Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/958

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ra § 847 U TITLE ;2»S.——JU1)1CI.,lL execution on :1 writ of {levi fncins Shall be appraised, before the sale thereof, the upprnisexis appointed under the authority of the Stntetnny :1pprni>=e eomls taken in executiomon a tier facing issued out of amy. t- l1`t_0fl`hB United States, in the same nmxmnrans if such uf){\h_ail issued out ofu c0urt‘0f suc} State. Amttlae nmrshgtl, in/“ whose custody such goods mn; bv. shall`summ0n.tl1e appraisers, in the, same manner. as the sheriff is, by the laws of such State, required to s=umnmn_thexnand if the appraisers, being: duly snmnioned, fi1il·t0”&t~tt?]1(}`Rll( perform the duties required of thern, the marshal mayiproceet tn sell such gnods without an appraisenxent. _-When auch up prnisersl attend they""shall be`entitled to the like fees as in case: of uppralsemeuts under the laws of the State. 7 (R. S. ·§ 993.] 847. Sales; real` property uuderorder or decree.-;·¥All rea ~ estate or any .interest;.in land `sold underuny order or, decree of any Ynited States court shall be sold at public sale at the courthouse of the county, pariéh, or city in which the property cr the greater part thereof, js located, or upon thepremiées as theccurt rendering sdch order or decree of sale may direct (Mar. 3, 1893, c. 225, .§ _1, 27 Stzit. 751.), _ K · . Q } ° 848. Same; personal property under order or decree.——Al personal `propertysold under any order cidecree of any cour __of the United States eshall be sold as previded in section·.8—tf ot this title, unless fin the opinion of the court rendering suc] order o1·· decree, it would hepbest to sell it in sonnekether man ner. (Mar. 3, 1893, c. 225,·§· 2, 27 Stat. _751J) ‘ · 849. Same; necesaity- of notice.-—No_ gale ,of· real estutl under any order, judgment, or decree 0t‘ any! United- State: court shall be! had without previous publication of ·~notice: of .s1ic·h proposed Sale being ordered and had once a { wee] for at least four weekafprior to s°uch‘ sale in °at’ leastoue newspaper printed, regularly isnued and einaving a genera circulation tin thecounty and State where the_ real estate pro pesed to beeold is situated, if suclr there be. _.If said propert: shall be situated in moretlinu one county or[State, such uoticl shall bdpublished in such of the counties where said propert} is situated, as the courts may direct. Said notice, shall, among other things, describe the real e`st£1te.t0 be sold. The cbur may, in its diécretion. direct the `publication ot the notice on sale herein prorldcd for to be made an auch other papers ai may seem proper. l(Mar. 3, 1893, c. 225, § 3, 21`Stat 751r] ~ 859, Same; death dof mgrdhal after. levy ·orj after calc}-- · When a marshal, dies, or, is removed from odlce, or theiterm 0 his commission expires, °fn`fter he has taken lp execution, undel process from a· court of the_'United“ States, any lands, tene ments, or hereditaments, and before sale or other dual dispo sltion thereof, the llke ess shall issue to thét- Succeeding marshal, and the aame_p$ shall be had aa ·if suc} n{arslial‘ und not died or been removed, or the term of hl: commission had not expired. And when u xnargshal dies or is removed irem (Wee, or the tcr1n__‘ of his commission expires after he has sold any landa, tenements, or heredltaments, nude: proceed from sn court of the. United States, and before ‘s deed for fthe same is. executed. by him to the purchaser auch court mayf on application! by the purchaser, or bg the»=plaintfm at whoee suit the sale #&8.l11&§lt3, setting gortl the cane and the reason why ~ the thi was not- perfected bf said marshal, order the marshal for the time being/to perfect the title andexceute ll deed to the purchaaer,· upon his paying the purchase money and costd remaining unpaid. (B. S. *1 851..· Moncys paid liutc court; deposite-———All moneys paid inte ani murt ct the- United Staten, ar received by the omcers thereof, nl any cause pending _ cr. adjudicated in such eeurt shall `be forthwith deposited, with the; Treasurer, or a deal; natedxleixositary oiitlre United States, in the, name and to the credit of such court. Nothing herein shall be construed to pre

CODE AND J L'D1UIA.RY· D4} 2 {wut the dolivcry of 8lly’SUCll nmmoy upm; security, acc·m·¢l'i:&» } to agreement of parties, under the kllrcction of the court. (R. i § 99Q: May 29, 1020. Q. 214, '§ ·1. 41- Stat. 654.} ( 2* 852. Same'; Withdrawal.-··——?N0 IIIOIWY deposited as”afure_·><:;i·1 3 shall be yvltljdrawn exlcopt by order of the judge or jlulgw. v` of said court, respoctirely; in term or iu·l·vac·z1ti6n; to be sigum 2 by such jnulgg or judgés; and to be»entrred am} certified of x·§,~¢·..

