Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1270

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1230 SIXTY·NINTH couonsss. sm. 11. cu. 191. ism. If,'°“§· W- u’;gP°'°d " 1 Obli tions in th f rn of drafts or bills of exchan by mm A ` draivri in ggiud faith agailiistoiilctually existing values shall not E suléject un er this section to any limitation based upon such capital an , I l I '· I _ ummm mam. ‘l(2) Obligations. arising out of the discount of commercial '0`I °°°°" buéness paper.aet.uaHy·ovgned by the pers0n,1ccpartz1ership, associa- tion, or corporationinegotiatm the same shall not be subyect under 1 · this section to any; limitation upon such capital and surplus. seqmu bysoedsln » "(3)Q Qbligations drawn m.g·0od faith against actually emsting °“”"· values and secured. by goods or commodities in process o shipment Shall not be sulgect un er this section to any limitation based upon ¤·m» “"?·*24$“‘ilti1 °“ *‘“’*"‘“‘ 11 as 1 · t it thi l ·‘ . °*°*¤¤Z.» · i tionsas.in0rser·orguara 0 noeso er; an ig°:°¤mi1°§'°•iiiu1l’°E commercial gi? business paper excepted under (2) herebf, having a “‘°““”‘ maturity of not more t an six n1onths,1s11d—ow[ned by the person, ·¤¤¤¤9*·¤s¤<*¢<1· corporationilassocxation, or cogeartnersh1p·111dcrs1ng~and negotiating “ i thesame, ;s, all be subject un r 1th1s1seet1on·to a Imitation of 15 per centum 051 such_ tcialpigl and purplus in addition to such 10.per ” ‘.‘. ,‘ ._centum;o_su capn _,a_.surpus. 1 .¤;·_<.·=.‘. .1 °_;z&¢;s;•;1¤¤at1au6t§_!e if?) ?l>&i6ga1t1i01(1ls»ain;the form oiibban§r’sf1:¥1ce;;i$agcea1o{i other . ° . $59 dn {msec n o e _e_era_ eserve zi? {§;8"i].,·§,’i "°‘· ‘>A¤t1sha»;Ihmt suggect wider this section to any limitation based '° ' ‘ uponsu _·cap° a surpus-.. .» * °“"°"‘""°"* . ;;»‘§ 1.6 1 Obligations of; any person, co artnership association or " i>1¤°?:E §or;loi·atiqn,_in,it;he form inf. noteshor, gralftg secmzeds lzyishgpping · ' , 1_ ocuinents ware ouse receipts or ot er suc . ocunaen rans errmg ·“*°°°‘°¤°°"°°‘· title .coveri%1readigy`9(3n;•£rketable nonpgxjtshabliastitaplee .W_%l18\1 . 1*0, 18 cov, insurance 1 1 isc _mary to suleh mes, shall, be subject under this to a_l1m1ta· . M m vu M t1on of 15,per mntun; of sluch cazpftzlupnd surplushm siiiditeonktcz _wggymumg_¤ suchl.0 per centum 0 suc capi y _ surplus w en 1e_ma e » value of such staples securing such obligation 11s not at_any time less than L15 er ceutum of the face amount of such obligation, and to an additional increase of limitation of·5 per centum ofsuch cagxtal and surpluain addition to such 25 per centum of such capital an surplus when (the. market value of such staples securing such additional obligation is not at any time less than 12Q·per centum of the_face amoqntiof such additional obligation, and to a further additional increase-pf limitation of 5 per centum of such capital and surplus ` 111,;8dd,!jhl0D_,t»0.8u<}l1 30 per centum of such capital and surplus when. the market value of. such staples securing such additional amoun 0 1 su · no _ o ga ion, an a er, _ _ iona W °"“““‘€°’ii°c “c§°.‘.i‘a1’I*’e$““°bili““tlh°“ 123 %’.?‘v°°1—}1‘$·i‘£’° °$.i‘1‘2· mi increase of limitation of 5 per centum of such capital and sur lus in addition to such 35 per centum of: such cagital and surplus wllien the market value pf su<i1l;sta§1(les securing sup thadggzional oliligatioln is not at any time east _ 1 — rcentumo ‘e eamoun o_ suc additional obligation, and to ttgarther additionaljncrease of limita- tion of. 5_ _, centunn of such. capitaland surplus in addition to such P6? 1 . 40 pe§11o;n·tu11_1;sof such capitalil a:11g_tsiurp'l111s·t;1{he1;_.the_marl:;et tvalue fsu ·‘ p 5SBGl1I.‘1Ilg,SllC a 1 on o iga ion is no a_any %e lessithan 135»per,cent¢um of the; face amount of such addinonal 1 obl18\$!¤D,..and to a Afurthcr add1t1cnalc1ncrease1of limitation of 15 per §BDtl1ll1f0f·,Sl10l1~ cap;tal gud surplushm aldgditionkto mich 42 , "oentumoi _ capita an su lusw ent .1nar etavaueo

   atgdiigpngs obligatio;1 is nothat ,515); tim?

1ess.,tban_. __ ,per;cen_ o f Aaceiamoun o suc v 1 IODB rims limitation or obligation, butcthis exception sha1l_not applyito obligations of any "’°’· · ongzéperson, copartnerslup, association or _corporat1on arising from the-same transactions and/or secured upon the identical staples for morethan ten months.