Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/996

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%§ 100 mus s1.-nom thesedetmchco»u¤¤orce¤rtorpah1icc&m, in the®1>¤rtment er bureau ie which sed: papers are we be wed; tea me mh cu·t&m¤e duly Qedlia sa& d@rmmter shall be eu§¤ent as to ali veciécatiom ei sock G$¢é1‘ timing hte @@1 term, and in§ papa: wreeeeefoce or hereafter tiled ehail be subject to thiaxude. (July 1, 1890, c. 648, `26 Stat. Ew; Sept. 1, 1wG, No. 43, % Sat. 679.) ,—_ 190. Wim agent withhe}&g plpc¤.·———An‘y claim agent, attorney, or other persw dh. the éellectioiz of ciaims for yay, bounty, or atiewancw for any soldier, or for "my commiwioned omcer of the military force, or who may have men a soldier or omcer ot the @1ar or volunteer form or the United States} am heaorably discharged; who shall retain, without the consent of the owner or owners thereof, ox ehail refuse to deliver or accouutfor the came open demaugi duly made by the owner or owners thereof, or by their agent or attorney, the discharge papers of any sueha soldier or commimhmed e&cer, which may have been .piaced_ in his hands for

 the purpose ot collecting said claims, aha!} be deemegi guilty

of a— misdemwnor, ami sha1l,- upon conviction, be puuiehed by Knc not exceeding $508, or by ihprisonmmt not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court, and shall ;there— after be damned from prosecuting any such yclaim in any executive deputwt of the Governwt. (1!ay-21,.,1812, ol 173, 17 Stat. 137.) _ ‘ 181. Evi&mc of discharge returned to .o@eers mg mu.-Q-In all caséewhere it has become necessary for any omccr or enlisted man of the Army to tile his` eyidence of honorable discharge from the military aeriice ot the United States, to secure the eettlemept or his sccoenta, the accounting o®er‘with whom tit has been Bled $@1111, 'upon application "by_ said o&cer or enlisted 'mxm, deliver to Him auch evidence ot. -_bo¤o:a_§e dkchazggc; but his acootmts shall Mat be duly settled, and the tact, date, and amzmt of each settlement shall be chwrly. written across the face ot such evidence ot honorable diS(?HR1’g€,,&Dd nteested by the §guature of the ‘accoun ting o&c@· before it ia delivered: (R. S. 5 &,)— .= · 182. Payment of claims for pay.am1‘a1lowa:1ces.——1n the lsetticmeqt of claims ot edicers, soldiers, .8RH01'$; and marines, or their ,repz·csentatives=, and all other claims ·for · IMF. and ,a1lowa§cm,_cbvcrcd by paragraphs nuinbefed second and t fourth of eectaion.-72 of this title presented and Hled in which ~ ait was the praeicc on Jéue 6, 1900,` to make deductions ofattomeysf {ece fr the ameuntfouixd doe, no deductions of tees for attomcys· or agents ,shal.1 be ‘magie, but the ‘ draft, check, or warrant? for the full amount found due shell be delivered to the payee in person or sent to his bona Bde post- . ome address (x·esi;1ence,or.placéoot business)., (June 6,1900, ,c. @1, 31 Stat. 637.) . _ . Q J - . » · l93.,Accau¤ts of Departments of War arid the Navy.--——·The Gcaera} Accoxmting (wee Shall Eeep all‘ accounts of the receipts. and ekpenditurm of the public money ip regard to- the owe: and Navy Demrtments, and 01 a11___dobta one to the United Stems on moneys udvdnced relatiie to those departmeata; shall preserve (h8.B£C0\111tS ihich shalt have been Malloy adjusted, with their vouchers and certiiicatee; agd record all requisitions, drawn by the Secretaries of those. e- puitmeuta. Said office shall annually.- on me `firet°Mo ndayai" November; report to the Secretary of the Tremor? the appli-o cation _ ot the money appropriated for the Demrtimnt of A War and the_Bcpa:tmcu@t ot the Navy, and it o = such reporteq concerning the accounts of those s y tment s the Secretaria of these departqeuta mei, dem and require: (R. S. { 2S3;_J1mc£10, 1921, c. 18, §·w4,—42"Stat 194. Accounts of · pnymastcrir of lcd_ ee caxarcd/;$ic »`V€§Ql8.····—·I!1 everjr cage or the loss or captureio! a' rene! peleuging to the Nevyotlthe United States, Comptroller General as =to moacy accounts and the‘Paymaater General of the Navy

