Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1219

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SIXTY-NTNTH CONGRESS. Sass. II; Cu. 1*89. 19277 1179 in are a r riated, out of an f mow in the Treasu not A¤¤'gQ',Q°*"j,¤’ if otgerwise ap rgprialted, for the De aiitments of State and dldstice i)¤%il’% ¢h¤"Jui1i§i:ryZ and for the gudkiciary, and for the ll)epartments of Commerce and E'Z,°$,§”.§”i,`ilb.,`Z¥ Labor, for » theliscal year ·ending‘ J une 90, Y 1928, namely: TITLE I.—DEPARTMENT OF STATE D°°°““"’“‘°‘““"°· `·‘ ’° ’ li;.`,'i_l"W(Y?F¥U{i0`!‘l$E€RE'I‘iAk!'r’0Bi_8TA*i·it  »· l; >a;,·¢¤ .· $ .Sr~\ ·~r! eil »*:.";~ M,-_T>~€>-i · ' n ' Salaries:·‘For"¥Secreta ' =i0f*°$St&te‘*"$t5=000§»~ Undersccreta V of S°""’°'“" U“§,°”°}i State, and other persona? services the ’District of Columbia in zitrizpyd- and Om pe accordance with the Hlatsilibdtioir Act. Hi U2}, including tempora employees, $1,074,600; in all, $1,089,600: Provided, That in expenldyf; Hmm, ,0 ing appropriations or-portions obappropriations, contained in this *g;g;;{;mtgg;1¤Act¤M¤ Act, or the payment for personal services in the District of Columbia Vol.42,_p.1488.. _ ine¤accordanoe= with the·Glassiiication of 1923; theiaveragcfof i` ' tbeisalaries ‘6f·the¤toitial¥ »m1niber¤e£¢pe1sqna=under»·an$y grade in any bureau, ·* bilioeyvon tether appropriations unit r t. at »'any>· _- time exceed the-averageéof the oom·pensation,:1·ates=speei1i·ed=ifor>the _ - _ by siiehqgctpaii in ’grades».in¤wvl1ichion¤ly»one*positi¢ni is=aH¢ca.ted· ml; §.m,§J°° www t:he·sala.ry»·o£ suetupoaitlon shalt not exceed€4:he‘·average-lefgfthe compensationl rams rfor the grade. exept that ei uiiusually=merit0n*io1is ,¤§,“,‘§,‘§§,’§§‘;,°,§,’},““,,“§,F,f cows of oneiposition ·in·a=Eraqle· auvh.noes;may=bé=madeato*‘ijates higher than the average of t e com ensation rates of the de but I not·md1ie'often=tha1i·once*in any £ea1?yeariandv#tben.oi¤l§ri‘to·‘ti1e _. ` . » nextri higher mates Pr¢oid'ed,‘f’.llhat ¥tl1lS¥D€StTl(§t»l.l)D’#SlY£1l notwpplyj c,§‘}f,8,'§¥,;{’,§*,$§,‘,f,*;,c;‘; 1) to grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 ofvthe clerical-mechanica.l‘ www- _ ,_ . 2) to requixethereductionl·infsalary of any‘pe1·bon·v¢hose·eomp5ln— drgd me •¤1•¤’—¤>· sationwas Hxedas of July`1i,’1994,·1niiiocotd$noe·*withithe{·mlespf= lir¤1.`u,p,1a¤p,' _ section/6 ed such fAct,,(8)=te·1»eqnirezthea·eductien:in·=sa1ary_—o£¤any pwT=tg¤¤9_g,¤,hrg,l·;¤é¢¤r pension. @6 is transferred‘froin··ene position to another pjolsitien em. °° ··'°‘*"°' ixgthel/sim; or*di>tfei§ent¥jg(*ri€1de·*ih thblggzié o1·¤a=dife&-iaitg reau; P ym ts at mw o ce,·:or€o er¤¢a as riati l11`1l¢,70`P¥· -te·p<1•ev` entz " aymen t ,8,,*; ” ,,,,d_ of a salary~1mdgi;panl5:·grade‘4at write h.igl1er¤£han’¤tire·maximuni Wm l'8l>8`bfr`Ull6’;gF8dé*Wl1£D‘SHCll higher rate·is¤pemiitted.’by the·C1assi4 iicationAct of 1922}, and is;specrHcally<authorizediby other law; l — 3

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coiwmnonnr nxrnusms, nnranmniqr or srairm ¤ ·* _A For contingent and·miscellaneousY`expe¤seS,—idcludinggstativnery, furniture, . fixtures, —typgvriters,· exchange of·—same,i repairs and —— ‘ material for re irs; ‘ks,· mexsy and periodicals, wloinestic and foreign, for the library, not exce 'ng_$4,000; newspapersfnot exceed-` ing $700, for which payment‘m+ay< be made in =advanee; maintenance, rshpair, and storage of motor»pr0pelle&’vehicles,,io‘be used only for o cial piurposes; automobile mai, wagonsyineluding sborage,·repa1r, and exc angie oft same; street-car fare not exceeding $150;.and other miscellaneous items not included in the foregoing, $43,605. rmN·rmo nm nmnmo For all printing and binding in the Department of State, includ- mgrmm md bm` ing all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $190,000. mssroirr strnmaus P°“"°" °“”"“* For salaries and expenses of maintenance, including rent outside p§,§1,S°T*°“ md °" the District of Columbia, of assport bureaus at New York City, New York; San Francisco, California; Chicago, Illinois; Seattle,