Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/955

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941 TITLE 28.~—JUDIOIAL Cc Mgagvit, and tlnat he ;?O\1!d Hot begprepdredl for trial at Such ` term for went of evidence, the court, if satisfied thereof, may I gram a eentiquance until the next term. (R. S. § 958; June 4 -w. 1921, c. 18,—§ 310, 42 Stat.»25.) _ , _ : 733. Safits on debentureé; judgment; continuance.-glu all ¤ swiss fer the recovery of money upon debeutu/res_ issued By `ihe ; ,.,·m·eters of custems, under anynact for me‘c¤11eeu0¤ df duties,. , 5; mall be the duty ot the court tb grant judgment at the return 1 mm, unless the defendant, in open court, exliibitS__.spme.pleu, 1 ull eatin, by which the court is satisfied that a coutinufnce is I m·.·t~ssary· to the attainment of justice; in which case, and not 3 .,ml»m·ise, a continuance xintil the ueitlterm mgy be grantee. 784. Suits mi bends for recovery of duties; judgment; cepgmumxce.-—:\Vhe¤ suit is brought, on any bend for the recovery ur duaies due to the United States, it shall be the duty of the _·t tongrent judgment, atflthe return term, upon motion, unless me deiendxmt, in open court (the United Stutesjattorfney being' ,.¤·¢s¤»nt) makes with that dn error has been committed in the liquitlzxtitvxret the duties demanded upomsuch bend, specifying 7 mt; errors alleged to hive been committed, and that the same have been nodded in writing to the collector of the ·g1istrict_ lmere the mid return term; whereupon h eezitinuance mhy be grunted until the next term, undue longer, if the court is satis-_ tied that such continuance is neemsary teritlie attainment of ‘justie<·._ (R. S. QQOO,) 4- ‘ __ _ . · · 785. Suit to reenter ferfeituie in;,b0nd.—-In all suits brought _ tt. rwever the forfeiture annexed to any articles of agreement, - <·4»i:.4=n¤mt,, bend, or other gpeeighty, where the"ferfeiture, breach; or n¢m'pe·ri'erma¤ce appears by the default or confession of the. . defendant, or upon qemqrrer, the court shellxender judgment im- the plaintiff to iecoier s04much.’a,s··.ie due axccurding to. equity. And when the stgnrforgwhieh judgment should be m¤lt·red_~is uneeftaiu, it elmll, it either of the parties request, if. be,useesee<§ by a jury. (R._S. § 961.) ·-` . 786. Judgienttler duties; collected ih coin.-—I¤ ell suits by, _ rye Alfnited States ter the recovery ot duties upon imports, or A ef penalties for the n0npayment_there0f, the~·`judgment shall l-mite that It is rendered for duties, and such·;|udgme·13t, with intermt thereon, and eests, shall be payable in the nom by law re<·< ·i»·able for dutlee;..hnd· the execution iséued thereon elmll .5e·t forth that therecovery iéf for duties,jand·shal1 require the { m:u·slml,_t0 sgtisty the apmefin the Ucoin by lair receivable for gjmiee; and m ease, of levy épeu aid sele of the property of the jiidgmept debtor, the giiarshgl shell refuse peymmt from any purchtnwr nteeuch eale in anyrother money than` that specitled· , in theeiecutieu·(R.8._§862,) _' `. `Z °·_. “ 787. Intcmeétg in suite en bender for recovery of `dutiew-·— “ Fpon 1111 bonds, pu which suits are brouéht for the recovery of · dpties, interest slmll be allowed, at the}·`Hte.ef -6 per centum in ° $f{¥&l',Z trem‘the_ tl? when mid `bonde becarhe due. (3. S, 5963;)* Q · I ., ' 788{ Sane; is mit: te:_’b•1m¤e• Peé `0§cc Department,·=—·-la all suits ter mlancmdue to the Post Odlce Departiliwlllé; `interest thexyeen `sba—ll_be recmiered, {gem the time ot thedefai1lt,!at_the°rnte of 6 per eentum*‘pe: year., (R. 8. $,964.) i 789. Same; in · uk; cm dehe¤tm·es.>—-In suits ixpqni ’ debentmes, issued by the collectors ef. the customs under any act fertile eellectieu of d¤tien,.l13te}est shall be allowed, at the rate nf 6 per ceutpim per annum, tmmthe time whe¤~ such "debem 7 ture bemmedue and éhyuble. (R. S. $965.) ·l J · ~· 799. Final record in equity and ad¤irnlty.—-In. equity end. edmiridty causes, euly the process, plwdillm, and, decree, ` and seek "erders and megienmluing ,as imy be qeceenry to slgew. the jurisdiction et the `eourt nnd·'¤‘ét\11arity at the grcceedinm, shall be entered upoia thedlnal —(B.*B.' 750.) ' · " ’ -

