Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1181

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PROCLAMATIONS, ma 2599 thro h exclusion of a sniaIl' areaby Executive orders of January·31 and ligbrualy 27, 1921, respectively; · _ . 1 . ‘ And Whereas,.it appears-that certain of the ·.public lands described V I in the act of Congress appr¤ved—·Febnmry 20,.1925 (43·Stat.;; 952), ° ‘ ‘3’°‘°5°‘ found by the.,Seoretary of Airiculture to be chieflg valuableefor §ational forest gnurposespslin d· bewadded to the S, asta National 0178817; y  :‘—;f··l·!.1»·’.~l·i;i ws; 1 . `¤ ·- ‘€ Now, therefom, I,-CALVIN.=COOLIDGE, President of the United iitiliziliiiiaiiii States_of.America,_ by virtue of the power in me vested by the afore- said act of February 20, 1925, entit ed, "An Act for the inclusion of certain lands in the Plumas National Forest, California, and for other pur ses," do proclaim that the followingFdescribed—-giublic lands are llfereby added to the Shasta National orest, subject to p1·ior valid claims and the provisions of existing withdrawals other than the withdrawal for classification under said act of April 14, 1925:

 ` " ’    Diablo Meridian.  

In ·1·. as N., R. 1 SW3; NWM and NWM SWM ¤·¤·*····*·*·¢ Sec. 14, SWM Sec.,26_and Sveérc, 36;,___ 4 __ V, In T. 40 N. _R._1_E.,QN}·§, NL" S, V .SWy SW}/ and.E ` .SEy Sec. 4, E36, NWV hind. .!Sg<={ .10: V_SW}4%NE%4; NWM. NM S M ¤¤sfSYiE%.$W%`S¤<=» $4. M I . S In3'.L. 41 N`.,—;R. ICE., 2-Sec. 6, NWM.-and SM‘Sec.,26, andall Bc. ; _ I j ` J ' I > }. I _ . 'Y A.: I ` _ In T. 42·N., R. ‘1 E. all Se . 20,- WM NEy- WM, Wy SEy and NEMSEM See.,22,§iS}»5 NEM and NEM NIWM Sec.322; 4 I I T. 44 N., ’R.f1·E:, SE' NW dN SW S :11, SE1 Nnlig and NEMtSE}£Séc.2}0i§"‘ % °°~ % K °°- A 2 In T. 38 N., R. ’2'E;, WMSEM Sec. 14; N i I T.'42 N., R. 2 E., WV NE}/, NEV NWV, S}/`NW , N SWIM, SEM SWMNM.1 SEQ, s...,%¤; ‘ . " ?`. , M M ln T. 37 N., B. 3 E., NWM SWM and SE;4 SWM Sec. 3; In T. 38 N., R. 3 E., NM NEM, NEM NWM and EM SEM Sec. 1,·SWM NEM SEM NWM;Sec. 34; ~ In T. 40 N., R. 3·E., SWMSEM Sec. 20; · _ In T. 38 N., RQ’4E., NV, N SWV SE}? SW}/' `A d.SE1 S‘ V. 6 and EM NWKSBQQUW ,2 ,; __ 4, 4 .4911 A ec In T. 39 N., R. 4'E., unsu1·veyedSecs. -30 and 31; _ In T. R. 4 E., Sec. 23; . » In T. 41 N., R. 1W., all Sec. 2,NM Sec. 4, NM, SWM and_WM SEMI Sec. 10, NEM NEM·Sec. 18, EM SEM 20, and SEM N`WMSec.24;· = · · ‘ ‘ In T; 42 N., R. 1 W., NM Sec. 34; _


`In T. _40 N., R.‘2,W., NM SEM 30; I In T. 44 N., R. 2 W., Lot 1 Sec. 6;· S6cIn3%. 39 N., R. 3 W., WM SWM Sec. 28, Lot .12 and SWM SEM 1§.·ri4cN. nsw. NMNW}/Se.18,N ,3sw dN SEM Sec. 28, NEM, NWM and Lott 1 Sec. 3%; M an ‘ S01:n8T. 39 N., R. 4 W., all fractional Secs. 2 and 6, and SEM SEM In 41 N., R. 4 W., SM NEM, NWM and SM Sec. 30;