Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1395

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INDEX. 2867 Indian Afoirs Bureau, Interior Depart- 7·’¤8¤· Indian Afaira Bureau, Interior Depart- P•¥°·, men¢—Continued. .. ment—C0ntinu¢d. Q 4 4 · appropriationpfor collecting and trans-‘ » { appropriation forwestern-Navajo Hoe- 5 porting pupils.-;---I. ...... Q 468, 948 i pita.1, Ariz-- ,.... ; ............ 952 . obotgining employment; repaymenfss 948 ‘ for Yakim?_Sanam€’ium& Waplilzx--- 952 5 expexnses--L----.----.4-~.; . , . T or genera, su por an ,01Vl _ noir native pupils from- Alaska. in- jreport_to-gon,g:·eas9taHe¤;poudi;· I_ eluded-xg ..... 948 », tures forfFiyeGiv1hzed Tribes- 472, 952

  • ' ¤!‘ <=¤¤¤*·¤¤> i¤8» 9 “ ` · f t l1:ill‘ vtzieat ‘th Coe

.- -·*¤8¤¢ *¤?*¤*<¤>i¤¤—~; ——---— 4-_—— 4993 948 ' W mh dglxilcriggr mh5{·..T--~------uZ7s, 952 . for r1e::vDodBe;mgL;tc·, s§h¤¤l· pla¤t,N 469 . gr£!]I10Cl&,I%1h01I-J;--·L4—`---` for support, of e €p}}i€¤H`K;¤;r?ii£é 5 for eitiiiietagg $t3:,5£f5r%ii3}£`éhey- ’

M<>i¤v¤, Ariz--- 469, 948 · ennes ‘e¤d' Ampeheee, Meet- 473, 952

Phoenix, Ariz .... -....-. .... ---- 469, 948 forr {tugging treatin with Pawnws, _ Truxton Canyon, Aria------4--- [469} 948 ·- ()k]g_'___'_Q__` __.,. ' ,... --.,.; 473, 952 i » '1`¤§><>s1¤r¤ R<><>¤¤v¤1#. Ferl; Apwhiwp 948 for mmiieg-,t¤e4tiesiwith Quspiiweim 9 2 ¤¤ ·—--- ‘ -—---—-— — —= —--- 4—‘=" · · Okla; ......... ..- ,......, -·· , 5 Sherman. Institute, Riverside,Ca.1if- ,4gfé fol f&,$ujng£1tréggi$Nwggh giogigjfg _ Fort Bidwell, Cem ......... — 469, 948 ee.f§“n5i2- ?'--i .5.1 ...... 475, 952 Haskell Institute, ~L¤wr¤¤ce,· e for {5151115 treetaee with confede- Kans-' .... 4- ...... 44 ..... 4- 469, 949 rated gands of Utes-- ...... - 473, 953 M0unt"Pleasant, Mich------*--,.469, 949 ' for fulfilling t,re9,ty’ with Spokanes, i Pipestone, Minn--;;--- ...... -- 469, 949 iwaSh_ _; _ _,___- ____ ____° ______ 473, 953 Genoa., Nebr;- .... .--=---- ..... 469, 949 fm_·.fij]_fil1ing Shqghpueg, glagwn-City, blgevmii ---- ---:-0 gg, gig Wye---;;‘--;-;-; .,.... --- 474, 953 uquerque e. ex--------- - f ·,,dm· · · U gt 4, rt sem re§N.’-Mex ...... -4-:--~ 470; 949 , °' e5.£3¥f,?“A*§%§5‘§, Si'-i.}Sf‘Z‘Z?-’474, 555 Chmw ·*B¤¤'k€» Fmt Wi¤8¤·*9+ for sup rt, etc. confederated tribes { N.-MSX- .... --4 ........ L-.; 470, 949 Age;]- gberokog. $5.1; ......-.---- 470, 949 V ey, 0l·eg;___‘____,___‘ ____ A ______ 474 i»2$t°”·1¥§,e-5 ‘N.“5;i-1::i;;:i;; E3; 323 for “(‘{§SP°’°;_e‘§,0§;·eQ’1Q.I°0§:,‘·f‘,§,‘;g‘,5,$‘i wehpetenbiv- Dak .... ; ...... 470, 949 f,m‘,§‘ 9 ‘°‘· 474 953 C¤1<>·=·=<>· *44 ----------—--—- 470» 949 5,, .,t,5e,;e.;,3#‘g,;,"‘6g{‘··;,;g‘t5 ’ Sequoyah Orphan Training»School, Mmucsou; fm;) h.i§,T funds. Tahlequah, Okla .... - ....... 470, 949 Obbctsg cmd 475 954 E“°*’°°» Om ——·-·-———·- —·- ———·— 050 ` forReci-[.s.ksp1§eudoEEJ`1{1"'§5[§-for ’ EufauIa,Ok1a ____,_____._,.._.. - 950 M--~ —m· - hk faggr étc _ Clrgglawa, Salem, Oreg.; restriegm 950 Froigiggibuugahk - y' " 475 °‘“‘"1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ f ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ' 4 for per capita ` aymenigiio- I£;ia‘°dr°§'_ubb‘ Dah"? ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 470* 950 and Chicgasaw Indians, from

