Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1043

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CONSULAR CONVENTION··5CUBA. Aran. 22, 1926. 2473 the high consideration of the res tendran derecho, a la alta oHicials of the Government and of consideracion de los funcionarios the local authorities of the State del Gobiemoy delas Autoridades which receives them, they being locales de la Nacion receptora, subject, in so far as regards cere- estando sujetos, en lo que a cere- monial, to the provisions or monial so refiere, a las- disposi- practices in force in said country giories o practicas vigentes en ~ ‘ `c 0 pals. · t The consular officers shall exer- V Los · funcionarios consulares s¢gj’°€iv§`LZi°v1°§gl°z$°$ eise their functions obeying the ejerceran sus fimciones acatando “°°· laws and respecting the authori- las leyesg respetando a las autos ties of the Nation which receives ridades e la Nacion receptora, them, and they shall be subject estando sujetos a dichas auto- to said authorities in all matters ridades en todos los actos que no which do not come under the exer- entren en el ejercicio de sus fun- cise of their functions and within ciones y en los limites de su com- the limits of their jurisdiction, petencia, excepto en lo_previst0 except as othe1·wise provided in de otra manera en este Convenio. this Convention. Amircnm V. Aivricuno V. Consular oflicers, nationals of Los funcionarios consulares, na- m?,§°'§°,$,1§{_°‘°m”t‘°° the State by which they are ap- cionales del Estado nominador, pointed, shall be exempt from no podran ser detenidos, salvo en arrest except when charged with los casos que se les acuse de la the commission of offenses locally comision de un hecho localmente desi ated as crimes other than oalificado de delito. ‘ misddlmeanors and subjecting the individual guilty thereof to pun- ishment. In criminal cases the attend- En las causas criminales podra ,,,,'{`§§°,,2°°’ l“ °'l”‘*' ance at the trial by a consular pedirse lpor la acusacion o la officer as a witness may be de- defensa a asistencia a. juicio de manded b the prosecution or los funcionarios consulares, como defense. 'llhe demand shall be testigos. Esta peticion se haré. made with all possible regard for con toda la consideracién posible- the consular di `ty and the a la dignidad consular y a los duties of the· og, and there deberes del cargo,ysera cumplida shall be compliance on the part of por parte del funcionario consular. the consular officer. V l _ In civil cases consular officers En los asuutos civiles los fun- ,,,Jc‘},€§’}°’c§§,§§f‘ °'°°““° shall be subject to the jurisdic· cionarios consulares estaran su- tion of the courts, grovided, how- jetos a la jurisdicoion de los ever, that when t e oihcer is a tribunales con la limitacion, eso national of the State which no obstante, de que cuando el appoints him and is engaged in funcionario sea uu nacional del no private occupation or Estado nominador y no esté de- his testimony shall be t en dicado a negocio privado ._ al- orally or in writing at his resi- guno con ines de lucro, su de- dence or .oHice and with the claracion le sera tomada ver- consideration due him. The oiii- balmente 0 por escrito en su cer must, however, voluntarily residencia u oicina y con la give his testimony at the trial debida consideracion. El_ fun- whenever it is possible to do so cionario debera, sin embargo, without serious interference with prestar voluntariamente su de _ a- hisofficial duties. racién en juicio, siempre que le sea posible hacerlo 'asi sin irave impedimento para sus de eres consulares.