Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/858

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28,18 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sees. I. Cue. »742—744.° 1926. m§{,°mgf"*· ¤’•Y· °‘°··‘ Sno. 13a That nothing contained in this<·Aet shall be construed to reduce the rank,.pay, er.al1owence1v of any commissionedbdicer of C0 I bn m_ the Coast Guard as now provided by law. » >" pained. ‘ .· Sno.; Acte and of Acts inconsistent with the provisxonstotthia Act arehe repealed., = l

  • ·App1fovfed;.lu1y3,#1926. *

7;Ex·'¥,; ·\: ‘Z * Lim ` - " ‘ V ty Jul 8 1926 .’>:~x·»4*.:·&>»·;» ;i·=‘:¤- ~—¤:e.‘m." ·» ¢·· H . , V ¤» <, s,.· r [PM, §"Z’it.] @:%%,,6,; 2*;% Qatniiltgitrc ,§§§2;1h§‘€? .§§§{IlZ°.i ,n‘Z§ch‘°‘$Y 7; éykiy (5 ' } ·-_; 'i;;\4 ‘ [Y. 7 v_/x g`;/i", 0 r .· Ba eyw¢¢cd~by the Seneteand House af Regn·esentatz?vee»ef the $¤liw`£‘zii°°'p. im, United; Stotcamf, Ame•·ioa,in~0ongreex,aaaev»bZed, That section 15 ‘“"‘“‘l°°‘ of sq sA£l|i9$i.i}itl0d;`~“AD».A¤t tofamend e:nd;·conso1¤late the acts re- specting ·c0pyright,’?,amq1ded4Mxmh 4, 1909, be unendedwz reed ,»e‘¥f°§"‘éa'3‘¤ €£°‘§s 1msu~·es,-ynetprmité in ·°°°°— » Umm ¤°°°°"-section 5,·os¤b8¢ct1qns (11.),end (b), iof this Act, except the original text of ebook ofrforeign origin, in a or languages other than “ ’ English, t%)1§1btext·,of gildico iesr ‘%(;COI' grotection under tgz; Atéilt, exceptes w grow ,» pri . set wi in e

 gf the Uiuted Stlatee, ;eitl;e1:·by.h1¤d,.o:·';§l;»y»tt‘hl:n1 aid; of any

i m to typeeettxng-mac me or rom p an wi 'n t e imits of the United type: set- therein, m·,iif~·the text be gro- duoed by lzthographie proceesmr photo-engraving process, than » y a pmeesstw _ epz>r!m·méd»,within the lim1ts~uof·~the*·United States, e¤d:.tl1e;p1'm_, -inf-it.he,~tel$2;nnd·hindia1g¤of ;t.he,ssid— book shall be performed mkhm the ·l11n.ite#of the United States; which requirements Shell ex|nnd~tle0,_to·’the# illustrations-·within»ia$book° consisting of printed text and illustrations ayggduced byi~1ith•;§;·tphic proeeés, or Empu »phot0-engranng procmntand.; Ate separatrli gra;ihs<`or»photo- _ °”"‘ except·;whem,1n· éitherecase thesubyects represented are PWM locafnd 1m;·a»,fore1§m country-and~ illustrate a scientificework or Not sipglicable to-I»’0Pl'0d1i00·# luvtk 0 »$1‘bI‘_-P?!b’!fIE6dy however, That said requirements

‘,?;@‘;’,f,,';,,,§,,§’Q,’f‘,f,’,;,f" shell notmpg? to wyerke 1n_1;a,1sed characters for the use of the blind,

or togbnchs zioreign originrin aelengnage or nugutiges other than wom by my mm lBngl1sh,ro1·>te~bo0ks.publ1elned abnuadwin the English anguage seek- then specified process. mg ad Htbflll I`0l'»B¢10l1 \7l.I1d81' this Act, 01* to W0l’lK8 1‘1Ill'·€(l·0l‘ P0- 1 » ; . * ~ · A VB duced in the lihited. States by any other process thgn those lib Bpecifieclrin thisieection. ; . * ; » a Approved; Jfuly 3, 1926. - <

   Act Tofrevise thevbouudary ef the Sequoia National Park,

• 0. . ’ rn ".‘·il·> ` ll, ·' * V " I S i N t_ 81 Be it by the Semdte amd House of Representatives of the ruiilgiiii. ° ’°° United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the bound- B°“”*T*"°°°*“°¤°‘L aries ofzthe Sequoia National Per , California, are hereby changed Demptm as-follows: - ~ · 1 ( S · ' » :~ Beginningiat the"·s0uthwest‘corner the present boundary of ‘i‘§";‘§é25,N"‘°““%¤? 5% *§F3,;$“*$¥% ff · *°“Y‘§*§§§’ V · range c o ¤ a ‘ mer; , California cthenee=easterly along the. i t south boundary of Sequoia bietienal Park to its intersection with thehydrogrephic divide theyheedwaterevof South- Fort Kaweah River and the headwaters of that branch of Little »,Kern ‘ River known as Pecks Canyon· thence southerly and easterly along, the crest of the hydrographic divide between Pecks Canyon and Soda Creek