Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1361

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INDEX. 2773 Fuller, Charles E., late a Representative in Pam Furey, Fred H. V Pass. · Congress, may bridgé Columbia River, near mouth deficiency appropriation for pay to of ntiat River, Wash ......... 682 r widow of .... - ................ 1250 acquisition authorized of, after com- · Fuller, Ella O. (widow), pletion, by Washington, etc .... 682 pension- ........................... 1697 Fureys Ferry, S. C'. and Ga., Fuller, Emma L'. (widow), bridge authorized across Savannah pension increased ................... 1739 River at ..................... 1273 Fuller, Flora A. (widow), Furgeson, Mary A. (widow), pension increased ................... 1531 pension increased ................... 1690 Fuller, Louise B. (widow), Furniture, Public Buildings, pension increased ......,............ 1571 apgropriation for, repairs, etc ...... 153, 1044 Fuller, Mary A. (widow), de ciency appropriation for, repairs, pension increased ................... 1568 etc ........... 189, 193, 883, 886, 1259 Fuller, Mary E. (widow), Fun-ow, John F., pension ............................ 1890 pension. ........................... 1784 Fuller, Nancy W. (widow), pension increased .... - .............. 1555 G. Fuller, Priscilla A. (widow), G Street SE., D. C., pension increased ................... · 1552 appropriation for paving, Fourteenth Fullerton, Mary C'. (widow), to Fifteenth Streets; from gaso- pension increased- .................. 1918 line-tax fund ................. 425 Fulton, Ark., for paving, Sixteenth to Seventeenth bridge authorized across Red River Streets; from gasoline-tax fund- 425 near .-..- - .-.-...-.-.--..--.. 3 Gabbard, Margaret (widow), time extended for bridging Red River pension increased -__--. - ......,-.._, 1887 near ---.-..-.--.-.--.-...---- 1052 Gabbert, Sarah J. (widow), Fulton County, Ark., pension -----.-.--..---.--.--...--.. 1675 transferred from Jonesboro division to Gabelin, Margaret (wulow), Batesville division of Arkansas pension increased .---.-....-.-...-.. 1931 eastern Wjudicial district ..--.-.- 304 Gabriel Julia (widow), Fulton Street N . D. C'., gension increased -.-.--.--.------.-. 1687 appropriation ior 'Igaving, Wisconsin " aelic Prinee," Steamship, Avenue to irty·ninth Street; owners of cargo aboard, may bring suit from gasoline-tax fund -.----.. 426 for collision damages, in district Fungicides, court. --.--..-..-..--...-.... 1808 appropriation for chemical investiga- Gage, Arabella (widow), tions, etc., of ----.-.--.-..-- 516, 992 pension increased ..---- - -.-.-..----. 1913 for preventing sale, etc., of adul- Gagnon and Company (Incorporated), terated .-........--.------ 525, 1003 edciency appropriation for ---..-.... 856 Funk, Frances M. (daughter), payment to, aut orized ........---... 1485 pension- -.-...--.------------.----- 1817 Gaines, Melissa E. (widow), Funk, Hannah (widow), pension increased -----.-----......-- 1725 pension increased ---...------.-..--- 1961 Gainesville, Ala., Funk, Mary J. (widow), bridge authorized across Tombigbee pension increased- ---..----.---.-..- 1686 River near --.--..--....-... 217, 894 Funk, Susanna (widow), terms of court at. .-.. - ..--.-...--... 671 pension increased .----.-.- - ...----.- 1680 Gaither, Jesse P., Funlchouser, Luther L. (son), pension- .-....--.--.-.-----...--.-- 1822 pension .-.--.---....-------...-.--- 1642 Galbreath, Julia A. (widow), Funnemark, Benigamin A. J., pension increased ---...----..-..---- 1698 correction in omestead entry of ----- 1471 Gals, Harriet (widow), Fuqua, Elisabeth (widow), nsion increased --.-...-....---.... 1552 pension increased ----.-----.----.--. 1863 Ggna River, Ill., Fur Bearing Animals, prelimi examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for experiments in rear- me, to straighten channel at -.----.-----.-.-..-..... 519, 995 Galena .----.-...-..--....... 1019 for pifgccting land, in Alaska --... 520, 995 Gallagher, Annie (widow), Fur Farming, Alaska, nsion increased -..-....-.---.-.--. 1659 leases of public lands authorized to citi- Gollllzgher, Louise B. (widow), zens, etc .----.-.--....---..-. 821 nsion ...----.--.--.---...----.... 1850 area and terms of ---...-.-......... 821 Gxghcr, Mary (widow), larger area for islands ---.-.--..--.. 821 pension increased --.-...--- - -..---.- 1901 prospecting etc., for mineral deposits Gallatin, Albert, not prevented by .---...--..-- 821 erection of statue of authorized at Pribilof slands exc uded from .--. 821 north front of l1`reasu.ry Build- use for fishing, etc., reserved to the ing, D. C., etc --....-..---..-. 934 Secretary of the Interior ..-.--- 822 subject to approval of Fine Arts regulations, etc., to be made by Secre- · Commission and Joint Com- tary of Interior -.---...------. S22 mittee on the Library -.--..... 934 forfeiture of leases for failure to stock amount authorized for preparing site area with fur bearing animals, and erecting pedestaL ......--. 934 etc --...... - ....-....---...-- 822 Gallatin National Forest, Mont., Furbush, Edith M., lands added to, for preserving, etc., payment to, for services .--.-....---. 1797 game animals .... - -.,,....-.-- 656