DDB AND JUDIGJARY § 816 791.- Penalties and forfeitures; under laws of United Stateetm- N0 suit or prosecution for any penalty or ferfelt11re,’pg·euniary or otherwise, accruing under the laws of the United States, shall be maintained, except in cases where it/i§\ otherwise ezpecially provided, unless the same is coiumeuced within live years from the time when gtlle penalty or forfeiture accrued: Pro·vided,_ That the person of the offender, or the property liable for such penalty. or forfeiture, shall, within the same period, be found within the United States; so tlmtlthe rope: process therefor. may rbe instituted and Served &gtI.lIl£gil€h_ person or aproperty; (R; S. §·1Q47.)· J UDGMENTS, COSTS, EXECUTIONS, AND MONEYS PAID ‘ ‘ INTO COURT U 811. Interest on 3udgments.+—Interest shall be allowed on all judgments m_~e1v11»mus@, recovered in :1 district court, and méy, be levied By the rgarshal under process or execution issued thereon, lnQ·all eases where, b$¢ the law of the State in which such court is held, interest. ma? be levied under process of execntion_ on judgments __ recovered in the {courts of such State; and it- shall be calculated_from_ the `date of the judgment, at such rate as is allowedhy law on jndgments recovered in the courts, of such State. (B. S. § 966.) — ‘ ‘ . 812. Judgmentsfliens of.——¥J'udg1nents:and decrees rendered in n district court ot the United States within ¤ny·Stnte, shall be liens on property throughout such State riuothe shine manner and to the same extent hud l-iuider the same conditions only as_ lf such judgments and decrees had been rendered by tl court of general jurisdiction ot such State. Whenever the laws of any State require a judgment of decree of a State court to be- registered, recorded, d0cketed,`inZilexed, or gny other thing to bedone, in ·a particular manner, or in_ a certain 0Qce or cmnlty, or paklsh nrlile State ot Louisiana beforea lien shell attach, this`. section jaml section 813 of _ this chapter shall be applicable therein whenever and only whenever the laws of such State‘_shal1_ authorize the judgments and decrew ot, the United States courts tos be registered, meeorded, docketed, indexed, or otherwise conformed to the rules and requirefnents relating to the judgments and decrees of the courts ot the State. (Ang. 1, 1888, lc. 729, _»§ 1, 25 Stat. 357 ; Aug. 17, 191—2,.c.‘300,.37 Stat. 311.) ‘ _ · ‘ U I 813. Indices of judgment debtors to be kept by clerks.-—-·The clerks `oftlle several courts of the United States shall prepare and `keep "in their respective owes complete and convenient indices of all judment debtors under tlecrew, judgments, or orders of said courts, and snch- indices and judgrnmts shell at all tlgnes be open._to the lnspectionbnnd examination of the, “p\1blic.. (Aug. 1, 1888, c. 7%, { Stat. 357; Feb. 7, 1925, c._149,.43 Stat. 813.) ". = · _ _ . ” _ 814. Judgments cesseto be ,llens,·when.-—·,Tudgnlents; uml ele-to crees rendered in ardigtrtct court, within Any State, shall cease to be liens on rml wtnte on chattels reel`, in the same ’ma.nner, and tt like periods as judgments and decrees of the courts of such State ceqee, liy{1ew,-to the llene thereon. (R. S. § 907;) ~, · 815. Conte`; piglatif not entitled to, when»~¥—·Wlxen, in a· district comet, a plaintiff in an action at law origlnelly brnught there,._0r at petitioner in equity, other’thau` the United States, recotters less than the sn or yalne ot $500, exclusive of costs, in e. ease which can not brought there -unlese the nmonnt in dispute, eiclueiveot- costs, exceeds 'sald sum `01·.vnlue;- or n `llbelant, uponhis own appeal, recovefe less than the sum or _ value of $300, exclusive ofeosts, he sllnllnot be allowed, but, at the discretion ot the c0¤rt,_ may be adjhtlged to pay, éosts. '_ '·(R.S.§968.)"·_?.. * . Q " " ’ _~ I 816. of keephij vessels or other property attached or libclcd in ·•dml1falty.—~There shall be paid to the mnrslml any` uecessqry cost of keeping veesels or other pr0perty~"att21c·l1ed