Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/132

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1564 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cu. 605. 1926. , Be%en' t·United States Infan , and her a pension at the rate Pcmlcn iper month: · y try Pay mu"' ’"°*‘ The-name of Nellie J. Wyrid§ewidow of Henry H. Wyrick, late of Comlpany E, One hundredth gimentlndiana Volunteer Infan- try, an . pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of §_•¤¤·$¤¤dmhw“ that she xsnow receiving. » A . N ‘ The name of Seward Garthwaite, helpless and degipndent son of William E. Garthwaite, late of Company H, Forty·t ird Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and payhim a pension at the rate of $20·per. month. ~ · y { ` '“”‘ °·’°’“"°°· The name of"Julia C. Johnson, widow of Gilbert Johnson, late of Company I, Twenty·second Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and Fiber a pension at the rate of $30 per month. M"’°‘E‘ °“““"“‘ The name o bel E. Callahan, helplesscand dependent daughter of Georg; Callahan, late of Company I, One hundred and thirty- eighth giment Pennsylvania. Vo unteer Infantry, and sergeant, Signal Corps, UnitedStates Army, and pay her a pension at the ra of $20 per month. ‘ . E““ w“”‘°° ‘ The name- of·Ella‘ Walla.ce, helpless and dezpendent daughter of John Wallace, late of Company H, Third Batt ion, Sixteenth Regi- ment United States Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate ofi$20 per month. 2 · B•¤¤V·’°b¤¤°¤· ·· The name ofSarah V. Johnson, widow of Francis M. Johnson, late of Comépany B, Ninety-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, an fpgy her a pglnsion at the erate of $80 er month. M"' E‘ M"""‘ The name o any E. rks, widow of Francis Marks, late of Company A, McLaughlin’s squadron Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and palyvh er a pension at the rate of $30 per month. . mm B‘I‘“*‘ .· e name of John B. Lang, late of Company B, One hundred and fifteenth Regiment Ohio Vohmteer Infantry, and pay him a P¤¤s¤¤lg¤¤n•••d- pension at the rate of $501per month. ’ mm" ‘ p°"y' The name of Editha F. erry, widow of Reuben`T. Berry late of Company M, Seventh Regiment Misouri State Militia Cavalry, and pay her a pension at t e rate of $50 per month in lieu of that p..,g.,.L she is now receiving. . '·’*”• ’· ””°“"°°· r Thename of Lyd1a J. Warburton, helpless and dependent daughter of John B. Warburton, late of Company E, Fifty—seventh Re iment Pennsylvania V olimteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate P¤¤¤¤¤¤=i¤m¤¤¤¢ of $20 per month through a legally appointed gpardian. hmmm . The name of Bello Mi in, widow of osiah C. idlin, late of Com- p:pghA,.One hundred and thirty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer try, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. M"' O- M“'*”· The name of Marvin, widow of Charles M. Marvin, late unassigned, Third ' ent Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artil- lery, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. · ’°°°°““° ·*·*“’°°· The name of Josephine A. Albee, widow of William H. Albee, late of Com any I, Eighteenth Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in 1>•¤¤¤¤. lieu of that she is now receiving. ; ““`“"“"“" .The name of,Martha‘ Martin, widow of Robert Martin late of Company1eG, Eighty-fifth Regiment. Indiana Volunteer Infantry, rmsmxweuea and. pay er a pension at the rateof $30 per month. ‘ Em E·w°l"’· The name o Ellen E. Webb, former widow of George H. Webb, = late of Company I, Thirty-first Regiment _Iowa Volunteer Infan- try, and payher a pension at the’rate of.$50 per month in lieu of that she isnow receiving. e ~ , '“"°"""“°'· The name of Eliza Bannister, widow of Martin W. Bannister, late of Company B, One hundred and forty-seventh Regiment Illi-