ord by the clerk ; and"e·v0r_s’
mcli_0r<lor‘·sll:nll State the cmnsv in

1 or ongaconiut of whiéh it is drawn; " · · / · I In cvéry cose in \'l’l1lCh"` the right to witlulraw monoy N, Y- deqysited has been adjudicated or is not in disputeéml sum S gulmoy hasremainod S0 deposited forit lgast five years HI;. V xclaimed by the person entitled thereto, bit shall be the duty Y of-the judge or jrrdgesr of said court} `or its S\1('€{;‘l:·¤S(>l‘, to <·am<·· B spch money to bg deposited in the Tféasury df the Unitlwi o Statesyin tho. name and. to the ;€1'Pd$£ ortho United Statm. ', Aqy person or pérsous or any corporation or oqmpauy ex1titi4·{1 l, ’t0 imy—such_m0ney may. on vpétition t0··tl1e·cou`rt fr0n1·\vlnia’*l¤ Q- thé ·nmuoY_"was·‘recéived, or ité succeésof, hud upon xientiov to - the Umlitedi States attorney and full prooy of right thvrem, 1 obtain an ordér of/pourt dinjectingthe payment of such nwxzoy t' to the `olaimant, oridtine money (lepositéd os aforesaid slum 7 constitute and be a permanent appropriation for psymentgs in 1 obedience to Such nordérs, (`R. S. § 996; Feb. 19, .1897, é. 263, .- §b3,` 29_>Stat. 578; Mar. 3, 1911, “c. 224, 36:Stat. 10%.) “ a PROCEDURE ON ERROR AND APPEAL B. 861.__Dismi$sa1`of appegl or yrrit ofmerror because of error in K proced\;i·e.--·Xo court having `powcr to I`t’\'i9\V a judgment or B decree of another shall dismiss u,writ_0f error solely lxéonrxw l] van appezll_·sl1puld havelbeen token, or <lism_iss__¤n appeal solr·l$· ,- rbecahsexa writ of error should lmvcwbegu sued out; but wlxerv y such error occurs the some Shall Bodlsregarclcd andthe com-: B shall proceed as if;·in»that regard its, power` to. review were Y properly invoked. (Sept. 6, 1Q16, c. 448, § 4, .39‘Q'St§t.. 727; g Feb. $3, 1925, c. 229, §_1`0,· 43 Stab 941.) _  » — t ·862.· Removal of cram by writ of error.--—Therc obo!} be our { . nwxed to and returned with any writ of error for the removal L; of arouse, at the day and place therein mentioned, an :mth~e~n» y tlcated transcript of the record, an. assignment oterrors, and a .. prayer for- revérsul, wltvlx a cit¤tion to·tl1e°a¢f\·crse party. (R. S. g §997.) ‘_··» _ "' ~ - r 863;. Transcripts on appeals.-··—·Upo¤ the appéal of any mum »- in equity, or of admirplty gud maritime jurisdiction, or of + prizeor oo prize, (transcript of the record, no diretztgflby law g ·t0 be made, amlcoples of the proofs, and .ot»-such cutrleé and 1 papers on ille asjpgy bé necessary on tlxohénring of the ap-` as 'poal, eslmllbe trénsmltted to tho Supreme Court. _ {Slither the s court ·`bclow or the Supreme Court may order ahy original A, document or other evidence to be sont pp, ixrladditiou to me r copy of the record, or in lieu of n copyot K part thereof. And g on such appeals H0 new . evidence shall be roéeivod in the ·, supreme Court, éxcept ln admiraltg and prizocauses. l (R. S. 1 864. One rec0rd.¥~·-—W'l;ere appéol is gluly ·‘tarke·n by bot.1; y ties from tho judgment (or dgcree of a diétrict conrt to tho I: Supreme Court, a transérlpt otxtlxe roc0rd‘·Hled ig tho Supreme

Gourt bi etther appellant may bé used on both aopmls, and

i_ b0tl1 shall ho· j}lE81'd/,th€l‘BOB'.1B the same manner us it records S ··hnd hgeu Bled by the appelllmts in both cosos. (R. S. { 1013.) aa 865. Printed txingqcriphof our dppcal to rircgif court

 of a|S§esls.—·-·—In any cquseor proceedlngwwhemin the tlnol julia-

.,· mout.or· decree is soughtito. o»x1‘ap~peal_ to, or by ·_ writ of e `r from, a United States circxiit court otappeals the 2. Rvwlluglm plointld in error ohnll cause to be printed——un®r · ouch ruleoas the lowér court shall groscripé, and`sl;a1l”me in