Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/971

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Qggg " _T1@’LE. 89;-—MlNEf€AL .L. mgme an npp1!¢&}ti0¤ (vt; thé vein or lode oléiinj shall be con- on Sm?.] ‘ its A conclusive declaration that the claimant ot the l § $3...1- gmim has no right. of possession of thou vein mn lodé i i.m;m;lt»nt·whe1·é the qxlstenoe of a vein or todo in a plttcgf vn .435;;; is not KBGWQ VH Détclltior placgxvclaixn shall convey p ` gal tpuuable numeral alidlothepdeposlts within the boundaries p ¤,.,.;—tlz·f. (R. $.12333.) » ~ _ 4 · ’ _ C 11

 Evidence of possmion   uiork. to mhbliah right to. a

gatent.-—\\'he1jc ksucli pefsoub or nssociation, they a11d their p ·;m§lz.»rs, have held nndworked thdr claims fo1·`a`periotl equal ·p gt :m.· time prescribed by thebtutute oftllmitations for mining,

 tgg¤§gte or Teyritvry Where the   may be. sltuatgd,  

pt ·: mgof su<:§pos§ession and ·working_of the clayns for such _£ ppriotl snail be snhtzient to Establish a· right to n pqtent·theréto —o .§;l.1t·r aialxtggéptét, An the absence of any adrerse olnixn; but vi zaozllissg in this chapter snail be deemed to iuiphir- any lien i1 ts·lii<—i1~1ully have attached in any way whatever to any mining ` téltim or propetty thei·et0» 'attached prior to the issuance of at 0 ..;;:{•*ii?,..`{R$ S. ‘ . l .‘ ¤’ Q ‘_ · r 3 39. Surveyors of hining élaims.#·-The. United smtesl super- ni

—;s·»;~ of t surveys ymay- appoint in land ·dist17ict· con- l Y0

tgjanixag mineral lands as many. competent surveyors as shall; ti ¤;»;»1}:` for appointment to survey mlnlng claims. The expenses `§ ..1* the survéy of vein or nlodc claims, and tho survey and- qubg . . ·tii»·_i>llon of placér claims into smaller. quantities tgian one. hun; , -11 limi and sixty acres, l together with the gcst of pnblication of 2 w»rit·t·s, éhnllbé paid by the applimntg. and QR! shall be at tt liberty to obtpin tluzm Same at the most reasonable rates, audythey-_ S Amillnlso be at liberti to employ any United States deputy sui- c t:t»~yor to make the. burvey. The Cominiésionér of Ythe Genefal °a IQ.·az;d 0Ece shall also have power to establish the inaxitnizgn 11 t~1m¤·§;os for gurvcys and/publicétiou ofjnotices u_nder_ this chap- c ner: and, in casa of excessivochargos for publication, he may tt l}vr<i°;fl1flt€ any r newspaper published in n a land district `tvherc s zzlinos are lsituatod for the`·pnblication_0f mining notices in such t~ di§xz·ict. énd Ex the gntesto be chargeil by such paper; nnd, to 2 me vnd Hint the ‘c0minissioner» may be fully informed on the ‘ sxibjoct, esaéh applicant shall Bic with the register a svyoru s tmzomont ot all ohnrgos and fees paiq ibyrsuch applit:antl_ i0r E

·ut>li<·ation and sxfrvgys, togothetf vfith atl! {ms {gud i110u€y' paid i

tho register of the Land O@cé, which statement shall be. tmnk-· L miami. with the other papers in thélcnse, to`tl1e_ Commissioner ll nf tho General Landbwce. .(R. S; § 2&4; Mnr.‘3, 1925, c, 462, t 13% Smt. 1144, 1145.) __ _ —j · . ~ o E 48. Verification of ¤&d•vitS.=»——1%tl1 nilldnvits required to be m:1do‘ ggmler this cllinpter `niay be verltiod before any 0&ice1··'a amhorizul to administer oaths within the land district where tl tho. claims maé be situated, and i all testimony and proofs .may d lw take11_·béfolré any such omcer, and,‘Vwhen `duly cgrtided` by il mb omer taking the same, shall ‘hav?é the same torbe and " l·fft·t·t as if taken before the registén of the Land Odico. R, In I mins. of contest as to the mineral or. .agi·lcultn~rnl chamcter` i uf lgmd, the testimony and proofs andy betaken; as herein t provided on personal notice of at least texfdqys to the oppog- 11 iw: partjig or itlsuch party énn notpbe found, then by. publlcag- t lion of lat least once- a week'. for thirty? days. in-a `newspnper, Q to be designated; byxtlae register` of the Land Odicc as pub- —t lished nearest to the location ot snéh land; and the ·1;éQiSt.8l;` slmll requirepmot that such notice haé-been_ given. °(R. { § 2335.: Mar. 3,, 1925, c. 462, 43 Stat. 1145.) l A T _ . 2 _ 41. Interacting or _ cyosqiig Yéil1l.··j·—`Yh?l°€ two or more s vegins · inteljsect of crosgreaacl; other, priority of tltlé shall t govern, ang. such `prlor location shall be entitled to_a1i ore E or mlnonfal containéd within the npzice ot, intersection-; but :1 theKsubsequo1tt,'locati0:1 shall have the right of way -`tl1rough s lbf? space of intersection for the purposes of tnel convenient vi wm·l;ing‘ot the mine. And where two or xnorévelns unite, the ll ulglest or prior location Shall take the veln below the point Et

