Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1561

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INDEX. 2973 Recorder of Deeds, D. C'., Paza- Red Lake Indian Reservation, M inn.- PM1- appropriation for office rent ....... 423, 1301 Continued. for office personnel ................ 1301 appropriation for surveying and allot- for contingent expenses ............ 1301 ting lands on; repayment ...... 940 deficiency appropriation for book type- Red Lake Irrigation Project, Ariz., writers ...................... 847 appropriation for maintenance, etc- 463, 943 employees in office of, eligible for re- Red River, tirement under general Act .... - 906 bridge authorized across, at Boyce, La- 1010 fees, etc., of ofiice to be paid weekly to Coushatta, La .................... 683 collector of taxes for deposit to Fulton Ark ...................... 3 crredit of the District in the llextir Morlglségaa ..... 5.,} .......... 53 reasury ..................... 322 e ween Y oma an exas ..... , retention for unpaid obligations- .... 322 time extended for bridging, at Fulton, estimates for operation _of office to Ark ........~................ 1052

<;l¤;;1a<1 ¤¤ Dwtnat a¤¤¤a1 aaa- 322 Red 1zi»e,{,a5, itg1t.,0kza.,ana ret., 1015

— ----—--—·—--—-·——- surve o made ..... - ..........

buudingr ¢i¤>·»_ f<>1'» ¤11tb¤1’i¤€d ta ba tolls {or transit over hi hway bridges ¤PP1'<£¤¤i6d f°Y —----·--·----· 322 across, between Sklahoma and Rwaa¢iaa_far aliawd M aa, Navy, Texseto be just and reasonable- 1451 9·PP1'9P1'111·t1<·•¤ f01' --—------------· 596, 1278 authority of Secretary of War to pre- Recreational Parks, etc., Scribe legal mw, ______________ 1451 exchange of public lands with States for Red River of uw North

    • 1**11 1*****1** *° b° “°°‘1*°' --·-·· 741 brid e authorized ’across in Walsh

Recruiting, Marine éorps, g County N_ Dak ’ 132 Regglggggaaggyyfar -—-------—-—---· °11· 1294 I Red site pmt Bl-me aww., at- R alrprzpriaillon for expenses of ,,,,., 595, 1286 my bI_°;’é'é’e°'gé°:1i)¤River’ at Coushattlh ee or, ran ¤1111¤¤v 1°é°1<1<‘*>11°°°°*1— ----—--—---- 1158 it uiiti.-;;.1;’mi5i;5.;‘;a";.ia;JtZ 683 Rai B‘“iY» C°“f·» . q ized ami com letioir " css limit of tcost increased, public building 8 Redd Mary A ( _ )P -—-------- a - .......................... 72 • . r · • public building authorization for ...... 632 1)***58*011 m°1'°8·S°d— -, -——--··---—---·-· 1535 Red any risen inquest Project, ra., R¤a<1·•=1y» Laura B· (1W1°1¤)» construction ts, by reservoir tu rms va1z¤¤<>¤ awraaaad-T -·------·-------- 1950 River. _______________________ 753 Redding, Rilda A. (widow), contracts required for payment of P°1}S1°¤—-;··_ -·-·----·--·---·--·--·-- 1727 cos? of, before elcperllditure gr; 7 R°gg;,'gérK'%g1°"* Fw 1834 pre ‘minary inves nga 'ons, e -- 53 _ ----·—·- , ---—-------·---—- repayment of cost of, in 24 annual in- Rcdwkl MQNM A- (w1•dW’)» srmllmentl ___________________ 753 pension rncreased"-: ............... 1961 penalty str default in ihtttiuueuts- 753 Redman M aw Jana <w¤1<>a>» operating, etc., costs to be paid in ad- P°11S1°11--:-1 ··--- ;· ·--—-----—----—-- 1816 vguqeia _____ { __? ______ {B _££_ 7 53 Re;)l;r;.¢;la(;uPmmlla (widow), 1558 merge ID Cons Tue XOR 006 6 , ······ :·:··: ················ Hrst vm,. water available ____ __ _ 753 Reduction and Inrnitatwn of Armaments, no classification of irrifable lands by ¤¤1011¤i>_§111ih91‘1Z9d for Gxponses, par- Sccmtuv of the uterlor _______ 754 ticipating in work of preparatory determination of cost of, including op- ?°mm1ss1°11 f°}` °911f°1`°“°° 911--- 3 erating, etc., the first year water- deicxency appropriation for- ..._.,__ 179 available ______ _ ______________ 754 expenses authorized for Preparatory statement of, to contracting district- 754 C°m1m$$1°¤ f°1' C°¤f€1'°¤°° °11• amount; aullhorgzed for, [from reclama· 7 R cd A at $¤?V°—·-) --------------—- 1404 ionun ----- - ---------..-..- 54 e,nyie . 'w, right to use in Texas, water from Pecos pension increased .--.....---..-...-- 1715 River, etc., at or above Avalon Reed, Celena M. (widow), Dam, not allowed by this Act- - 754 pension ...-.----..---..--.-.-.----. 1636 no curtailment of quantity of water Reed, Celia A. (widow), lrllvéhich present users are en- 7 Rp;nsé2n-ie--W -.----...-..---------- 1743 i e ----,----.-...--.----..- 54 ee , ar s ., · no construction, to begin, until Texas reimbursement to, for lost registered agrees to this section ....-.---. 754 letter .---.....--.--....--.... 1622 Red Lake Agency, Minn., Reed, Eliza A. (widow), · appropriation for support, etc. of In- pension increased --................. 1574 dians at, from trust funds --.. 474, 953 Reed, Emeline (widow), Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, pension increased -.--.---.--.----.-- 1724 Minn., Reed, Ernest (son), appropriation for constructing planing pension --...... _ .................... 1 679 mill, etc., from tribal funds ----- 475 Reed, Henrietta (widow), for constructing roads and bridges on pension ----.-.-...---. V ....-...-.... 1716 Reservation, from tribal unds; Reed, I olia (widow), Indian labor- -------------. 476, 955 pension increased -...-.--....---.... 1916 Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn., Reed, Mary (widow), appropriation for constructing roads pension increased .-................. 1947 and bridges from tribal funds; Reed, Mary V. (widow), Indian labor -.,- - ,---,..---. 476, 955 pension ..------------.... . --.-...-- 1551