Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/982

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§ @8 e . TITLE 30.--JIINERAIQ L. &et such reutal for any year shell be credited agnlmt the t ro,s·alti& is they accrue for that yar]; -Le1ses shall be for s ledeeermimte periods upoub ‘cou&tidu of diligent .®vel0iSment d and continued operation of the or menu, except when is such operaéou shall be interrugted by etrikee, the elemeiits, or l casualtlw not attributable to the `lxsee, and BDO;]. the further t coeditkm that at the end ot each twe¤_tyéyear‘.period pucceedy - v leg the date ot the lease such readjuetuxeut of termsfmd condi- * i tions .,may be made as the Secretary of the Interior may" de— teH¤i¤€§ unless otherwise provided by law at the time- ot — the _ 1 explrutlen of such periods. The Secretary of the Interior may, ; it in me judgment the public interest Rvill- b·e_subse‘ryed thereby, ·l in lieu of tlae provision herein _COI1l;8,i!1€d,' requiring {continuous w operedoe of the mine of mines, provide ln the lease for the < pnymwtl of au annual advance royalty upon a ’num#. < ber of tone of coal, which in no Kceee shall aggregate Jess than z the amount of rentgls herein provided for; He ‘ may- permit _: suspension of operation under suclrlease for not to_exceeérsix I

 at éay one time when `unerkef conditions ure Such that; ~¢
he·l&se_ me not be opereted except at a loser (Feb. 25, 192Q, 1

2. 85, _§-ff, 41 Stat. 439.) ‘ * Q , , · ‘_ ‘ .1 @8. Pergnitseto take coil for local domestic 1geeds.—Iu order- 1 to provide for the supply of Strictly local- domestic needs. for i fuel, me Secretary of the. Interior. mey, under such rules Wanda 1 regulations aéf he may prescribe in advance, issue limited 4 licenm or-permléxto ihdlvldualsbor essoclations of individuals é zo prospect fer, mine, gud ·teke `{or" their use but not for °1 sale, coal ”f;·om;tl1e.public laudslwithout paymenf; of royalty e for the ,c®l mined ·or the land occupied, on suclr conditions Al ect inconsistent mjltheectious/181 to 194, 201 to"208,-211 to 214, 1 m, % to 229,) 241,, _%1, and 261 to 263 of this title es lu hjs 1 aplnieu will mfegunrd the public interests. This -·bprjvllege_ 1 nhjlf not extend to any corporations. Iu,the case ogmuulcipal. s eorporetlous the Secretary, of the Interior may issue meh, lim- · lted license or permit, for not _ to exceed three hundred and 1 twenty acree ter e muulcmnllty ot less than one hundred thou· e seed population, and mot [to exceed one thousand two huudered a and eighty acres for A Qunwpullty of not less than one hun· .4 me ummmim me mt more time one hundred me my mgm -1 sand population; and not ti; exeeee two thouearndjuve hundred hud- ei;ty_ acres for a municipality ot· oneehundred end; Htty 1 thoumud population or more, they land to be selected within the State yrberéluf the municipal, applicant ‘may » be · located `upou w condition thaf such municipal corporations will mine the coal » therein mole: DNP? coudltioxis had iilepeee of, 'the. same without °pro§t$to msidcum of such mmilclpellty for household use: Providedg That_ the acquisition or holding of n" leaqe under; sections 181 and 201 to W7 of-this title ‘sha1l_·be luo ber to the _ holding ot such tract or operation ot such mine under eald limited llcense. (Eeb. 25, 19%, c. 85,'§A8, 41 Stet:‘440:) - _ `3,` Pgoeruxrze . ‘ · 2ll.. Authority to lease linda.--Tlne Secretary of the Iuierior o is authorized, to lease to any e.ppllca'x1t quelmed under sections 181 to 194, 201_to %8Q 211 to 214, 221, 223 to 229, 241, 251, aud 261 to $3 gt tlnlg title any lands belonging to the United Sfatea l containing deposits of phoephatee, ,` under such reetrlctlous and upon such terms as are herein- epecitleé, througlr edvertiseinent, eompetitjve bidding, or euclz other metlgeds és the Secretary of _! @1e Interi6r may by general regulation adopt. (Feb. 25, I920, c._85,§9,_41Stat..440.) e f / . ·· ‘ -; 212. Amount of had `iucluded in lease; surveys}-lilac}; leem shall be for not to excoedtwo ·thous.eud_§ve hundred and sixty- ecree of lend described by the legal eubdlvielonsbt the ·pub1le laxid e rveys, if surveyed ’; it uueurveyed, to be surveyed, by the Government at the expense of. the epplimnt for lease, iu accordance with rules and regulations prescrlbed by the Secretary of the Interior and the lends leawd shall be wétormed 2 · “ ‘ b