ANDS Azvn Mzmim § 48 I union, including all the epece' of lntersecticnw (B. S. 42. Putents for, nonminergl »lands—-Whepne nomnineral lenwfh not =contiguous-to the vein or léde is used or 0ccupied~ by the moprietor of such vein or Iogle, for giiining or milling puroses, eueh nouadjacent»surI&ce_groi1nd may be embraced and ncluéed in an application {01; a intent for meh eeln lot lode, - nd the same may he patented therewith, ehbject toathe same mellminery requirements as to emtvey· end netice as are ep- Jiqable to veins or ledes; hut no location made of `such nonrdjaceut land shall exceed hve acres, and myment for the anie muethe niiade at the same- rate as Bxetil by this chapter on the Sl1{)€I#HQié8 of the lode. The oowner of e quart]:. mill »x· lmauctaou works, not owning a mine ln eonnection there- j with, may also receive a potent fo: his mill §te, as provided E1 this section. (R.’S.. § 2337.). . . . l ’ A13; Conditions of gale by legal legislatLm·e.·-·-·As a condition {sale, in the absence of www elmislatien by he legal legislature? of any State or .1‘erritory {na? , Pmvidc ixles for working, mines, involving easements, `cigsainege, and ·ther necessary mean§ to .théir complete development; and hose conditions shall be fully expressed in the patent; (B. ‘S. 5 44. Certain -mlne1‘§l lends open to ho¤es~tea&.-Q-\\’here5»ee1¤,_ mon the lands designated as mineral lands prior _ go July

6, 1866; 'which have been, exeluded -f1tom·’s¤rvey and sam _

here have been homesteads made by {citizens ei tm United 22 Itetesf or 'persons" who have déelaredf their intention` $0 beome citizens, which {homesteade have been iuiproved, mid used {or ngrlcultuml_ and upon whkh there love been no valuable mines ot gold,. silver, or , emrer diséevened. and which are "propefly agricultural lands; 5 he settlers or owiiere of rsizch ·` mi aydil t@· ` elkresl of tlre provisions ot » chapter 7 o - title 43, relating 0·· °fHO1D€St€i1d8.?’ S. § 2341; ‘Me1·. 3, 1%1,_c. 561, § 4, as sm¤.*;0e7Q> _ Q , ·* - ” j 45. Minegal_·lnnds‘sgt gpart gs ls@-¥Upoe—-tm urvey of the lands described in· seetion .4,4 ot thh_ tltile, the §ecretery_· of the Interior, may designate and set apart such »0rtions of the- same as _ are cleerly agricultural lands, which ands shall thereafter bee subject to ale as other mlilk ands, ,and·be 1subject—_`to‘nl1 the laws and regulatione_applleable, o_ the same. ‘ (R. S. §`_`2342;,Mgr. —3, 1891, 561, $*4, 26 Stat. 1097.) y J f . .» _ A _46. Additional land` districtk and &cersQ-—¤The President is nuthorined to establish additional lend districts, and to apwint he necessary omcers, under existing laws, wherever he may leem the éame necessary for the public convenience in exec¤t· 3 ng the provisions ot this cliapteg. _(B; S. S 23%.) . _ 47. Proyislom of chqpter not to elect pertain rights.-- €0`thing' contained in this chapter shell bmconstmed to impair, n any way, rights or interests in mining, property acquired mder laws "in forge prior t0_,.1uly 9, 1870; nor to éieét the nrovlsions of the act entitled "An net granting to A. Sqtro he flght of way ond other privileges to aid in the construction ·t e .dralnlng and exploring _ tunnel to the Comstock lodé, in he Sthte ot Nevadn,_" spprovedeJuly_25, 1366. (R. S.`§o%44.) 48. Lands ln cértsip Statu excepted.-Z-Except: as otherwise n·ovlded in Sections 141 to 152, 181 to 194; 201 to_2®. 211 to 214,, 521, 2% to 2%, 241, 251, and 261;.tb 2&5`o£ this title. the piovlsions of Sections 21 to 24, 26 to 30, 33 to 47. 51 and 52 ot this ' itle shall not épply to` the mineral lands situated in the Btates or Michigén, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, whleh, except ns otherwise provided in Thin, title, are cleclered, free ` and open to explofation end purchase, according to legal subllvisions, in like omennon? as` before the 10th day `ot slay; 1872- And. any` bonu "flde entries of such lands within he Stetcenanhed since the 10th day of Mny,4 1872, nmy be