  • °’¥°· . 45- —-·—-—-------~- ‘*’0· 050 trust mae ..... -----4 --.-.. 415 954

Ram 0**1~'·-$·D¤k -—-————--—— ‘”0· 050 for Five Civilized Tribes pe, capita ’ ’;4y*;~i%},l* ¤-—- — -··-------—- 3;} ggg peymeee ·» 4 ’ 954 oma ‘· . -_,, ,.__,,___ · _,._.. - . ·""‘Z ’‘‘‘‘ I ` fQ]' school f8Ci1itai€Ey- Navajo Indiaugvl,

 . 4, _-;-.-----_---. I V`] '} _.

j for paying i tuition_ for Chippewa 0 for SAg?£5;;°%sl:i’{6;é{8];‘{,;",f0;75’ 955 - . Childflill ill MlDDBSOt8» I crimes in - -sc oo ...-...... ----- ....-. , · - - f°m’*°¤*¤‘¤*°h§x¤¤w~»¤**h~ Mi- 4 5- '$‘5l“‘§.‘¥5°‘ ‘Z-““52§‘.··;-;,5,;··5;,,;·5 "° ` :tsi·i;Itg¢5 in-- céotiiusé 102.71 950 - 55$°°*"“05°§’·.Ok’€·l00 -—-— 0 ---:-8*70 055 for education of Osage-children, Okla.-· T for v§;£h(?f O9:'1g%)Tréb°'1 Council 5276 955

  • ‘°”** "°m *95** *9**9*- —--- 47% 959 sei- distritiggith) ’ r:nci Li'?ti{,E1§` or ’
 Louis, ;MiSSiOD.   · ~ - 4   of      

S°h°°1 “‘°l“d°d ---- —--‘ ---·-— 5 471» 050 Nevere s my e Bend in Cdlo- ri es an a ws -.- '- ‘'`’ ' °'`' - ’‘ ’ for crclimgxon sgiggls, Fiveoglyilizeiu 951 md:) P 8 5 476 955 M ¤¤.PP°’“· ¤P¤=»‘¤5:¤¤9¤¤¤ .·=¤¤¤¤ ' . §€3¥§£‘;.fi$¥eeB“i§§"Z?5iE55;Ii€h ‘‘’‘ ZZ? gg? Sioux Indians .S. Dak.,»etc--- 471, 951 · 4 4 ~ "‘*‘ ’ for public schools in Uintah and Du- for Sllpport, etc., of Confederuted ghesne Counties, Utah; cond§71v_951 £;g;iést°£ Um: {mm *&°°m°276 955 . ]0¤____ _______ _____;_______ _ .‘ .. - -·—•··- ••• -···————- _ for relieving distress, prevention of 0 ¥”¢P°'0 t° (-09**5*999 95 °xP9¤di* 0 contagious diseases, etc ..... ; 471, 951 _ mms- —··——-— ·•·;---- -—·--~- 476, 955 use for general treatment ....... 472, 951 P¥0f°}'¢n0° 09 India? EW? ¥'9‘ auotments for, Specified hcspituk quired for road construction-- 476, 955 and sanatoria- .-......--. --- 472, 951 for roads and bridges, Red ·:Lake for hospital for Choctaws in Missis- ‘ Reservation, Minn ........-- 476, 955 sippi ..-...-.... 4 ..........-.- 472 Mescalero Reservation, N. Mex.; for equipment, maintenance, etc. of repayment -.--....-.......... 477 atgyluénlgorkinsane Indians, dani'72 9 2 Shoshone Reservation, Wyo.; n, . a ..--..-.-....... , 5 repayment .................._ 477