, or the time during wlnieh g. p¢;'S0¤ so zecuéed my be held `uixder reeegnlzlmce betbre indictment found. (B.! sg 9 819; Mar. $8,_1910,· c. ·134»e3@ Stat. 287; Her. '3. 1911, @1, 3 284. 36_`Sl:at;'1165.) . _ `. [ ·_ ¢ 422,— ;(J¢dicial Code; section R5.) . ‘6isclurge.·——·Tlne dlétriét ceutts,. the district equrté of me Tetriterlw, and tm . . Supreme Court of the {District of Columliid may jlisénrge their grand *‘jui·iee` whenever they deem e eontinmhce et_the mmm .oi’»such`jqries unnecessary. _ (3. S. S 811; Mer. *3, 1811, @@1, b §285,36Stat.1166.·)-' , _».1 · ’ ._ _ 423. (J¤idfci•l~Code, scctipa 286.} lump mt ea nerve . ·th•¤ A . yur.$—-·N0 pél*S;>¤ shell serve as a petit juror in any disirléhceurt mom thaxmme term ine ye¤1·:jaml_ it shall

be sutliélent cause ot challenge} teeny juror called te. be ’8w0m`

in any cause that he hee been summoned and sftencled skid court: hs -a·‘ juror at any terdn et ¤aid*c0urt:e§helé_withl¤` me year prior to the tlme,0§;e`s_uch_challe¤ge. (R; Ss! S12; June _30, 1879, c.. 52, S 2, 21 Stat. 43; Mar, 3, @11, c. »%1, 3 .%6. sc sm. nee) » > » » ‘ · 424. (Judicial; Céde, •ecti¢m_·287.) I @8u¢Bl@•······“’IlG11 the offense charged is treason or n ckpitel e§enee, the defendant = shdll be entitled te twenty and the United _St¤tes te six per·~. emptoryeeballenges. ?O¤ the ‘;x·l¤l_‘ot any ;offic1·"{elouy, the de· ·tex1i1ant» shall be entitled to `texl and the United States to six~ perexinptery ¢h8u€l1g®,§';'l.Ild lin all other gems, civil and cilmf- I1!ll,.€8bh petty ehall be entitlecltc three peremptery challenges; eudiln all cases where there are several defendants er wverele pleintlmeg the parties en eméh side shall ,be° deemed a single party- {01- the pngrpoeee of all clmlleziges uzfder this secxlgn. All _ challenges, yvhether @0 the arlfay or panel, or $.0 mdhlduall