Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1067

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PAN AMnn1cAN-TRADE MARKS. Arm 2s, 1923. 2497 Section 4. This recourse shall not be ap licable to trade marks the N°‘ °¥’¥’“°°*"° ” registration_or deposit of whichis already beyond question under mmmywsm°d` national legislation; but it shall a£1r>ly`to renewals. a ‘ .· . . . Section5. The proof that a tr emark conceals or misrepresents m§,°§g°“°“°¤ ****1***** . . . . . presents true the true quality, nature or origin of the merchandise covered by it quavmew. shall be cause or cancellation of the registration or deposit effected through the respective Inter American Bureau. Ancrrcmr VI For the §�I'POSBS indicated in the present Convention, a union of mIi;°{§°Q`§‘3 .!;?`.'1°‘i2%?.”S2? American ations 1S hereby constituted which shall act through two ·’°¤°”°· international bureaus, established, one in the city of Havana and the other in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Anrrcnm VII The High Contracting Parties agree to confer the postal frank on U’° °'¤’°°““ ‘”’*· the ofiici correspondence of the Bureaus. Anrrcnn VIH A The Inter American Bureaus for the registration of trade-marks Blfyefg ·*¤*°**°°¤ shall have the following duties: _ I ~ i ` Section 1. To keep a detailed record of the applications for the Record or argues- recognition of marks received through the nation offices of registra- ‘ tion and to which thaely give course for the purposes of this conven- tion, as well as of assignments or transfers thereof and of all notices pertaining thereto. `P Section 2. To communicate to each of the contracting States, for “3g{{"¤“°*°°'*° °P¥’“· such xtion as may be necessary, the application for recognition ` receiv . Section 3. To distribute the fees received, in accordance with the D""“’°°°'°°*- provisions of paragraph (b) Article I. The Inter American Bureaus shall remit to the prosper governments m§{’,§{§§;gj;eg*;{’f;j or, if the governments should so desire, to their loc representatives wed. in Havana and Rio de Janeiro, duly authorized therefor, the charges stipulated, at the time when recognition of the alleged rights is re- quested by the applicant in accor ance with this Convention. ` The cost of remitting the said charges shall be for acconmt of the States to which remittance is made. The Inter American Bureaus shall return to the interested parties any sums returned to such Bureaus. Section 4. To communicate to the State of first registration or Scommunicste to deposit, for the information of the owner of the mark, the notices riiiiiiigimgsmireiizilirgi received from other countries with respect to the granting, op osition S°“”°’· to, of denial of protection, or any other circumstance related) to the mar . Section 5. To publish periodical bulletins in which shall apgear B““°“"“ by- notices of applications for (protection in accordance with this on- vention, received from an sent to the_ various States under the provisions of the Convention, as well as documents, information, studies and articles concerning protection of industrial propertg. Y The High Contracting Parties agree to furnish to the Inter meri- ,,.,,’;‘g‘,E§‘,§°,j,,,,,'§'{’,{‘,§,_ °°“‘ can Bureaus all the ofiicial gazettes, reviews and other publications containing notices of the registration of trade marks and commercial names, as well as of judicial proceedings and decisions relative thereto. Section 6. To carry on any investigation on the subject of trade- q.}.,2`{,'§?'”"°“’ “ "S marks which the government of any of the signatory, States may request, and te encourage the investigation of problemsfgdidiculties or obstacles which may hinder the operation of this Convention. 2 I Section 7. To co operate with the governments of the contracting f.§,°§f’,§’§”°l°” l" °°“` States in the preparation of materia for intemational conferences 43892°—27—r>•r3·-—66