Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1584

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2996 INDEX. Secretary of State——Continued. P¤8¤- Secretary of the I nterior-Continued. Pu!. authorized to pay Panama, as contribu- duties of; paying counties of Oregon and tion toward monument to Gen- Washington, of taxes against the gal Simon Bolivar in city of 2 gnldginthe §;r1est§d1Ogon and anama .... - ................. 14 3 a ' ornia 'lro mpany procure statue of Henry Clay for grant, since 1916 .............. 915 presentation to Venezuela- ..... 1178 joint action of, with Secretary of Com- amount authorized for expenses--- 1178 merce to determine location,etc. securgv a geplica of {)iouId;r;dBus1i) of gf potash deposits in United 768 as ington to ep in an tates ..... - .................. Amer1gcanCBuilding at Washing- 7 6 may delegate to supervisory officers, ton . .................. 7 power to make temporary ap- designateci on commission with author- pointments for duty in the Held- 620 ity to buy Oldroyd collection of Secretary of the N any, Lincoln relics ....... - ....... -- 531 appropriation for, Assistants, and oflice Foreign Service Buildings Commls- 404 d H personnel .......... { --33-1.-- 591, 1275 sion --.-- .. -..----.----------- e ciency appropriation or itiona expenses of participating in conference Assistant Secretary .-... - ...... 861 on limitation of armaments, au- additional Assistant, to be appointed to thorized in discretion of -... ---- 1405 aid in fostering naval aero- may reject assignment of foreign com- nautics, etc ---_,,, - ------..---- 767 merce service oflicer to a mis- authorized to accept in full settlement siogil if geemed prejudicial to 1396 gertglin claims against ship- pu `c 0 'cy --..-------.-.-.. uil `ng contractors .-....- - ..-. 1356 Secretary of the Exterior, site for aviation training held near appropriation for, Assistants, and 0Hice Pensacola, Fla --.---.--..--.-. 1105 f petgsongmd-E -.-...----..-.-. 453, appcilnt Mate John bgoseph Bresna- 7 or au mo ie or -.-.--.- - -.------ an awarrant atswain ---.-- 51 abandoned lighthouse station in two representatives of the·Navy on Florida transferred to, forsale 803 Commissio:1 to standardize as town site etc ------.---..-. screw thre s .-.-.-.-.--.----- 297 authority of, in development of live- convey to the District of Columbia stock grazing districtsin Alaska- 1452 designated portion of Naval authorized to accept lands from New Observatory property .-..-...--. 1386 Mexico in national forests, and deliver beH of a battleship to Rotary convey other lands in exchange Club of Crawfordsville, Ind .--- 1097 1atger;:for--£Eé-§£g{6.£--Bé.g&&-a 746 obsglete agxcratft, ketc., to schools, 09 n s rom o e e c. wi ou c argc-- .--- ---- 1 6 to national forests .--- - --.-..-. 747 dispose bf designated lands, etc., no appoint engineers for consultation on , longer needed for naval pur- plans, etc., for irrigation dams-- 776 poses ..,,-----.--...---.------ 700 approve irgliocqtion ot; of way proceedQto constrxuction of barracks gran `osemi a ey _ · at uantico a ..-.-.--.- - ---.. 1101 road Company ..-....--.- ---- 225 promote Aviaticin Pilot Floyd Ben- constixéucltd dam, etc., on Pecos_ River, 753 H nett to Sade of machinist ..-.- 5 933 . ex- .-.-----.-..---.----. se parts 0 rigate onstitution exchange public lands with States as relics, etc., to aid in its restor- for recreational parks, etc .----- 741 ation -----_--,_-_,--_-------- 1358 grant prospecting permits and leas- turn over gunboat "Wolverine" to ing of sulphur deposits in Lou1- 301 d Erie? 1;ia.,lfor naval rese;·v€`;-i& 923 Slana .--.----..-.----..-..--- ecisions 0 na in matters o or have investigation made of possible War, Adjusted Compensation reclaiming of swamp, etc., lands _ Act; exceptions-- ..--.-.... 1-- 828 sillong Yazoo, etc., Rivers, in 901 designaged on comxénissickn ger ereégfoxi ississippi .--.--.-----.--.-.- 0 monumeu V o rs succ u inaugurate, etc., conference on edu- airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, iIat1on_,_ etc., at Honolulu, 915 te N. C., byb rville Vi;right-J--il. 1265 awau .---.----...---..--..- in mporary a sence 0 an t e lease public lands in Alaska for fur Assistants, Chief of Naval Oper- f Ifzigmnggg--Bhgéi -...--.-...-- d ationsttoéae next ir; sucfessioxn- 1086 ll Bf 11168 ..-. - --...-.- may eiver o eor ia t esi - make rules, etc., for leasing of pre- ice used _g on bxttlgghirp cious metal deposits on con- "Ge0;·gia," ___________________ 557 meg PHWWB land claims 710 Minneagolis, M_inn.,‘ lglver serjce vmmbcr<=?*?L?~ii¤?¤`?·??i¤?*Y·i?·E¢`*?>i??~ Mi...1‘§§0tf“ri'§‘i?iva;2i‘v°£’;°’I?sA 97* site to D&tiVG Il1d.l.B»I1S OI' on baétleshi u Minnesota}! Eskimos in Alaska for tracts N h D k 5 .1 . `' <·~=~3,··¤>*·=<* ¤·=;* ·=£;,*¤;·¤·*dby *h¢¤·—, **3° °‘“‘.,¤ b1t2l;rlp°·F%r2i£§°§§;i%t‘f$d 323 t ' n etc. ' · - Sc ziiygltijss img desi; nated iéniis Sammy cf the Smre. _ of Kiowas, etc., in Cklahoma--- 740 ¤PP¥'0P¤'¤¤·*·¤0¤ fm', 8€¤1Sl>¤-¤l¤» défks, duties of, establishing Mammoth Cave etc -—-—--—---------—-·—--- 537, 1147 National Park -.---------- - -.-- 636 Financial Clerk of Senate, on death, Shenandoah, and _Great Smoky etc., of, to be disbursing officer Mountains, National Parks--- 616 ad interim -------------___-__ 162