Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/241

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SIXTKNINTH CONGRESS. Sus. I. Cu. 732. 1926. 1673

 oilhlindo J. Dotsonywidow of;Willism   "•“**··'·D••¤¤·

I•t¤s G,·(hnlh¤¤dm•d’snd twenty·thi1d_Begime1x{»]QItip¤§g t Volnnteer _ ond.·Compmy_C, Fnrst Begunent —Mue1¤s1p 1 Manne o;pensnop¤s.t tlzenteot . ~

 .¤gnoo,- 1udow»of8til.lmsu C.:I»m·en¤e. ¤·*¤•¤·*······•·

!·W¤¤¤f Gcanpeny G, wt New at ugehxre Vollninteer Infa.nt1·y,·;end»p•y ban: a psnsum · .!&f. ,. J ‘ ¢ if ~f·w;1’ .2* P$¤i¤*¤$•d;‘

J.;Sehwj¤en·, widow of Houma 0. scuwsm. “‘“°"·°°’*"*·

bb of n mth Rcgxinatelfow York Volunteer Infantry,

1;1_pa.y her •_pens10n at the rate of $50 inelieu otthet

, $¤¤0I!&l¥¥D§•. ' ;~ . ¤ ·—<~:»;·: : := Vi.

J?h¤¤¤¤m¤{0f~M e H. Sp ’, ,_widozwof J0lm0. .Spn¤g‘ , lem of “•”“·“°’*°*·

Company P,.N*.¤ en·mont V0luntee1·,Inf•ntry,.•ndlp•y herspemnon et the gsteof n » . w·,;,...-—- ·._—  ;· wlnuuaed.

 Lydm aA·`G16&Y§llDd,¢‘-W1dUW,¤f   H.—Cle•ve-   *··~‘*""’

Ind, of »E, {I‘mmty·¤e·wentl1-%iment.H1imis.Volun-» fen? ¥ dp:-¤y;;C·,t·’1`vrenty th Regiment Volunteer _Infa.nt1·y, an _pa.y her a_pension at thereto of mG¥thm,h9uDfY1lQ$8hB'.l8I}0¥Q!QQQtYi,I@£ _ - K - ,.; ·;"» MAB:

 n•me¤£}&el1sse.J. Raokettepmdow of John W. Bxcketts, late ‘ ‘

of,_Gompmy _.D,1Eleventb. KGD$l¢k1¤_.V01¤I1lRD; Infmtry and Compemes B end A, 'I‘welfth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer

 mba o pensnou at the 1-ateof $e0¤th—in.lien

_ ·· L G·I$ `I¤$].,Y1ng•, 1** uz, vn,. M g ._ .` ‘; ` Plllltlls.

Thnnsmv 0f.C|pI$iI¥·Ch01'l$
.A.a. Bate'; Com- D‘“‘°"‘°'*~

pany B, of K1mba.ll’s Regnment Missonui State ;,Y olimtner end3p•y._h1mo.pemom.•tthe-zete.,of,$§0rp¤v=mo¤th. —· . - ~ » -.Th¤ n¤mo.c!¤Emmg. J.-1Iaywmvd,.md¤w o£iJemos.S. Hayward, "“'“’·”°"'•¤*· h¢¤,¤i¤.B•tto2y J} *Fu·¤t Reg1msnt¤.Bhode {Is1•ad,Vohmteer Light Artxllery, •ndF§y,he1· a penmon at the~1·ate.of $30, rnmonth. L l . rmumsoowox. _JIhe;nsme·0 _ arehlls. wridon-of. Jons, ktell-st “"""*·’°°“** lmntenant md.· _quu·te1·m•¤te1·, Q Seventeenth- » V Kentucky Vplunteor Cevsdry .md»;pey.ehe1= nipomion etythe nts of $60.psr month in lieu` of that she 18 now I ;- ·- ‘ —»'I‘be_n•mo, 0£¢M•ry.E» Ne•l,·.widow=’0f¢.Chnrles T. Neel, late of “¤¤·N•·*·

 G, Sovmteeatlnkogmsnt  Volunteer Infu-

tt;yJg1n;l_ig>a3L‘l:eg,a·pgn¤»¤‘•¤.ntoof moothlm lxeuiof

nThomneof widow of‘Robett.J..Chpnxm, *•····¤=°¤•¤¤·•¤-

late- of TCo¤J1my% D; {Ewen New York Yelnnteér §};,;hd.iy;h:1k.5¥;Mrge nt of $50;-pq·;m¤nt.h»m lieu B; The uma 0£¤l¢¤m·B. 0f’W'1lli•ni:.*H.·Beehtel, lete “""·'°**•'· 0i£,Gcmpmy A, Fonrth ;Bsgimént· Newilersey Volunteeg Infantry, anéiigg) helnegfeumon atthelrate cf;$50 per. monthlm hen of tlut W , yy 4 ry; *. ..1··. N , *' ." · {Wei ·;‘ , ,

 0f`;;5·y A2 Hinttyvwidow of John .»Hi•tt,¤ leth: of Goin- “•"+*·”*'“-

jul;. Eleventh»€Begi1nent :V0lunteex·’ Infantry, and peye ¤:gg» of $50 permonth in lieu of thht she ismow

 I »··. _.   _ l » _, U

.Thernemoof»Melies•.E._H1l1;»%iid¤w of Ba.nt0nHell, leteeof Com- r' . y·E, Ol€’·b|I!1d1*8d.»&¤d forty-Sith 5Indi¤m.vv¤1u¤um· §mtry, md peyber an pension at the rate of $50 perinuntheinlieu ofthetsheisnowreceivin .  » · , , I The¥nemo·of.Sems¤the·.i Vincent,=widow‘—0£Almoud Vinum lute ,,,°2f"‘“‘“ J" W" ‘%.:;i.‘$°.§‘.‘3..;..°¥.’“@·’....· ‘:‘%.“"....°““ v?.l“.“.;%"..¥;°°““*I......, tt ““‘"} `“’ erapenmon at erateo per mont m euo-; com h _ _' th f $50 h ° li f tint sbp.! now reeemng. .