Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/980

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§ `18'Z . 1•1rLa\ so.-eztzzvmzau sections 181 to 194,, 201 to 208, 211 to.214,·'&1, 223 to @, 241,

‘%1, and 231 to 2% of this title shall reaerye to the Secétary

o`f the Interior the right to permit upon auch terms sa] he may determjne to beyjnot, `for joint or several noe, such enseménw or rights of way, including · wsemenw in tunnels upon! through, or ln the lands, leased, occupied, or used as may be `neceéeary or appropriate to` the working of the same, or of otherr lands containing the ldeposits dmrlbed in the sections herelnbefore 'Zennmerated, and'. to treatment and .¤mpme¤¢ of the products thereof by _ `or nhder_ authority of the Government, its. lessees, or permlttees, and for other public purposes. { The Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion,. in making any lease nnder the sections hereinbefore enumerated, may lrescrve to the United States- the right to lease, sell, or · otherwisqdispose of 'the surface of the lands embraced within such lease under existing lava or laws hereafter enacted, ih so far as_ said surface tis not necesmry for use lof the leswe ln extraotln§ and removing, the deposits therein. If sinch reeer— ration is made it ehall be so determined before the offering of such lease. _ The said Secretary, during the life of , the lease, is authorized to issuesnch permits for es{sen1ents·herein prop __ vided to be reserved. [Feb; 25, 1920, .e. 85, § 29,41 Stat. 449.) 187. Assigatuent or snbletting of leases; relinquishment of rights under lenses; conditions_ ins leases as to operation of mines, wells, and so·forth.—No lease issued underpthe authority of Lsectiona 181 to"19-1,}201 to 208, 211 ito 214, 221,. 223 to 229, 241, 251, and 261 to 263 of this title shall be assigned or ~ sublet, except with the consent of the Secretary of itheflnterior. The lewee may, ln° the discretion: of the Secretary of the lnteriorrr be' permitted at any time to make written ._ relinquishment ot all rights under ·suc·h ad lease, and upon acceptance {thereof thereby relieved of all future` obligations under said lease} and- may with like consent jéhzrénaer any legal subdlyisionr of the area included wvitlnin - the lease. Each 2 lease eehall _ contain fproviéions for the purpose ot insuring the exercise of reasonable dl1l#· gence, skill, and rare in, theoperation l of Said property; a · proyision 'that `such rules for the safety and, welfare of the miners and for the `prevention of· undue waste aemgnay he prescribed by "sald Secretary shall‘be_gohserved, in'cl§ding_ a restriction of the workday to not exceedlng eight hours ln any one day for underground worlzera except in cases of emergeney; provisions prohibiting the employment of any boy ,_ under the age of sixteen or the employment ofp any" girl or woman, withont regard to age. in any mine below; the surface; provmons securing the workmen complete freedom of parehaae; emvmoo requiring the payment. ofj pvagés at `leaet twice e ponth in lawful ‘ money of the United- States, and providing proper rules and regulations to‘ lnanre the - falr and just weighing or Measurement of the coal . mlned by each · miner, and meh other provisions an he may lldeern necessary Q to tnenre the sale of the prodnetion of such leased lands to the United. States, and to the, public at reasonable prices, for the protection 'of .the· intereua of. the United States, for the preyention of monopoly, and for the safeguarding! of the public welfare. Yblone of ·~‘sneh provisions shall be in condictp with the laws of the State in whiqg tmY leaned npropertyi is Qexeume; Htreb. ea, mo; c. es, se eo, ei1;·_8tat.' *4549..,) .188. Ferfeitnre or enneellstion of leuese-Any lease imued under the provisions ofeeetiona 181 to 194, 201 to. 208, 211 to - 214, 221, 223`to. 229, 241, 2tS1,~_and` 281 to 263 of this title may be forfeited and canceled. by an appropriate proceeding ln the United States district `eourt. for the district in which the groperty, or some part thereof, is located whenever the leame. fella to comply with any of the provlélons of said pectione, of the _ leaae, `or` of the general regulations promulgated ‘nnder said , sections and lxfforce at the date of the leaaef and the lease may provide for resort to appropriate methods for the

