Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/929

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@[5 TITLE S8:-·~»JUD1L’lAL 0 limi k cqing tar m<,·1l auomrm. (31ur.19,‘1908, ··,., rg, 35 Stat. 40; 13, 19%, lz. &, ii, 0, 13, 48 Stat.4040, $1%.2,} Q ·¤j [ l v_ » ·· v · {fh3,§¤t·*E*f. 151 ······-·- 7BISTBIQT A'If’1`0RNE¥S,~` _ CLEBKS. AN § WQTHER 0013 RT OFFICERS, AN D COM· 0 ° » ` 0 ,


§•·»¥§f. - 2. @@1. Blslrrirt rttomryg; . . 1 11:. $nmr;`t1>rm am; mth. _· .,*1:2,1 Assistant district attameys; n&rlal reslgiencef .4-:;, li‘lér1r1;l amistiare; salaries. » ' , 0 .,4;. lélxirlrt atmmaiil _ if __ ,—··;§;_; prvmcutlclr. of vislatlalas at a·eve¤ue laws. .,2:. Same; rclwrlg af mit: fil; Sa»1la:lt¤r..¤! Treasury. = _ ‘ , 1%%. Samrc; `returrsg to Cammimloawr of Internal Revenue. ln suit! mader revenue Irvs. 4 -_ _ » 114, Sam; repsrts ra brpartmeag at Justice. · 4 Qarslzala. _ ‘ ‘ 1 0 `- _ ,1:11. Same; term. _ _ — .1113. Same; 01:1:1 Qepxstlrr; rrmcrri. 9 ° · 1:21;;. wma; ¤¤ra écpultlra ami clérks; removal. , ‘

 4244. xml _§ep¤ty marshals; mths. » `

.i!@.T§. kiarslmls; aautlmrlty ta administer oaths?- @113,7 §·2i?§·2.“l§33’$~ d—; £1}gQ$IE¢ bimd. — as}?. iimm; augmratrd ‘ 4 - _ _ ‘· alas. Same; wgmritrd bowl fm- southern district "ct New Yqrk. 4;%, Same.; M10; sad mmr·dl¤g. V , j " _ · _ .;,1113. Same; ::111:; €1$$¥§!6¤ breachqof bead; ~ ’· Q01. Sams; ‘mrlh*er security after judgment. 102. Same: `limltatiaa bi mai; on mm·s§al's` bond. `·

.1::1, 1l:arsla:l1.g;_0m.le¤. — . _·

2204, Same; .p—mrers_1s.g1l¢ri£a.-. · _ · _’ _ $05. Same; wygrnt af saln rigs· of ¤$¤.·ers. · , $1135. Same; égath ;¥ degwties ts ccatlnueh · . 5117. Samr; delivery la! prlmmem to sucresscr. . 3011. $’»&mle; éelivery 01* 133 1 process 10~succé¤s0rs. I $11*0. Slgmei; returns to 8»¤llclt0r oi Treasury. ‘ I L ‘ _ · , @13.3. Same gfrieiurns to Aulcllmr at Post Ot§ce Deparimeaf. » — .§l1..15isl1°l£t nttarzxeys and ma.rsbals_; vacapcles; tlllecl tempérarily. . 512. Clerks; mth. ' · K ‘ _ '

21:1. Sams; lwml. · , · , J 1 - W

»i114’. Ksuda Q! dah of district courts; renewal; augzqgatcd bonds! `

5.15. Aagmgmtm bonds of clerks. _ _· . ·

glifl. Clerks; mad; x·r¤ew§l., . . 517. B¤é@E of dwlzty clerks. _, ,_ · · · 513. iflertig list of jpdgmests, and repori at ‘mqgeyp· paid in iuternél rerérm . -. » ..'‘ 110. Same; ttcmmt at payments and éoneys in caurt. . $3;.*0. iigndamus tlagegsmpcl retums and wrfcrmnncg of duties. 1221. Cgrrks; failure to, pertmm Qaida; mammal {rom c&ce.