ANDS AND MINING s 968 . o· and tal;g·ni'ln accordance; with tho lmnlp subdivisions ot such an inrvcy ;, doposlts inode to Cove! BKWBW Gf $¤¥V€¥¤ Shall be loeméod appropriatod for that pnrpm; and any cxcom deposits zlmll be repaid to the u person, moclation, or corporation mak. ng such domlts or thoir lcml reproscntntlvés. 'I‘ho·lo11d cfu. >ra_ccel ln any ono lcasc shall be lncompnct form,. tholéngth or which shall not exceed two and onohalf times its width. (Foo. ·. !5,\1920,cl85,§1Q,4l Stat. ‘ , ’ » . " j 213. Roykltios: annual rontslig tem of leases; operation.- · Fort tho prlvllcgo of mlniné or {extracting tho- phomhatca ur ° n )h0Bpb&fQ_l’0Ck covcmcd by tho loose tho lossso ml! pay to tho United States such royaltiés as may be specincd ln the loans, which shall cbcchxod by the Secretary of tho Interior in advance at offering the samo, which shall not bc loss than 2 per ccntnm wt the gross value of thoontput of phosphates or phosphate rm-1} at tho mine, duoaud payable at the ond of mob third mouth. succocdlnglthat of the solo or other dispcmtion of the plnia. photos or ·phosphatoi;r‘ock,_ andmn annnél rental piynblo at tho late of such lease and annnallg thoroattor on the area*covore·d oysuch lease at such rate as may bs Hxéd by the Secretary of ’ the Interior prior to o@érlng-the lease; which shallbo not loss than 25 ccntspcr acre for the ilrst your theruttu, 50 cents puacrc for the second, third, fourth, and _Mth ywrs, lrwpcctisoly, l and $1 por acre “for`each and, overy_ycm· thaoaftcr during the _ zontlnuanco- of the lcaso, except thatsnch rental for sn? Ware shall be credited against then g·oyalti& sstboy amos ioai that · year. Loasosgshall be for indeterminate periods upon condition ; _` at a minimum annual production, except when operation shall bo interrupted by strlkos, the clo1nonts,_or casualties not attributable to tholjcssco, and own tho fnrthorr comition that at the end of each twentyqoar period dntefot tho loose such roadjnstmontot and conditions shall be made _- as tho Secretary of tho Intorlor shall QQ WiS€"`P1'0Vid€d"bY~·l¤W{ 8t W6 tim? ¤!. €h¤,¢¥¢ Wm °¥ periods '1‘ho.Socretary_ of tho Interior my xii va is s of operation `unden such lem for not. eqxc@dl¤g twelve months atani one timowvhen market conditions are snchtlut tho loiso Ran not `bc. oporhtogl except at a loss, " (1•‘éb·"%l 1920. _¢· @. I11,41Stst.440.) _ ’ · .·_ _ 214. Use of·m%§faoc`of other,lqm1§.··-—-Any onalmcgl applicant to ‘ whom tho Secretary of the Intérior tnuy grant ng mso to dovolop and oxtractj phosphates, or phomhato nndor tho provlsionsot this subchhpter shall have ’tho'_ri§:t to use so`·much ot tho surtaco ot nnappropriatod and nnontorod lands not oxc@ln:jorty acrgs, as be dototmlnod bi the . tary of tho I_ tcrlor to lic nocwry · for the proper prospecting" for or `dovglopment] extraction} tro•.tmont,”a1fd'_rmoval· ot such mineral deposltso (Feb? 25, 1920, c. 85, { 12,; 41 Stat. 441.). .

     _4.o¤.Jm¤c.».¤ ~‘ _

,-221. Prospecting _ porsltsg torm one cq¤ex§1¤¤;_ memos: p location_of‘land£;_m•rking·land; notice of application ior ner-: mit ;· permits inc Alunks.·——·Tho Secretary of the Interior is anthorfzod, under suchnocéwry proporrulos.. and regulations as ho may ‘proscribo,_'to_ gra { to any. applloantfqnalitlod _ under sections 181 to l94, 201 to 208,211 1:0214; 2% to 241,- 251, and 261lto am oyhis tltlo n prospecting permit, vchélclx shall give theoxcluélvé right, for a period not exceeding two years, to prospect forollor gas upon notto cicood two thonsamf five hundred and sixty `agros of land whorqn such deposits belong to tho United Stratos ana arc not within any known geological structure of a producing oil or gas Bold `upon condition that tho porlnlttoo. sshall begin" drilling operations within six months from thoidato ot tho pormit, and shall, within onégcar Jrom and after the date ot_ permit, drill onc_*or_,m0rc walls loroll or gas to a depth of not lon than Evo honored toot each, unless ‘ valuable deposits ot oil or gas slrall be sooner dlscovcrocf, and ‘§h8U. within two yours ‘ from Wftc o£·tl1o_`poi·mlt, drill for oil