Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1321

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INDEX. 2733 Diabursing Clerk, Treasuvgy Department, P¤¤• Distilled Spirits and Cereal Beverages, Tax P¤¤¢· appropriation for, an ofhoe person- on, Title I X, Revenue 'Ad of _ » nel ....................... 141, 1032 1926—·Continued. Disbursing Ojicers, Army, lien on distilleriesextinguished, when credit in accounts of, for payments of no longer used therefor, and commutationof quarters because under no liability for taxes, etc- 105

of a dependent parent ......... 654 certificate of discharge of, to be issued

rental and subsistence allowance of a by collector- ..... or ......,... 105 dependent mother ............ A 654 tax imposed on sales by manufacturer, made prior to July 1, 1923 ......... 654 ete., of cereal beverages ....... 105 no collection from payee for allow- monthly returns and payments ..... 105 anees paid prior to July 1 1923- 654 additional tax for nonpayment .... 105 refund of allowances collected as re- Distillerics, funds, prior to July 1-, 1923 .... 654 lien on, extinguished, when no longer exceptions .... - ................ 654 used therefor, and under no Disbursing Ojccrs Arvrgy, dc., _ liability for taxes, etc ......... 105 may designate deputies as their agents certificate of discharge of, to beissued to make disbursements, etc .... 888 by collector; ,_______,..__.... 105 responsibility of deputies; bond re- Distillers, quired ....................... 888 additional pecial tax on business of, Diseaaes, Animal, » · . where forbidden_by State, etc., appropriation for preventing spread _ laws ...... , ........ n ......... 95 of ......................... 505, 982 no immunity from punalt , etc ..... 95 for investigating, etc, , ..... 1 .... 505, 982 Dislirwtive Paper (see Paper, Igistinctive). for investigating jtuberculosxs and Distress Signals of Ships, i paratuberculosts .... e ....... 505, 982 radio stations liable to interfere with, for emergency use, eradicating con- ‘ requiredto keep operator listen- tagious, etc ........ .. ......... 1005 ing in- - _·6--l ......,......... 1171 Diseases, Cogtagioys, D. C., t requirement for eqnipgent Ig'] lgoanii appropria ion or preven ing sp . mittin appara on 'p ar of ................. - ...... 438, 1319 for,--§-,- .... - .............. 1171 Diseases, Contagious, etc., __ priority to be given for, by all radio appropriation for prevention of, etc., stations ....... - ............. 1171 among Indians .... 1 ........ 438, 951 District and Cooperative Ojice Service, De- for preventing spread of, m interstate l portmmt of Commerce, traHic---; ................ 148, 1039 appropriation for operating ex- " Diseases of Caule," _ · penses .................... 351, 1201 appropriation for publication of ...... 501 opening new oiiioes, etc .......... 351 Diseases of Man, _ District Attorneys, United States Courts, appropriation for investigations, etc. 148, 1039 appropriation for salaries and ex- "Disea,ses of the Horsc," penses .................... 346, 1196 appropriation for publication of ...... 501 for payment to clerks acting as, dur- Disinfeeiing Service, D. C'., ing vacancies ......,....... 346, 1196 appropriation for maintenance ..... 438, 1319 for regular assistants to,· appointed Dispatch Agents, by Attorney General; pay re- appropriation for London, New York, strietion .................. 346, 1196 San Francisco, Seattle, and New for special assistants to; foreign Orleans ...... , ............ 332, 1181 counsel ..._.. ` ..,.......... 346, 1196 Distilled Spirits, deiiciency appropriationfor .... ,--- 187, 1257 removal of, authorized from one ware- for regular assmtants ..... -.’ ....... 192 house to another for bottling in for §>eeial assistants ............. 192, 858 bond, before paying tax- -_-- 143, 1033 District uilding, D. C., Distilled Spirits and Cereal averages, Tax appropriation for operating force, etc.; _ on, Title IX, Revmueaelot of 1.926, T rmtriotion .,........ - ..... 418, 1298 levied on distilled spirits i.n bond, pro- for {operating expenses .......... 418, 1298 duced, or imported, when with- District ourta, ‘ . drawn ....................... 104 appropriation for judges .,........ 344, 1195 rates; until January 1, 1927 ........ 104 awards of boards of arbitration in rail- until January 1, 1928 ........... 104 way, dispute cases to be filed in- 585 on and after January 1, 1926 ..... 104 . conclusive, and judgment entered, if diverted for beverage purposes .... 104 unless Petition to impeach be credit for lower tax paid ......... 104 iiled wi hin ten days .......... 585 tax on imported spirits to be paid to grounds for entertaining!) petition; collector of customs ........... 104 award not in comp ’ nee with additional to import duty ........ 104 Railway Labor Act .... , ....... 585 smuggled, etc., spirits held to be im- award does not conform to stipula- ported ....................... 104 tions of agreement ............ 585 allowance for loss by leakage, etc., on fraud of a member of the Board or reimported, when withdrawn parties to arbitration .......... 586 from bond for bottling ........ 104 _ not entertained on ground of un- conditlons ................. - ..... 104 certainty- .,........ _ .......... 586 sale of forfeited, etc., for denaturation, to be construed_ liberally; not set without payment of tax ....... 105 aside for trivial irregularity, etc- 586