Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/303

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SIXTYANINTH .Seas.¤Iz ,011; 146. lL926, 263 travel allowances to; men on disehirgg to ollilcere N"`p'_°‘,, (’;},§’gQ,’,§‘;,°,;§ gf National Guard od Eederalz service welcxehl m Uribe, Act of MaFr13:;¤1;to#en.h.pted efgati¤n•§lf}uud;§oc1:; VQ; "‘ ml i IIQB: i, ‘:‘ ilmm to i , ,",_." of Sema:bev<W,,·19f§2; anditoimexnbers ,of>dhe)l`atio1ial Guegiwhe have into ‘Fede:al;e•rv1cd€ahd—d1schar$s<l pneapccunt Am u immm ot fof momt not .eg3°`$”.u.»n. mn ex 1mm yr-avail, ab e. procure- · ment an trimsportation of fuel for the service of the fiscal year 1927 and of the said sum of $$526,230, $30,000 shall be immedmtely dgzgmgmga available for transportation o troops to and from the celebration nom cqm1¥Iemorating Fiftieth·Annivex·sary of thejBat&e of the Little "’“" "“ ’“· 01*114 ’ . Q- nil 5 ~ ,1;_’j ‘ rw  » ·;‘ N »< Zh $:e;PP;:s;;r;¢.e2;~:$§2s:l:*:¥lri,··2,.r,::de;:·:.s;*s vehicle dba!]. be employed whol1y_ or/rin for personal, ®¢1I],·‘0'! sumlar usa, except such use as is prescmbed by order for the oi personnel in connection with the recrea~ ti t' 't° t . Opiongcoivlth? iimdsiappiiggdamd or maderavailable in this Act v e£°*°° shall be used for the purc ase of motor-propelled tplassenger or freightmarryingt vehicles for the·Army'except atuare pur- chased solelyifor experimentalipurposes;·· J . > nouns ron cava1mr,_sxm.nnnr, euro so H°”°'· ,.1meo,pum1n¤etox<a¤¤eeesi¢m¤*11ma»l¤eim/eye, sx, mia size P··¤=*·······¤· to be prescribed by the Secretary dof Warifor remounte for ollleers entitged to plublic mounts, fogghe Ungstercg Sézattles Military Academy, nd or suc organizations mem ‘o e rmi ita service as may be required to be mounted, and for all expenses incident to such I bmw purchases (includinF$150,000 for encouragement of the breeding of - 0 8, . z M . . J ’¥“A“.%mh°?i2§?i1?§ °1i£§f§m.°'“i.T€”§ K‘g;°$°’°“"°.ms?a§1'£‘(ii¤"§°i¤T‘$“ chase of animals fbr breeding purposes and their maintenance), tm M $450,165 and in addition thereto the sum of $600,000 of the unex- plléeoumll .'

 balances of the appropriation for “AI'lIl1Ilg, equippin , and ·‘“·"·“‘°·

trazmng. tbe<Nat1onal» Guard, 1·z924,e"‘1e· hereby; reap and made available for the ilscal»vear11927, for thepu of horses, one thousand of whichishall locallgéthrongli {National G—uaz·d*otlioers‘ whenever practice ie and shelli delivered to the P , Nationalo,_Gua1·d: Pro·v•`ded,,-That the number or purchased Number umxwi. under this appropriation shall be limited to—the‘actual needs of the mounted se1-viee,1nnludi11§;reaz¢o1;1a!>le;»1provision chQg;¤¤¤¤*=·= ¤¤r· racti able horses shall ‘ use in open m i tat itary ` P gr staitions, when withinia maximum price to befixed B me seemtslg of W`hr:’P•·0*vided’¥fur8ker,lThat no pm sums ‘·"*’·"’ mm; a propriation s all be expended forstherpurchase of any horse below tile standard set by Axunyl-it-e§ulations_efor Cavalry and Artillery horses except when " ure a as remounts or for instruction-of cadets atthe United gtates Militaryi Academy vexcept‘that· not to ex- N d h i oecd $100 ot this appropriation sha beiaveiilahle for the purchase of omit" °”°’ “ native Chinese horsesi otgeciflcetiens tb he approved by the Secre- tary, of War fortheactu needs of the Americanjorces in China: mo mumm And provided further f1‘hati’noipart·‘of this-approprrietion shall- be "° ‘ ggended toripologonlies except for West*Point=M1lita1*y Academy, ‘ gsuch;&on.1ee shal not be-used at any other _And provided Awww O, dl)

!yr£heo·· at the eSecretary ofWar’ mayhem lus iscretion, and under mm mam; sm.

sueh mules and as the liiiay pilescribe, ldonaltionsiof "“""· animals for br ing and donations o money oro ‘ r propertyi to