Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1607

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INDEX. 3019 Supreme Court Reports——Continued. Pun- Susquehanna River—Continued. Pen to be printed, bound, and issued within reconstruction authorized of bridge eight months after decisions across, between Havre de Grace · rendered .,.......,...._,,.... 736 and Perryville, Md ,.__,.._.... 222 distribution by Attorney General; time extended for bridging, at Sunbury, additional oilicers, etc., named, , 736 Pa _____,_______ · _____________ 1269 complete sets of, and digests, to ofhcers, Susquehanna River, North Branch of, etc.,_ entitled to, who have not time extended for - bridging, from _ _ received them ...... - ......... 737 Wilkes—Barre to Dorranceton, limitation of sets to military head- Pa ,,,__,_____,__,,,______,__ 590 _ quarters ..................... 738 Sutherland, Sina J. (widow), restriction on distribution to courts not pension ,..,___,,___,__ l ,____________ 1941 held in Government buildings--- 738 Sutton, Luella (widow), clerks of courts to keep, and digests, for pension increased ...............,.., 1558 use of the courts, etc.; preserva- Sutton, Mary (widow), tion .................. , ._.... 738 pension .........,...__..,,_________ 1558 delivery of, from Public Printer to Sutton, Mary C. (daughter), Attorney General, as required-, 738 pension ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1733 Sureties (see Penal Bonds). Swagert, Sarah C. (widow), Surety Companies, pension increased ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1889 may {ile bills of interpleader in district Swaggerty, Hubert O. (son), courts to determine rights of pension .......,....,,...,,,,,,,,,,. 1774 adverse claimants of different Swaggot, Efa (widow), States ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 416 pension increased .............,,.... 1929 Surgeon General, Army, Swamp Land Claims and Indemnity, appropriation for printing medical appropriation for adjusting ..... ---- 457, 938 bulletins prepared by ....... 255, 1107 Swamp Lands, named on Board of Commissioners of investigation of, along Yazoo River, and the Soldiers’ Home ,,..,,..,,,, 499 tributaries in Mississippi, for Surgeon General, Public Health Service, reclaiming, etc ..........,.... 901 appropriation for salaries, oiiice of-- 147, 1037 Swamp Lands, etc., for pay, allowances, etc .,.,...., 147, 1037 appropriation for investigations, etc., Surgeon General’s Qglce, War Department, for development, etc., of ,.... 485, 961 appropriation for edical Museum- 271, 1122 for drainage investigations, etc- - - 521, 996 for library ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 271, 1122 Swan sland, Oreg., for civilian personnel ,,,,.,,,.,, 271, 1122 closing east channel of, permitted Port Surgical Appliances for Disabled Soldiers, of Portland Commission, upon appropriation for furnishing ..,,... 290, 1141 opening the west channel .,.... 1369 Surratt, Margaret (widow), Swanberg, Lester, pension increased .,....,,.,.,.....,. 1821 pension ........................,,.. 1586 Surtaxes (see also Revenue Act of 1926), Swander, Joanna `(widow), levied in addition to normal tax, on pension increased ................... 1692 incomes exceeding $10,000 ...., 21 Swansea, Mass., Surveying Public Lands, bridge authorized across Palmer River appropriation for expenses ....... - - 456, 937 in Rehoboth and .............. 6 metal corner monuments- ...... 456, 937 Swanson, Arthur F., lield employees detailed to General double salary restriction removed ..... 1482 Land Office ,,,.,,..,...,... 456, 937 Swanson, Clara V. (widow), Orggon-California and Coos Bay pension increased- ........ - ......,.. 1892 agon Road lands .......... 456, 937 Swart, Mary J. (widow), surveys of oil and oil shale lands- 456, 937 pension increased ...-----..-----,--, 1911 not avilable, in States advancing Swarts, John A. (son), money therefor --...-.----.... 937 pension -..-.-...-.-...-.....--.--.- 1515 automobile travel allowances ..--- 938 Swartz, Charles A., repayment for surveys not chargea- pension increased -.------.----.-,,-, 1825 ble hereto .---,----.--......-- 938 Swearengen, Anise (widow), deficiency appropriation for ----..-- 187, 885 pension ....-......-..,-,....--., --- 1862 when public surveys are so far com- Swecker, Amanda (widow), pleted in a State, the field notes, pension increased .......-.........-- 1925 etc., no longer needed for Gov- Sweden, ernment use, relating to titles, appropriation for minister to .--... 331, 1180 etc., may be delivered to the arbitration convention with ...--.---- 1993 State ,,,,,,,.,,....,..-,---.. 673 payment authorized to, as indemnity Surveyor’s Ojice, D. C., for losses to Swedish steamship appropriation for salaries ,--,---,- 420, 1300 "Olivia," by collision with for temporary services, supplies, United States ship "Lake Saint etc ,--,,,,,,,,,--,,.,,,.-. 420, 1300 Clair" .-.............-.-.-.,. 651 for surveying for revision of perma— Sweeney, Alexander, nent highways system, etc- - -420, 1300 pension -.....-..................... 1534 Susquehanna River, Sweeney, Mary (widow), bridge authorized across, at Sunbury, pension increased -..-.....-.,-..-... 1919 Pa -,-,,.,,-,,,-,,,,-,,-,,,,, 414 Sweet, Alice M. (widow), Wrightsville to Columbia, Pa, ,,-..- 406 pension .............-.........-..-- 1901