Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/229

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SIXTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cr:. 44. 1926. 189 For transportation of di lomatic and consider oiflcers, $1,717.98. For national security and) defense, Department of State, $68.56. $ Fpr llxéelief and transportation or American citizens in Mexico, 1 1 4. . A iFor salaries and expenses of interpreters and guards to consu- lates, $14.23. For salaries and expenses, United States Court for China, $700.54. For boundary line, Alaska and Canada, and United States and Canada, $556.24. Tanasnxx naranrunwr For increase of compensation, Treasury Department, $41.41. ,,g`,,'{““‘Y ”°*""" For expenses of loans, $39.12. $ For expenses of loans, Act of September 24, 1917, as amended, 170.50. For expenses of loans, Act of September 24, 1917, as amended and extended $160.33. For collecting the revenue from customs, $619.06. For salaries and expenses of collectors, and so forth, of internal revenue, $1,186.89. For salaries and expenses of collectors of internal revenue. $24.70. For collecting the war revenue, $47 5.83. For collecting the internal revenue, $62.79. $ For enforcement of National Prohibition Act, internal revenue, 141.51. For enforcement of Narcotic and National. Prohibition Acts, inter- nal revenue, $10,942.15. For allowance of drawback (internal revenue), $1,639.42. For refunding infemal·revenue collections, $2,210.20. For refunding taxes illegally collected, $3,672.34. For Coast Guard, $9,041.14. _ For materials and miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $60.96. _ For pay of commissioned oilioers, and so forth, Public Health Service, $230. ’ For pay of other employees, Public Health Service, $5.69. For freight, transportation, and so forth, Public Health Service, $1.35. For pa of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $6,024.08. For medical and hospital services. Public Health Service, $11 422.27. lfor uarantine service, $327 .26. For gold investigations of public health, $94.25. For preventing the spread of epidemic diseases, $15.42. For interstate uarantine service, 76 cents. " For control of(l>iologic products, Public Health Service, $23.46. For protecting the health of military forces, Public Health Service, $16.25. ` For su pressing " Spanish influenza " and other communicable diseases, $,1.11. , _ For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $278.22. For general expenses of public buildin?, $7.16. ’ For mechanica equipment for public uildi , $100.23. For pay of assistant custodians and tgamtorsflgll,28425. For operating force for public buil ings, $1,979.81. For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, $196.95. For operating supplies for public buil ings, $1,456.95. _