Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1310

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2722 mnsx. Dauphin Island Railway and Harbor 1’•¢•- Davison, Euslacio B., Piv- Companh _ m111tary record corrected- ............ 1794 may budge obxle B3, between Damon, Leah E. (widow), Cedar Point and ttle or Big pension increased ................... 1965 Dauphin Island .............. 1242 Dawdy, Sarah G. (widow), acquisition of, authorised, after com- pension increased ................... 1675 _ pletion, by Alabama, etc ....... 1242 Dawes,_Freder·icka (widow), option to repurchase lands conveyed pension increased ................... 1881 to wvved -·-·--------------- 1243 Dawley, Mary 1;. (widow), D¤¤¢¤z»<>r¢. 15114 M- (widow). pension increased ................... 1658 v¤¤¤1<>¤- ----- 1---- --·---------~---- 1577 vowsoo, don Eliza (widow), D¤¤¢¤zz<¤¢._M<ww (Mw)- - pension increased ................... 1744 ¤¤¤·~···>¤ ¤¤·=-s·1 ---— - —-—--—-------— 1**55 Dawson codon (widow) Davenpor¢,_Nanma F. (widow), Damian mcmased ’ 1729 p¢¤¤¤¤¤ rncrewd ..-··-------------- 1965 1;,,,,,,,,,, M{"nic (,,,1;,1;,;,5 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Davenport, Sarah B. (widow), ’ 1512 pension increased- 1 -....-...-.--.--. 1547 Dapuium, E ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘'°‘ Dcwisqn. émfigééwmw). 1929 pem,15,, _______ jj ___________________ 1852 p‘?““°“é“° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Day, Elizabeth (widow` of John w. Day), Davidson ounty Tenn., , , may bridge éumberland River, near Peimqn m°1'“*}d --——--—---—-—---·-· 1652 Andessons Biutt __,,..-..-,.-- 1909 D¤y.1{1·=¤b¤¢h (www of Rvbm DW). voodoo, Evakcn M. (widow), 1516 D_;;y¤gg1·;,_§;·¤,;¤g¤¢,-21 --——--—-——---—-- 1651 - .... - .... - ......-- ’ , ' 7 D:,$,,nmZ§d1; ]_ (dal hm.) pension increased -.--............... 1896 v _ ug 1 , _ n*"*““‘,‘;i‘1;.;zo ······················· "‘“ "“,%’.;..’3.¥1",Z.‘°" ‘“’""”’· ww ans . ............................ release of, as surety on bond -------.. 1480 increased .-.. _ .................... 1874 Davis, Anne (widow), Day; Sysan M. (widow), . pension increased .--....-......... -- 1541 pension ...........................- 1894 Davis, Annie C. (widow), Dayign, 0},50, pension iucféased ..............---- - 1950 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Davis, Catherine (widow), Soldiers’ Home --.-.--..--- 292, 1143 pe¤Si0¤ ..................-..----- -- 1531 deficiency appropriation for reestablish- Devin g¤U§M`iM V- (widow), ‘ ing Army Air testing, etc., plant oszewxaawoewso --~-------·· 9*8 ,,, s gg, -—---··----------------- *8** . ' . v ytona , Fla., ' rmmbummeut °f clmms °f ----···· ·· 1461 denciency appropriation for tide gauge D ' August A. widow) · 3

 .... 7 ---$ ------ ’ ------------- 1861 o. o.w.%§;,»?‘ ···················· *252

D¤;e*·;;s£Q§<:_'>¢*'· A-l('”1d°“’)v 1689 deficiency appropriation for extra serv- 84 Da"'} v Emily J- ('”'·d°`--*;*5-•""•"" - · De Forgeuisdwa-Ai-(widoiv);-nun--n 3 Pcushu m°1`°”°d ·------·-·--·--· · · · 1944 pension increased- ..`- - Q- -- ---... Q .-.. 1948 Damv Emma L··(*'1d°“')• ` De Funiak Springs Fla. D£;?¤i3:;;g;· --·••·--—---·-—-—-—— -- 1714 reconveyance oi lpt; ina tof Charles 1485 deficiency a prbpriation for printing by, D, Ga,."wM§tT_?,};;1es<?l,?,?,:3;?1I;,) wl c' `` for Ignql Administration .....-- 854 p51,81011’ __________ ’_ _;__f __________ 1951 Davis, H iltie (widow), _ V · " A 1 D P°“B1;’¢;*i;’5°‘?”°*,br$ ------·————------ 1525 D°pi;ini£iii’ ngniiis possonon injuries to ‘ . 2 , _ · (gab; .-.- Ti, -;--2 ..-.- 4 -...-..... 1598 Dc Pew ;;;$;1ji`ZQ;éJt;,ii"T ````````` 1703 D°lQ"Qs{Q‘;"f¤gr‘e(nmd°w5,d) ’ _______________ 1 1575 ‘ pension increased.- - , - -2 ------.--.-- 1949 DM !··~1=’·· - `1 D Z.;Yi§1’£i."1s‘?£§.’§é‘-i (”’?‘“""" - -- moz pension increased- .--- ; ...-......... , 1816 D Wm Louis ' '‘'`’ ' '`'``' D“p‘Zf;s$‘.“{£oo€“.‘”.d.°T1 ............ uw °¤¢¤s$¤1e¤=€=¤·¤1—.——~ —-—>·——--—-———- 178* Davis, Marion s. (widow), ‘ D? W‘€‘··PT‘°°‘““ ·_·- _________ 1536 teased 1635 DGDBIOD lR¢!$®d..-- -..- . 1"?““‘°“ ‘“° —-----··~········· Deabler Mary 1 (w•dow` ) » — Dam, Martha E. (widow), _ .’ - ’· _ _ " 1-82 ¤¤¤¤¤<>¤ ---—--—--—-----------—-——-—· 1876 .o.‘.l°o‘L?$3Z ‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘`‘‘`‘‘‘ ° _D‘;,”;;;£$'}’_ '_· _____________ ( ____ · 1852 ¤PP!‘0%;1¢g1;u0¤ sfo: assay ;<>fB<=<d¤tb ....- 1 49 D“"i"* -N“"°y E' ("’;d°"’)’ 2 V Deaf an Coiuggialgnsutution 'for 11:; pension increased ___________,,,.. Q-- 1655 g ’ Deaf D» C) _ _,._ V °‘L”é3s€P.’§?T€f;€".“..“.”.’J ............... me bod M··¢-.115. é1»2o1lok. t s 31 · · A ar aicuormoueeoouu p‘},';§;,,{°,$,°§T§,’;;,,d ___________________ 1313 im °pZi no mgm .o.. ’ -,:431- 1312 poses, William M., Dean, Fm»¤=·L- {www). ‘ pensiom _ _ ; _______________________ - 1784 pension ..-----. » ..--.---..- 4 ; .-...-. 1791 Davis, Willie Ann (widow), Dean, Ehda -74+16 (MFJGW), ' A pension ______________________ - --_-- 1871 pension increased -.---.-..-..--..... 1582