Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/704

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664 SIXTY—NINTH CON GIUGSS. Sme. I. C11. 406.v 1926. respecting his finanviel condition; or (4) at any time subsequent to the lirst day of the twelve months immediately preceding the filing of the petition, transferred, removed, destroyed, or concealed or permitted to beremoved, destroyed, or concealed any of his pro rty, with intent to binder, delay, or defraud his cred1tors; or (5§€has beenhgmuted sfdischarge in banl{)r1&t<:y withinfiix years; ori (6) in t evcourse 0 proceedings, in a ru tcy re sed to obey any lawful order of or to answer any material) question approved by the court; or (7) has failed to explain satisfactorily any losses of assets ]F*¤·**·¤¤¤]bt w mw or deficiency of assets to meet is liabilities: Provided, That if, upon tlgz;ct:rctsB§1;$);dmgY tllie heo.11§1g of an pbkzcticu to silllistellllarge, the objector shall showfto °- " ' t evsat` action o ~t e eourt t t ere are reasonable grounds or Hmm. believi1;§th•t the baukru t has committed any ·of the acts which, under is para raph (bl; would pgevent. his discharge in bank- ruptcy, then the iuvdeu of proving t t he has not cormmtted a1¥ of mf’QQ3‘g$*g“;°1}’§ufh“(§§j sigh acts uporrthe bankrupt: And p#ro»vi1%d fzlfrthw, , hat me by umm. .t trustee net inte se ob`ections to a ba rupts discharge until he shall be rauthorizeigo so to ele by the creditors at a meeting of creditors called for that purposeon the application of any eredit01·." §g{{‘§g°gfh5zm€nd_ u Sm. 7. That section 21* of said Act, as so amended, be, and the same ex. ’ hereby 4is,ha515nded bydadd¥1§ after paragraph (g) thereof a new para ap to rea as 0 lows: I V C°m”““§§°;“§§Ot§6{ ‘ WE; A comxiumimtion by a creditor, receiver, or trustee of one by one credx , . i¤;_§<>¤;1f¤¤¤¤ Mg arg; or against whom a bankruptcy petition is filed, or who has been iegehi P P adju `cated absmkrupt, to another creditor, uttered in good faith and with reasonable grounds for belief in its truth, concerning the conduct, or prqperty of such ·bankr1rp_t, shall be privileged, and the~cred1tor receiver, or trustee so uttering the same shall not · beheld liable therefor."l ‘ . . {,‘§Q‘3‘Q‘§l°5§;f'8°§1'§'n§ ~ 8. ghat sectiog 33 of seéd ietf asiso amended, be, and the sd- {same ere yis amen e torea as-olowsz t mgwyxwggg v ·?‘(a) The Uinited States district courtsy shall have jurisdiction of “"°‘$° °““‘“°°“* all controversies at law and in equity, as distinguished from proceed-

 bankruptcy, between trustew as such and adverse c aimants

concerning the property acquired or claimed by the trustees, in the same manner and to the same extent only as though bankruptcy pgoceedingc had not been and such controversies had been _ tween t e b upts an su ·a verseec aimants. ‘ ,°,L*{'Y‘,§,‘§F§$§‘ 3* “},i§.' " (b) Suits bythe trustee shall be brought or prosecuted only in •**Y· Y it PI th urtst h th bank t· hose tate ' bein administered v01_36_p_798'mB¤d_4 e co _ w ere _e mp , tw es is g _ ea. by suchitrustee, mxght have brought or prosecuted them if proceed- dxigs-·‘iir bemkmptcy had not»beerxt1r1stituted, unless by consent of

 the proposed defemdaritxexcepit suits for the reeovery of property

_, l' 30;'m‘ uudersection 60, subgivisionp; section 67, subdivision e; an sec- '°‘ ’ ` ‘ tion#70 subdivision e. · · v= ~ - V ‘ ,_k§,{’P°“f"° *'”*“‘“°‘ Sec. That section 24 (a) and (b) of said Act, as soamended, be, ¤1·¤¤,1>·5¤3.¤¤w¤d· and the same hereby IS, amended to read as fellows, and by adding at °d‘ the endl thereof, ·a» new subdivision g), to read as follows: l· C°“'“'¥’°°i°°"· s» "(a)"'IYheSupreme Court of the uited States, the circuit courts of a gabof United States, the Court of Appeals of the District of C? mbieyemd the supreme courts of the Territories, in vacation, in chambers and during theirrespeetive temis, as now o1~_as_they may b?bereafterahe1d,·ars·;z herebi mvested with appellate flurxsdie- tion o¤ controversies ari ug iu; ankru tcy proceedixigs emot e courts of bankruptcy from which they gave appellate jurisdiction inothercases; ‘ e v —» ‘ _<i¤tg1{¤(¤1£gvw¤tZ¤¤ i¤ “(b) The several circuiir courts of appeal and the C0urt_ of m ° ’° ' Appeals of the District of Columbia shall have jurisdiction in equxty, either interlocutory or fii1al,_vt0·superintend and revise in matter of law (aud in matter of law and fact thematters specified in sectxczx