Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1282

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2694 INDEX. Central City, Nebr., PWM Chancellorsvdle, Va., _ Yue limit of cost increased, public building establishment of militaw park to com- at ........................... 872 memorate Civil ar battle of- - 1091 public building authorization for ...... 632 Chandler, Charles C., Central and Emergency Hoo- Chgension} ..... A ..................... 1 783 petal, . ., , smc ., appropriation for care of indigent military record corrected ............ 1761 patients ........,......... 444, 1325 Chandler, Priscilla (daughter), Central National Bank, Ellsworth, Kane., P¢11810¤---y ··-·-· 1 -·-------·---·-·· 1530 redemption of lost certificates of in- CMM, HQWW E- (10141010), debgednese or; ________________ 1618 pension 1ncreased._ .................. 1890 Central Powers of Europe, War with (see Ch11PW§, MGT! V- (1014019% wm-1,1 wm-)_ Chpzenhsion increased ................... 1887 Cereal Beverages, P 111, _ _ tax on sales of, by manufacturer, pm- 11PP1‘<>P1‘1§*1¤¤ WP H¤11¤¢ of R¢P1'¤¤¢¤1>·1 H ducer, or importer ............ 105 for ---- - ·--•·--·—-·-·-- gf ui? Cereal Plants, OM him, Naw, ·¤¤¤>¤¤¤1·¤¤ 191 1¤v•=¤11o·*1¤¤ 1¤·°·=1¤ ,.,i’,,,,,,,e,,,e,,e or acti -r,,.,,nn, ,,-nn Cereals °E°°ti°g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 517* 993 ` designated sernvice, to rdnk of appropriation re, r,,,,,r,.,-1,,,, nenso. of CM M,_1*•j11m¤g°?_,;;,¤'§,{,¥;d” —-·------ 111 production, ete ............. 510, 986 pmim; iucmaSed‘ ’ 1673 for investigation and control — of, C,;;man Ida A ( ‘|-‘,‘u°$ ‘‘’"’’'’'’ diseases, et,c.;_ destroying rust pcmim; ' ' 1627 spores, vegetation, etc ....... 510, 986 CMpMn,·j;;;1;ii;‘;·(‘;;,i;i;;, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ C€1'11f1€111€8 will Stack and I'1d6bWd'W$·*r pension increased ,....... - .......... 1956 designs , subject to stamp tax ...... 99 g;,ap,,,,,,, Mary (,,,;,1,,,,,) , Uhaaiviak, Sarah A- (waaow), pension increased .............. - .... 1672 pension inoroasod ----·-------------- 1525 cnopsron, Mary E. (readers), Chaiin. Mary (widow), pension increased ........... - ....... 1888 nannoa 1¤¤~=···¤><1- ----—---- - -—-----— 1681 cr-»p»·-m, New M. <·»¤¤»·¤>. Chaldeqatt, Lance A-, 1784 Ch;;ens1or§_,,TZ ...,. S .............. 1726 pension ' 7 ’ I ’' °'° "" G • · • Chalmqn, New (Maw), popritslon mrrireesen ................... 1959 pannon rnoraaaod ------------------- 1513 cnorbonson, cmamno, Chalmaua Manaawa La-, pension increased ................... 1922 amount authorized for roadway, a walk 61],,,,-9;, d·_1_g·a;,-,8 ad {Mmm, on sro¤¤<1¤ to. ata ------ - ------ 1381 appropriation for pay or omoers actin ¤·¤1>ioo¢ to further oxtonaion by ss,or1n charge or consulates- sgi, 1180 L°111¤1111111, ew -·—- = ----------- 1381 deficiency ap ropriation for .......... 188 Clwmbor of Comma, Hawfoa, Tao-, Charities ond cyorrsszams, D. C. (see also nnyrnont to, for doaisnatod Parsons, for Board of Public Welfare, D. 0.), ggmasoa to 1an¢1¤1ao¤o<1 for wor 1707 oeaeienlgy sprézolpraicion for rndnsrrisi 169 --—--—----—--·· ·· ——-·- 01118 O0 .......... - ..... Chamber of govnmrac, Monwaaww, Ala-, for onmnger Municipal Hospim .... 169 release of, as surety on bond ......... 1479 for j,11_ _____________________ _ ____ 159 Ch11"1b€"l°1'1, S- D¤·k·r for workhouse ........ .. ........... 169 land oiiice accommodation omitted in fm- Dist,-1,,; Tnining School ________ 179 1>¤1>11o 1>¤11<1i¤s at ------------- 771 for sop rt of indigent insane ........ 170 111111* oasoot inonmod, n¤1>1io bnildins 872 Charles 11. Ergo Ggdian sonnet, Fort wm- . t": ········ r": ··········· cate, · 63-, x>¤1>11o !¤¤¤1<1¤ns ¤‘1t11°1'¤§t1°11 for ---·-- 632 appropriation for support, eee .... -- 470, 949 Ch;e":;gg"» V*"°"“ V- (1°1d°'1’)» 1578 C h¢;e§iciencySa1z•mpriation for repairs, etc- 174 ···:· ·········· r ····•········ T NUM, · -, C}1¢W1b1?’*, pl1·¤¤b¢u1 J- (1¤1d0W)» appropriation for improving quarantine pension mereased ................... 1555 ,1,,1,10,, ______________________ 151 Cl1¤mb€1'·¤, g' 21*116 M- (¤•°u1¤')» 1781 for navy yag, public works ........ 1% P€11111°11 111 19119611 --·-·----·--·· - -·-- for nav ya , dredgin - ........... Cirgenggzg J oh'1 H- (*°'1)» 1670 deHciens¢;';§?(ppr;>)priatior}i°€1>r quarantine 875 —·-·-· —-----·—··--—· —•·-•••-• 11, Wh .......... - Caanworq, Calaad John S-, Aww, pnns for nnprovins harbor m0di1ied--- 1011 orodrt ¤¤ aooounta of -----~---------- 1828 preliminar examination, ew., to be CMM"! of C—1mm¢1‘°¢, made of channel to Saint Johns exempt from income tax ............. 40 Rive,-, #1, ___________________ 1018 Cl1¢1"1b¢Y¤» Q’*1’1¢1U¢1 (d<1110M¤`)» waterway, Blulfton, S. C., and. ..... 1018 1161181011 ···—-—-·-·-··----·--···—--- 1626 terms of court at-, .................. 773 Champlin, Minn., Charlotte, N. C., reconstruction authorized of bridge terms of court at- ................... 1340 across Mississippi River be- Charlotte, N. C., Chamber of Commerce, tween Ancka and ......,..,,._ 411 indebtedness of to be canceled ....... 1829 time extended for bridging Mississippi Chase, Drusilla M,. (widow), River, between Anoka and ..... 1416 pension increased ............. - ..... 1949 Chance, Isabelle (widow), Chase, Emma E. (widow), pension increased .............. ---..- 1921 pension ............................ 1733