 l1nme mi¤l¤emr.m¤·rs;_yu¤lshme¤lt. . ‘ · ‘ V ..

$$:3. Qaths tvs perhsmi in admiralgy CIBIGS. $24. ét dmflc; atgtpmeys, marshals, and clerks. . , _,.‘;;2§,;_{t . , % , 1 gierkygad dgpsgtylclerks mai ndmlnistepctths. ” 520. Cammlmnalén; cllacr uwsc. f . ’ · . ‘ » ‘, 1 l32‘l'._ ar remimrn; persmu ineligible. , ` .528. £.¤mm1¤4anrr¤;» mal:. 7 V. "

 Same;   in criminal essen .» . ‘ · .
   Jig:   trasmlttgd tc. ,s¤<.·ces.s·sn.% "
     ¢tt»¤meys.——-There shall be gppointed lnék

· in lading ot Col blln, ag param , learmd ls; the law, ta act as mamruey for thee United States ,10 émck ,(B. 8. § 707 ;" June $8, 1870, c. 147, if 1, 4, 100 Slat. 81, @4; Feb, 24, 1879, e. 97, {,-8,20 Stat. 320;, Mar. 3. 1&1, c. 144. { 7, 21 Qu. $07 ; Apr. %, 1832,;:. 87, §»§ 1, A, 22, 47 2, Sal? W. ,c. 512, I. 3, @ Slant. 172; Aug. 5, 181%,gc; § 7, 24"~»St•t. 300; Feb. 22, ill c. 180, il 21, % Smt.`&§;_Js1ly 3, 1800, c. 056, Q 10,.20 Stat.; 217; July 10, 1890, c. § 10, % Stgt. 225; Liar., 3, @3, c. —%0, 27 Stat. 745;

 July 10, 1894, c.   §§ 14,10, % Stat: 110, 111;_,Imie 24,-

1 18118, c. $405,} 1, 30 Stat,. 487i 12. 1900, c. 301, li 9, 31 Stat. 176; Jam. E, 1mi, c. 1%, ii if 7, 31.Stat. 730, 737 ; Feb.} _ 12, 1001, c. §§ 5, 7, 31 Stat. ,7&;!11m·. 2, 1001, ·¢. 801, §§ 3, 5, 31 $12;.1. 881; Ma!. 11, c.- 183, 5, 6,"3?.·‘ Stat. 00;. Mar. 2, 1905,1:. §§ 4, 0, 33 Stat, &4; Mar.- 3, 1%, . ec. 1427, .§§ 13,15, 19, 33~lS1:nt .j June 16,1, l l gz. i 13, Stat. 275; Mar. 8, 1010, 2. 100, if 3, 4, 38 901.) 4

  • 9DE AN!) JG£1lGIAR¥ § 488 t

9%.482. Sine; item sw ¤¤t'R.·-·;—-District attereeys, ihelmlieg the of 'Celemhia, shell he eepeieted eee ee e o ieeed ter e {term of feet years, and shell eeetieee dlmherge the lgmtlee, of their xmmttve o iis »eh1e@`meee1* remevw hy! the e

