Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1599

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mnsx. 3011 Square 377, 12· Ci. rm. Stamp ram, rms VIII, Revenue Act rm. sale authorized of part of lot 4, in ..... 205 of 1.926—Continued. Square :70;% D- C-, _ regulations for safe-keeping, etc., to be p€l‘m1SS10I f0l' plpe lines for petroleum made _____________ _ __._._._.. 101 and products from, to Eastern Schedule A- ........................ 101 Branch of Potomac River ...... 1056 bonds of indebtedness, etc.; corporate Square 2899, C-, securities; renewals ........... 101 exchange with owners of certain land based on amount secured ........ 101 H1 .......................... - 380 capital stock; original issues ......... 101 Squqfw 576, 678, D. C'., if without face value ............ 101 privately owned land, etc., in, to be to be attached in stock book ..... 101 acquired for Botanic Garden- - - 931 sales or transfers, etc ......--...... 101 Squares 632, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, and if without face value ____ - ....... 102 _ _721, D. C., deposits for collateral exempt- .... 102 acquisition of, authorized for enlarging broker’s deliveries exempt -...... 102 the Capitol Grounds ..-....... 762 afiixing stamp in stock book; on Squares 2875 and 2877, D. C., certificate; on bill of sale -..... 102 opening of a street authorized through, punishment for delivery without from Georgia Avenue to Ninth stamps, etc -...-....-......... 102 Street N W.,for street railway use 972 sale of produce at an exchange for Squires, Lydia H. (widow), future delivery .,---........-. 102 pension -....-...,..-...-.......-.-. 1539 stamped bills of sale, etc., required- - 102 Squirrels, Ground, clearing house transfers of stamped appropriation for devising methods for contracts exempt -..-..-...... 102 destroying .....-.-.....--.- 519, 995 details required on bills of sale, etc-- 102 Stacks, Eliza S. (widow), punishment for sales, etc., without pension increased -.....-.-....-..-.- 1953 stamped bills --...-..-.-.,. -- - 103 Stadler, Martha (widow), for immediate delivery in cash not pension increased .........-.....-... 1534 taxable .......-.--.-..-....-. 103 Stajford, Curtis L., Cotton Futures and Future Trading appointed captain of cavalry, Army--- 1463 Acts not affected ----.. - -----.- 103 Staford, Leroy, foreign passage tickets, except to Can- land patent to -.-..-..-.--------..-. 1804 ada or Mexico; exemption -..-- 103 Stafford, Prudence R. (widow), playing cards ....................... 103 pension increased --...----------..-- 1909 policies of property insurance by foreign Stahl, Sallie C. (widow), corporation, etc., not signed by pension increased -.----.--.-........ 1563 agent in United States ...---.-. 103 Stains, Annie M, (widow), · reinsurance exempt __-__ _ ----.--- 103 pension increased- - ---.-----..---... 1731 stamps to be affixed by receiver, etc-- - 103 Staley, Elizabeth (widow), penalty for failure -.-. - ....-----.-- 103 pension increased -------.--.-------- 1865 Stamped Envelopes, etc., Postal Service, Stalker, Josephine (widow), appropriation for manufacture of, pension increased ---.-..-- - -.......-.. 1628 etc .-...-.....--.--..-.... 159, 1050 Stamp Taxes, Title VIII, Revenue Act of for distribution -.-.--....----.. 159, 1050 1924, deficiency appropriation for distribu- repealed by Revenue Act of 1926, in 30 tion, additional, 1926 -----.---- 178 days -.-----.----.-.-.- - .-....- 126 Stamps, Foreign, Stamp Taxes, Title VIII, Revenue Act of punishment for counterfeiting, postage 1.926, or revenue ..-.----.-.-.--.--- 653 levied on specified documents in lieu oi illustrations in book, etc., not af- former Act -.---.-...... - .....- 99 fected ..........-.--..--..-. .. 653 exemptions; Federal, foreign Gov- Stamps, Internal Revenue, ernment, State, etc., obligations- 99 issue authorized of, to replace on pack- indemnity bonds to United States- 99 ages unavoidably ost, etc -..--- 122 coopertive building and loan asso- Stamps, Postage, ciation bonds .......- - ........ 99 appropriation for manufacture, etc- 159, 1050 mutual ditch or irrigating com- Standage, Rutha M. E. (widow), panies’ bonds ------- - .-------.- 99 pension increased ---..----.--.------ 1569 unlawful use of stamps, etc ----.--.-- 99 Standard Container Act, penalties and punishment for -...--- 100 appropriation for expenses, enforc- cancellation requirements; other meth- ing -....---.......-.----.-- 524, 999 ods authorized -.------.-.---.. 100 Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, preparation of suitable stamps; aiiixing, deficiency appropriation for paying etc ----- - --.--.----..........- 100 judgment, New Jersey district cancellation of stamp taxes omitted by court to ........-.....-.-..-- 185 mistake or fraud -------.---..-- 100 Standardization of Screw Threads, Com- distribution of stamps for sale by post- mission for the, masters __-_--,--------------- 101 creation and composition of ----.----- 297 repealed ------.---.... - -..---.- 554 to ascertain and establish standards for accountability, etc.; monthly use in Army and Navy manu- transfers to the Treasury -.--... 101 facturing plants ....-.-..-- - - - - 297 by depositaries -.-.... - .-...-...--- 101 promulgation of, by public document- 297 designated State agents, etc., for use no compensation for serving; regular on stock transfers -----.-..--. , - 101 pay not affected .......-..---. 297 bond, etc., required -..--..----. - - 101 rules and regulations to be adopted- - - 297