Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1266

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2678 INDEX. Borddl, Laura (widow), P¤¢•-» Botanic Garden, D. C.-Continued. P¤8•- pension ............................ 1685 construction authorized of new con- Borden! Sqrah A. (widow), aervatories, etc., by Architect PBHSIOD increased .............._.... 1689 of the Capitol, under direction Bormggan, Samar, P. I., of Joint Committee on the designated claims for- Army rentals in, Library ,...._.,_.__._,.__.___ 1262 to be adjusted ................ 1828 open market contracts, etc., author- Borrdl, Margaret (widow), ized ......................... 1262 pension increased ................... 1926 outside professional assistants may Bortsjield, Tulula V. M. (widow), be employed ........ - ....,... 1262 pension increased ................... 1943 sum authorized to be appropriated- - 1262 Bash, Harriet E. (widow), disbursed by officers of Library of pension increased ................... 1959 Congress- .-.---.-.--.--.-...- 1262 Bossart, Mary C. (widow), Bothwell Company, pension increased ................... 1665 dehciency appropriation for paying Boston, Cape Cod and New York Cana.} judgment of Wyoming District Company, Court to -..--.--------..--..- 185 modified contract with, for purchase of Boas, Emily A. (widow), Cape Cod Canal, ratxfied ...-.- 1015 pension. .-..------------.---.--.-.- 1666 mutual claims of Company and Bouchard, Sophia (widow), United States waived and re· pension increased- .....-....--.-.-.- 1732 leased .--.----..------------. 1015 Boulder, Colo., amount for purchase of Canal under, authorized to - purchase additional authorized ---.-.-----.---.-.. 1015 lands for water storage etc _,-- 1411 when acceptance of, Bled, and title within Colorado National 1$orest--- 1411 passed, bonds of Company au- timber and mineral deposits re- thorized to be paid -..-..-..-- 1016 served ...-.-.---..-..--.--.-- 1411 bonds may be paid before maturity- 1016 use restricted; reversion for non- uot exempt from taxation. .--.-.- 1016 user, etc ---.-...------------- 1411 amounts authorized for payments- - - 1016 Boulds, J oacph (son) , Boston, Mass., . pension. .-.....---.-..------.---... 1661 appropriation for repairs, quarantine Boundary, Canada Land and Water, station ..-..-----.-.-..-...-. 151 appropriationfor expenses of marking, for rental of pneumatic tubes for ` etc .-.---..------------.-. 336, 1185 mail transmission -------.-. 157, 1048 for executing Boundary Treaty of for passport bureau ...-..-.---. 331, 1190 1925 -.----.-..-.-- - ..-..-..-. 1185 for navy yard, public works. .-....- 608 Boundary Commission, M cxican, terms of court at .......-.-....-..-.. 559 appropriation for continuing work of Boston Sesquicentennial Cclebralian, water ..---. - ---.-..--. l--- 336, 1185 deficiency appropriation for expenses gauging waters of the Ric Grande of Commission participating in- 195 at San Marcial, N. Mex., and H Botanic Garden, D. C., Paso and Fabens, Tex ---...-. 1185 appropriation for director and other allowance for taking over water personal services -.---.-.... 548, 1157 gauging being done by Texns-336, 1185 for repairs and imp1·ovements-- - 548, 1157 Boundary County, Idaho, minor purchases of nursery stock sale of allotted lands of Kootenai permitted without advertis· Indians in, to purchase tracts - mg --.----.------..---.-- 548, 1157 for individual Indiam, etc ----- 202 transfer of four Army trucks Boundary Line, Alaska and Canada, authorized -....----..-..-.... 548 appropriation for surveying and mark- procuring design foruso of grounds ‘ _ mg. --...-- T-: -.----..--.. _ 336, 1185 invicinity of ; 1·eapp1·0g•nation-- 548 deimency appropnatwn for markmg, employees elignble for retirement etc ..-..------..-.. - ......... 189 nmder general act- -.-..---..-- 906 Boundary Line Canadian, part of Anacostia Park transferred to, treaty with Great Britain deining ..-- 2102 for a treo nursery --...---.--.. 774 Boundary Waters Joint Commission, privately owned lands, etc., in squares Canadian, 576 and 578 to be acquired for appropriation for expenses ------.- 338, 1188 relocating, 01*4: -.--..--..-----. 931 payment to George Turner as counsel to be under jurisdiction of Joint before .....-..-----...--.-.-. 1481 Committee on the Library ..-.. 931 Bountiful, Utah buildings, etc.,to beremoved from-- 932 lands granted to, for protecting water Bartholdn Fountain to be removed to sulpfly- -...-.-.-.--..--.----- 1364 location in -.--.----..--.---.- 932 Bouaman, a C. (widow), investigation of cost of new eonser- pension -.---.------.-.-.---.----..- 1819 vatoriea, etc., for, directed -.-.. 932 Bowdoin, Mont., assistance from governmental sign- payment to purchaser of lots in, town cies authorized inolu ’ g site, of diiferenco between price technical personnel .-.-.--.-.-- 932 paid and reappraisal value .----. 708 unexpended balance available for--- 932 from reclamation und. ............ 708 amount authorized for purchase of Bowen, Cindrella (widow), lands, etc .................... 932 pension increased ................... 1645