  • e ent, until their meeemers he seeoieteé quality

lss their estesé. Every district ettereey, heferse eetesing epee his ohlge shell be swore to s tsithtek exe&tiee thereof. (R. S. $*799; ieee 24, 1 ,»·e, 499, is 1, 99{Stet. t * » 499. Awstsst éistrictl attorneys; as provided tu milieu 591 ot title, wheheeer, ie the eeleiee of the district jegge ef, any ieelmfteg the Bistziete of Columbia, evidenced by M_ writing, the epehlie ihteemt iseqeises it, ieee or more mistezxtt district etterheys iaesyr appoin te e or , ` by the Attorpey peeerel; het epteies.1 shalt _ to the Attemey Genet;}. the {sets se G ehewiitge the nrecewity ,theretor._ (Etsy %, QN QL G 8, Q Stat. 181; July 19,1919, e. 24, § 1, 41. Stat. 299.} A. ~ 484. Clerical ee, hr section `591 of this title, the attoreey of my j district,*‘»i;1cludi:1g the Qatterxy ·'£et· the et Columbia, when the fact; shewleg the eeeemity theretet are certihed by ·the· district judge to Attemey s, may, with the approyel ot" the Attorney §ehere i, eee Rég leegex thee such Approval ,·lh§t8,"i€¥11{310]f necwry ·clertenl at such salary or selarles as shell free; time te hy the Attorney General. (Hey 23, he he e. 252, { 15, % Stat. 1%; Ju1y‘19; 1919, c. 24, § 1, 41, Stat. .%9.)‘ _ y, ` K 485. Districtsttcrheys; dutiu.—-It well he the duty ot every district ettomey to preseeute, in eiis¤iet,` sit éelimeeete for crimes end o@eésw_ ,eognize.hle‘ the. setherity of the United States,. and ell, civil ee&ens`ih sq ich Heiteé S,tetee` are concerned, sed, otherévise e ye tary-got the Treasury, to eppeer in hehe}! ost the defeeéeetse ie all suits or.i>roceeclingh.pex1cli¤g 1}: hier e ;-eh o_ o tors, or other omcers of the revenue, for ehy act deee hy or for the recovery ot any meuey egeetee hy er tel omcers, and by; them paid into the 'Preaeery. (B, ZS, S Wi.} _ , · Same; praiecutiee of of revesee hee.-+1: shall B9 the duty of every district ysttomey te, whm eey eel-1,; leetor of ouetoms, er of ginterenl revenue, re eeeosw ing to lnk, any case · lu, ythich hey hee, penalty, er fee£eitese’ hss been ihetxrred in the district of ee@ ettemeyehfer the riee lation of my law et the United States to the rereeee, 9 to cause the proper proceedings te be eommeeex heel prese-

 without deley, fg: ’the  E   :·»    ned fertét   s   ie

such ease pre1dded,~»m1lms, ieqeiry eedexe he shall 'eeetde that `seeh me set e hgbly he see tained, ez that- the of etgblte jeetlee ele hx rweire each should be jtietiteted; ine which he shell report the {acts in customs mares to the Secretary of ttm ·ury, S.Bd°i§riH€€1'&&i revenue exes N to they of Internal Revenue for their direction,. · ( R; S,  ; · Feh. 27, 1877, cs., M S 1,`-19 Stet. 241.) . -` ._ ‘ ' 487. Same; M suits to ·Selleitor Tr¤¢sery.-——·~Itshall .be the `dety of the United `Stetee dtetziet &$t9¥%¥8` te m.s,ke"a,x1d forward to the Solieiter of the *.E?ree.ettry, ter hte lei termétiou and the po y of a permepeht reeerd, eeeh reporee relétihg to eeits in which the Unite;}. States is s,. party qssmeyf he Feqltired by Solieiter of the Treasury with etreroeel Vote the Attorney General, and oe leetltettng shy yseitfter the? T recoyery of any hue, eemtlty, or feiffeittgre, shall iméeeietelr transmit at statement thereof to the Selieiteé ot the ’1‘eeesn¤yi '( R. h. §§»7?2, 773;`»Ae:·. 9, 1910, e. 152, 39 Stat, )9 ’ · s e 488. Same; reterm ’€o”Co1e mie§eher of ietemel Reyexme ih suits u11de e¥ehhe lmvv-——-—-When any suit or proeeecileg ,m?ie—~, lng under he internal revenue laws, to e·hieh.» the United States are rty, or een? sell; er preewding eeehtst fe eelhieeter or other ee y or ot the ieteruel revenue, wherein eil distriet et-