LANDBEAND MINING 956 ment ot or for remedierfor breach ofwecided emma. 2· tions thueot. (Feb. 25, 19w,’c. 85, l-31, 41aStat. 450.) . ’ e e 189. Edu and regulations; rink of States nm •¤eetedg... i Ellhe Secretary otr·the—‘Interior“i• anthérizedto @cribeenee§§. tary and proper rules and »»; e om and to do any annm; p- things necessary to carry ont and a&pl1m,‘the`®1-pegs ,5,; “ ‘ sections `181 to 194, 201 to 208, 211 to 214.  % to 2Q, 241, Z 251, and 261 to 263 —0£1,his’title,.also to dxand determine the . boundary lines got, any stmcture, or oil or ·@¤ Reid, for the purposes thereof. Nothing in isatd sections shall he or held. toiaiteet the righte ot the Staten or other local anthmltytto » exercise any rights- which _ they may have, including the right to levy and collect taxes npon improvementi, minesf or other rights, property, or; _ assets of any of the United · States. (Feb. 25, 1920, .c. 85, { 32, 41 Stat, 459.) _ ‘ V j 120. Oaths reqnirpd,·when.—-All statements, representations, or reporte required by the _Secret•ry of the Interior under sections 181 to 194, 201 to 208, 211 to 2141, E1`, % to*@, 241, 251z&hd 261 to 263 .01. this title shall be ·np0n wth, nnleag (oth rwise specided by him, and in Such form and upont smh blanks as the Secretary of the Interiormay reqnire. {Keb. 2:3, 1920, c.85,§33,-41¢tat.45b.)— , - — , ._ di .2 “ ,191. Disposition of imoneys received.-—Ten per centum of all ` money received frcnn’sal`es, .bonnSes, royalties, and rentals under Q the p_r0visions·0f sections 181 to 194,201 to 238, 211 to 214, 221, 223 to 229, 241, 251,, and 261 to 263 ·of_ thiatitle, excepting those from Alaska, shall be paid into me 'I‘reasm·y_ of the United · States and credited to naiaeellaneons receipts; for prodnetion .p¤·1m·* to I·?ebru"ary..25, 1920, 70_ per centnm; and for production Lthereafter 52%.;, per éentnm of the ninounta derived eneh bonuses, royalties, andrentals shall `be paid into, reserved, and appropriated as ._n parte! the reclamation fund, ereated by aec- _tions 372, 373, 381,. 383, 391, 392, 411, 416, 419, 421, 431, 434, ·‘ 439, 461,_4f2'6, 491, and 498 of Title 43, and for prwnction prior 1 to. such date 20— pe1·_ centnm, and t0r yimaaenen thereafter 1 3fI 1,9 per centnm of the amounts deriired from such bonuses, royalties, and rentals shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasuryr after the expiration of each idseal year to_ the State within- the b0unda`ri% Qf which leased lands or deposits are or were located, said moneys to he used by eneh State t or subdivisions thereof for the. construction and maintenance of public roads or for the anpport of pnhlic nelxoola or . wher public? educational institutiona, 'as the legislature of the . Billie ma)? direet; All moneys which mnyaecrue to the United States hereunder from lands within the naval re-1 mrves shall be deposited in the Treasury "as " miscellaneous receipts}? (Feb. M, _·1e2o, c. ss, 5 an 41 stamina) · _ 5 192.\Payntent‘of royalties in oil or gu; of auch oil `or gas.-·—·All royalty acérning to the United {States nnder any oil i or gan lease or permit `nnder seetions 181 to 194, 201_to %, 211_t0 214, 221, 2@ td %, 241, 251, and 261»to 2% of this- title on demand ot the Secretaryot theylnterior nlxall be paid in oil 0r‘gas. . . "- . ·` _‘ Upon granting any oil or gee leaae. and tragn time to time thereafter during said lure, the Secretary of the Interior shall, __ ‘ except whenever in his judgment it ia dwrable to retain the Same tor, the use of the United Staten, o¤er` for mle for such _ period aa" he may determine, npon notice and advertisement on sealed bids or, at public lauctio n,C' all royalty oil and gas acéruingi or reserved to the United States under- such lease. ` Such- advertisement and mia ~‘ehall reeerzge to the `Secretary ot the ,InteriorJ the `right to reject all bids wirhenever withln< his jixdgment the intereét of the United States demands: and . in eases where no satisfactory bld_ is received gr where the aecepted bidder tails to éomplete the purchase, or where the Beeretary of/the Interior fshall determine that it is unwise in the public interest to accept the offer of- the highest- bidder, `the‘·Secretary of the Intei·lor,‘ within his discretion, may re· _