Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1535

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INDEX. 2947 Postal Service-Continued. _ Pace. Postal Service—Continued. Pun deficiency appropriation for city de- cancellation authorized of contract for livery carriers, additional 1926 - 178 screen wagon service, Jackson, for special delivery fees, additional, Miss ___,____________________ 1344 1926 ........................ 178 compensation of fourth class post- for vehicle service additional 1926-- 178 master fixed on specified receipts- 695 for Railway Mail gervice, additional, additional sources -_--,,.-,_,,-,-_, 695 1926 .... - ............... ,--_. 178 collection of postage due, etc ..-.--- 695 '°' i}“1*"’°“.,i§i`i$$?.§’,°1,“’r§i§" dm"' ug ““2Z{““€°'°“%°“ °" °‘““"°""il§"“‘*i 695 for rifgglidelivery service, additional, 178 au l`:°¤,;§a;_ _;£?__J_?f???_£??_. 695 ..... - ...-... e ........... o ance o ou c poctmas r n for clerks,} etc., Hrst and second class wchange fp! incumlgent .------- tt - 696 otlices .-.. 178 191, 194, 884, 887, 1260 odice advanced to proper class when for mmeellaneous, hrst and second returnrexceod $1,5iIl t year--- 696 class ciiices .... - ........ 178, 191, 884 if receipts increase under unusual for cz: fare and bicycle allowance, 178 conditions _,___,______,______ 696 . e c .-.-.-..--.-.....-.-.-.... reduction when receipts decrease-- 696 for city delivery carriers ----.-..... 178, deductions or fines imposed upon con- 191, 194, 884, 887, 1260 tractor, may beremitted, etc., by for temporary clerk hire ______ _ ____ 178, Postmaster General ___________ 499 _ 191, 194, 884, 887 if trip not performed, or three times for temporary camers ...-.. 179, 191,_ 1260 the price, if due to fault of c0u· for special delivery fees_ ___,_,___ 179, 862 1;rs,ctor_ _ ; ______, 4 ___________ 499 for airplane service ................ 179 foreign mail transportation rates ...-.. 900 for 981311065 11116 f01'918¤ 0<;3;1i¤1i1§Z-§é3 pistols, revolvers, etc., declared un- 059 mall bl ` tc ...... ;. ......... - 1 for contract station clerks---in -1-- , 191 punishmgrntglbg violations-- -.----.- 1060 for clerks, third class offices- 191, 884, 1260 post office quarters ·may be rented for postniasters -... 191, 194,_884, 887, 1260 without written-contract if not for electric and cable car service .-.- 191, exceeding $1,000 a year -...-.-. 688 863, 1260 , postage rate on returned hotel and for foreign mail transportation---- 191, 884 steamship room keys and tags-- 890 for indemnities, domestic.i§&’.é§&-§§7 postmasters may be designated as dis- b ° Hi to t a - for indemnities, internatiofigg- llgéé tell-jglgc; fsslpzweg llg;1$(dgr;i:e 391 ro tes n as --.--- .. for labor saving devices- -.-. 1 191, 88:1, 887 screen zvrliggn conillact at Tamga, Fla., for mail messenger service -.-- géa-§§7 llgéd may be canceled ----.-.----.-- 751 . t ' al il t Hi b for equipment and supplies-- 191: 884, 1260 ermluleaggd ¥,°:·y¤(R°:xcg)edi0:; 2I(l1;§g,;-si for 1‘&1l!‘08.11 1*01.11428 -.... - 191, 884, 887, 1260 rent payable monthly _________ 688 for rent, light, fuel, etc ............ 191, trucks and trailer trucks, to be pur- _ 194, 884, 887, 1260 chased, etc ...........-...-... 863 f<¤ mm1 dekvew-. --—- - --——----— 191· 1260 Posczwac, America (widow). fcr ¤°P8!'9tm§im°·1l5 ------------·-- 191 pension increased ............-...... 1682 for special de very fees --..-...-- 191, $84 Postmaster General, gg; appropriation for, and otlice personnel- 11§44é or ve ic e service .---. - - · for aiérpgaug Service, New York ,,;,9%,,36% 884 J for care, etc., Department buildings- ncnscc -..---.-.--... , ·

g;;g;g;;;;g·;g ·~¤»¤·=¤ ----------- gg; ‘°’ “5}3,€°.§§§3-Y??Y.??€iE?€“i?6, 10-us

for ¤¤i1;sstJm:u§£éi¤gé?¤ZLZZZZZZZZ gg ‘°’ 1;‘{,’g;’,;· ”€*’“· °“’·· ‘°' °‘1“‘1’“"°{‘,§,,, ,,,,6 orra waym pos cers ----.-- ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ gf- ;;§B;:::espa:5:1:g:€,:!,“ka-___-§§4 for cash rewards for inventions, etc--

0, wmmcn, etc ..... ::111111-- - ’ 884 for g~g,=¤{_g;g=;*1ggc ·¤·1 dekvsv gg, ,0,,

adjudication of casualty losses by post- q P ’_ ‘'‘‘’’‘‘' ’ masters, exten ed to customs for travel and miscellaneous expenses- 156, charges collected on dutiable _ _ 1047 mail; time limitation -----.---- 903 for paying damages claims .-.-.. 156, 1047 agreement with Mexico for collect-on- for inspectors, etc ,,_,_-,_, — _____ 1 56, 1047 . Sleuvery service --—--·-----—·-- 2079 authorized to cancel contract for screen °“` mglgggzgwe et P°‘md rates au' 692 wagon service at Jackson, Miss- 1344 siiowssm to PBQEQQQEQEJ E6? i6§sEé`6§» m“k‘;,§g‘§;“j§r°cf;_’§, ‘xg0f,’:§“r§°,;*s* 692 burglary, fire, etc., to include ,t tc deductions from Ont"; gpgfjms argos collected on du- ggg remltoxgs fallin" ' g to perform sgrvice 499 ia e m --.-----..----.---. --- applicable only to losses since April joint action of, in selection of sites for 1, 1924 ______________________ 903 post ofiice buildings .---------- 631 amount allowed for services in the may designate postmasters to pay con- District, from mail bags, etc., tractors, etc., for Alaska power - 1926 ________________________ 179 boat and star route service .-.-. 321