HX AND FINANCE 982 ne to preperty aceermte ire authorlaed, in the settlement of the accounts ot the paymaetér of meh vessel, toeredlt him wim meh portion of the amount ot the provwous, clothing, email Stores, and money, with · which he stands charged on their boob, as séid o@eere shall be eetimed we.; inevitably lost by Such capture or lose of a public vusel; and such paymester shall be fully exeaereted by eueh credit from ell liability on axount ot the provisions, clothing, mall storm, and money ee I proved to have been captured er lost. (R. S. { 284; Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80,1 1, 18 Stat. 817; June 10, 1921, c. 18, l 304, l2 Stet;`24.) _~ ’ _ · `I05. Relief of deismrdng é§eera of Navy.-1% General Accounting Gmce ehallelrelleve any dlsbeureing o@eer of the Navy charged with responsibility on account et lou or dedelenpy while in the line of his duty, of Goeemmeet funds, vouchersg razorde, or papers, in his charge, where- such lm or dedciemy occurred without fault or negllgegzee en the port- ogteeaee owen *Pr012idcd, That the Secretary of "the Navy shell have determined that the o@cer was iz; the line ofhis dnty,‘ned the loss or dedciency occurred without fault or negligence on his part. The determination by the Secretary of the Navy of the qtoresaid qu&tjo¤s shall be eonclmlve upon the Gwerel Ae- i oouriting Omcex Provided farther, That all eww of relief granted under thb authority dering any Sscnl year shall M reported in detail to the Congrw by ‘ the Secretary et the Navy- (July 11, 1919, c. 9, 4.1 Stet._132.)" ' 106. Disbursements by erder of eenmauding eleer ef ·Navy.-—Every disbursement ot public moneys, or disposal of public stcrw, X!18dB`bY.& diebursieg pursuant te an order of any` comma¤di¤g'oElcer of the Navy, shall be allowed by the General? Accounting Ofllce, in ~ the settlement of the aecounts ot the omcer, uiion satisfactory evidence of the making, a ot such order, and of the {lament of xeeney or di%al oi t stores- in conformity with it ;_ end the commending omcer by

 order such disbursement er disposal was. made, shell

be `held accountable for the same. (R. S. 9 285; June 10, 1921, c. 18, Q 304, 42 Stat. 24.) ‘ , “ __ lQ7.‘Settle¤ent of expenses of intercourse viitli foreign n•tim\a.#-\‘Vhe11ew·er any _ sum` of money has or shell be ” issued, from the Treasury, for the purposes of intercourse or treaty `with foreign `uatione, in pursuance of e.ny lew, the PIQS.ld€Dt"iS authorized to cause the'seme· to be duly settled Iennuelly with the General Aeemrxnting Omee, `by causing the ` __seme to be accounted tor, speéllicelly, if `· the expenditure may, I lp his judgment, be made `publle; and by, making or causing ‘ the Secretary ot. State to make a certlbcste of the amount . of) such expenditure ee he may; thinly it edvlseble not to specify; sind every euch_ certidcate ‘ shall be deemed ‘ a sumcieut voucher for the sum therel;1`exprwed to' have been expended; (R. S. {@1; Jlllllé 10,1921, c. 18;} 304,_A42·.&nt. 24.) ` 163.. Accounting fer aimreprlatiol¤s' fer i¤ferma··— tioin from abroad and at — home.-:5E;De¤dlti;res. by the Bmw- _mem; ot the Navy from the `eppremletleu for ebtalelug iqtormation from abroad em at heme shall be aticvnetedl tor epecidcally; if, Irl Elle judgment of the Secretary of; the Navy, theyl may be made public, and he shellmake a· eertmeate ot_ the emouxzt of such expemllteree es he may think lg edvlselgle ' not to- speelfé, end ·every_ seek certilleate shell m deemed e Y eumeient vouclier for the sum therein expressed toi here been E expended, (Aug. w, 1')l6, c. $17, M Stat. 557.) ‘

 109. Collection of he ’rte\ due Pest, 0Eoe .Dep•rt¤e¤f;——¤·The
 General   Omce lshell mperlntend the mllectiou of ell

{I debte due the Post .0Qce_`Depertme¤t:, and all penalties end for- ? Ieitures impmd for eegvlolation et the postal laws, and take "all euch ether meeeuree sn may be mthorlzed $$?` low to ee- ` l Ioree the peymnt et been debts and the of such ,.penaltles end 'forfelgures. Sméh cmeé ellelbelso euiierlntend Wthe eellectiop oz all peeeltles and Iorfeltures arlslng rinder