Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1191

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SIXTY-NINTH comnms. sm,. II. cu. ms. 1927. 1151 $2,570; librarian, $2,460; assistant ·11bI‘8l'18.I\, $2,240; assistant file clerk, $2,250; assistant librarian; and assistant Journal clerk, at $2,150- each; clerks-one nxt $2,150, three at $2,020;‘b00kkcepe1·, amd assistant izrdisbursing ciiicc, at $1,940*cach; four assistants to chief billclerk, at $1,830 each; steno apher bo the Clerk, $1,730; locksmith and typewriter repairer, $,620; messenger and clock repairer, $1,520; assistainbin stationery room, $1,520; three messen- ge1·s,‘a,t $1,410,1011; stenographer to Jbumal clerk, $1,310; twelve tele hone operators, at $1,200 each; three session telephone operators, at sgoo per month each from December 1, 1927, to June 30,1 1928; substitute telephone operator _whpn required, at $3.30 per day, $1,200; 1a,b0rcrs·—-three at $1,200 each, nine at $1,010 each; purchase, exchange, operation, maintenance, paid repair of motor vehicle, $1,200; in al 1, $128,920. ‘ 2 0 A ` ooxxrfriuf EKPLOYEES _ mC°m¤*“'*’° °°’p‘°" Clerks, messengers, smd_j0.11it0rs to the following committees: °‘°"‘"“° ’°““°”· Accounts-c1erk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,150; _ janitor, $1,310. Agriculture-clerk $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,150; janitor, $1,310. App1·0pria.ti0ns»—cicz*k,._.$5,000, and $1,000 additional solong as the posxtion is held by the present incumbent; the Eositionsmf assistant clerk at $4,000, six assistant clerks at $3,000 enc , and assistant clerk at $2 440, are abolished and in lieu thereof there u.r0.hcrcby estab- lished to perform the duties of such `tions the followiu : Assist- ant, clerk at $4,500, five assistant clermt $3,300 each, andgassistaut clerk at $2,700, and for such positions there xs appropriated for the fiscal year 1928, $23,700; jamtor, $1,440. Banking and Currency- clerk, $2,360; assistant clerk, $1,520; janitor, $1,010. Census-eclerk, $2,360; janitor, $1,010. Civ;1-Servi0c—clerk,,$2,360; janitor, $1,010. Claims-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $1,520; janitor, $1,010. Coin- age, Wei hts, and Measures-clerk, $2,360; janitor, $1,010. Dispo· sitiou og Useless Executive Papers-—clerk, $2,360. District of Columbia'-clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,150; jaxxitm, $1,010. Educati0n—c1erk,$2,360. Election of President, Vice Prcsidcntésnd Representatives in Congress-—cIerk, $2,360. Elections Numbers ’1··—· clerk, $2,360; janitor, $1,010. Elections Numbered 2-—c1crk, $2,360; 'anitor, $1,010. Elections Numbered 3-clerk, $2,360; `anitor, $1,010. ?Em·011ed Bills-—clerk, $2,360; janitor, $1,010. Flood (%0nt.1·01——clerk, $2,60; janitor, $1,010. ‘Fo1·eign_..Aifairs-—clcrk(,1 $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,150; janitor, $1,010. Immigration an Naturalization- clerk $2,880; janitor, $1,010; Indian Aifairs·—clork $2,880; assist- ant cierk, $2,150; ju.mto1t,$1;010. »Indust.rial_ Arts maxi Expositions- clerk, $2,360· jamtor, $1,010. Iusular AEai1·s-clerk, $2,360; jami- tor, $1,010. interstate and Foreiqgx Cormnemc-—clcx·k, $3,300;;addi- tional clerk, $2,360; assistant cler , $1,880;, janitor, $1,310.. Irriga- tion and Reclgmation-clerk, $2,360; janitor, $1,010.1 Invalid Pen- ,sions——cle1·k,$2,880; stmogmpher, $9,560; expert examiner gilormsn E. Ives), $2,400;'ussista.nt clark, $2,60; jgmitor, $1; . 3 Ju ` `ury·-T clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $1.,940;··{su11mx:, i$1V .. »IAb0I‘·+:¢1B!‘k, $2,360; janitor, $1,010.- »@.Lib1'2gry¤—-c 01•k,< · $2, ; -jan@t»0r,` $1,010. Merchant Mamma and ·FiBh8P18S··<?·¥8Yk,' $i{360; uutor, $1,010. Military AE$irs—-clerk, $2,880;. ark, £1,830; janitor. $1,310. vMims ·Mining-·-clerk, $2;,360; janitor, $1 010. 0 Naval Aifa.irs4-clerk, $2,880; assistanticlcmk $1,830; janitor, $1,310, ,Pat— euts·—c1erk, $2,360; janitor, $1,010. i?e11sions-·-clerk, $2,880; assist- ant clerk, $1,940; janitor, $1,010. Post Oilico and Post Rmds+—+·c1c1·k, $2,880; assistant clerk, $1,730; j•.nit0r,· $1,310. Printing-·-clark, $2,360; janitor, $1,310; Public Buildiu and Grounds-clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $1,520; janitor, $,010.. Public Lands~—