Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/130

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1562 SIXTY~“NIN’l?H CONGRESS. ’Sis¢eI.P Cn/665.· *16% ’°'“*°”‘°““°”·» ‘?1`he€name of>J'ennie? Dickinson gh y` ‘ -and·dependent¥daugh*ter A otifames ‘D. flat§ oQ·G?0m ' D,-Seventeenth Regiment Michigan Volunteer ~and=pay-her acpension iat the rate rmemiwaaat of $20 month through a egally a pointed rdian: ¤ · I Mm D·“’*- 0 Y · <The of·Ma1yy;D. F1sk,;.wx ofArch1e¤C. Fisk, late=cap- tain~ andj·1asaist.ant»ad3utant- general ¢ United States Volanteers, and pay liar a pensionat the rate.of·$60+ perxmonth 1n·,hen of that she P¤a¤¤¤¤- 1sn0w rece1vin . p ~* · ··h» - ·‘ ?~ ··t M=·=*···* Bm e The f name ti 1Michael nite., late or captain -n0uek·¤ ereuery company, Sixtyetlftls- Regiment New York'.-National Guards, and Company C, E eventh·Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, P¤¤si¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤seD:_}&_ and pay him a nsion at the rate of»$24·per month. · » · < = __ .,.,5}-‘§?°° s` " ~'.l`he»name ofi)eRhoebe€S. Dea:-douri, widow of- John Deardourif, late of Company C, Fiftieth Regiment. Ohio. Volunteer Infantry, and payeher a at the rate ofi$50 ;per month in lieu of that M¤vJ.C¤¤¤¤¤- Sh6l8·l10W<I‘B¢B1V.lIlg.— l . *..= U ‘ ¢» · ·· · Thenauieof VJ. Coburn,-widow of David J.= Coburn, late of Compang B Eleventh Regiment:Ohio*Vo1¤mteer Infantry, and Company ,. Tenth Regiment.Ohio~Volunteer‘infantry; and pay here at the rate of $50 per monthin lieu of that she is now Pensions. fqcelvmg" ;»- . 4* 3 · ` ' ` ‘ V E”"°°J` P°mb1°` The name of Emma J. Pemble, former widow of George W. Brush, late oflComf:ny D, One. hundred and fifteenth Regiment Iéigiana Voltninteer fantry, and pay her a pension at. the rate of r mon . » ‘ I < ‘ ‘ · H°"‘°° G` Sh°"“°' Th: name of Horace G. Sherman, helpless and de ndent son of Leroy Sherman, late of Company H, Third Regimentwhst Virginia Volxutnilteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $20 per

§,'§{§'2;‘§fI,‘§'5;"$,°,${' The name of Phebe Goldsberry, widow of John V. Goldsberry,

late of Company B, One hundred and sixteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry,:and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per _ W month in lieu of that she is now receiving. L"‘° L' m°°x‘ The name of Llydia L. Willcox, widow of Cypenius A. Willcox, late of Company, , Ninety-first Regiment Ohio olunteer Infantry, and pay her acpension at the rate of·$50 per month in lieu of that NWN Mmm she is now receiving. i · _ I s _ ·. _ ‘ · The name of Nancy I. Martm, widow of Ezekiel Martin, late of Com any E, Seventydifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receivm . M?“° m””‘ The name of Maria Bliss widow of SamuelfiBliss, late of Com- pany C, Second Regiment }West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry,. and pay her a pension at.tl1e rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. · ~ . — cr ¤ N“’°’ B°'°“"“” The nameof Nancy Beverage, widowof Rufus M. Beverage, late of Companye A, Sixty-third Regiment Oh1o Volunteer In antry, and pay hera pension at the rate of $50. per monthin-lieu ofthat hmERmw1d_• sheisnowreceiving. M _ 4 Q. . ,· ‘ ‘ The name of Laura E. Re olds, widow of John Reynolds, late of Company I, Ninety-sixth Egimmt Illinois Volunteer Infantry,

.hnd_pay her a pensiontat the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that

me _ e is now receiving. _ ·‘ _. - — · _ . g¤¤h·xEH¤d¤¤¤. Thename of Sarah _A. Hudson, widow ofwilliam H. Hudson, late of Company-D,N1nth Regunent Kentucky Volunteer=Cavalry, Lwm,8 Gum and pay her gfpensron at the rate _of $30fper month. _ — ~ A · A . The name Lucinda Geary, widoweo Paul Geary, late of Oom- any A, Sixty-s1xth Regimentilnited States Colored Volunteer gnfantry, and pay liera pension at the rate of $30 peri month. I