Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/256

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1688 SIXTY·N§[NTH CONGRE%. I. 732. li)26. P¤*¤¤¤*=¤¤•¤•¤· · Th · name of Mary;M. Eisher widow of?Geor p Fisher lateof M°”M°m`°' Cempaany C, One hundred andisecond Ohio Volunteer

  spay her a.pens1on‘at   ·of.,$50 permonth in

. B,$·¤UWI'B¢9lVu!K¤· - wm 2QC · M‘”"M°°'°‘ n The name ofI§&ar,§J..Moo1¤e,·.vvidow of Clayborn Moon? late of Com any L Sevent Missouri State Militia olunteer (léagigygh pay -her a pension at the rate of $50. per month in lieu o ,a eisnowreceivrngp . . _ ¤ V ’ El1nbethBald. The name of Elizabeth old, widow of John Bald, late of Com- pany E, Second Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, and ay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that alle is now ,,m,,,m_ receiving. M»¤ey. The name of Marg C. Risley widow of Mortimer C. Risley, late of Company D ne hundred and eigthy-ninth Regiment New York Vcglltmteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 D ,,,,,d_ per mon . g , §§i}°R¤!§· The name of Anna Ruff, widow of Lawrence Ruif, late of Com- _ pany I, Forty-sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is _ now rece1v1ng. 11:’?=d¤i·nA- '1‘1¤¤r¤¤¤¤· The name of Nancy A. Thornton, widow of Charles G. Thornton, late of Conigany C, One hundred and fifty-sixth Regiment Indiana Voluznilteer fantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per ,,,,,,,,d_ mon . E:i1°i.Z•:i¤l1¤¤¤J¤¤¤· The name of Annaliza Saint John, widow of Edward B. Saint John, late of Company G Thirteenth Regiment West Virginia Vol- unteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month nm mm m lieu of that she is now receiving; ‘ The name of Annie Spiese, widow of Lewis Spiese, late of Company A Two hundredth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer I;iftsLnt;r_;*i1and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu o a eisnowreeeiv . °""°M‘H°"°d‘ 1 ghefnacxge of Ca1i‘rieI'M;;iHoward, widlcéw 01;:1 Andriw J .VHf>wa;l, a o» in y 1 Regiment ew amsire ounr Hea:y_ , and pay her a pension at the Prate of $50 per 1,,,,,,,,m mon rn lieu o that she is now receiving. Lydia 0¤¤di¢· The name of Lyd1a_ Condit, widow of Francis Condit, late of Sompagy D,hTwenty-sixth geilgimetxgt lgggvo Jersey Vtcilnmteer Infan- ryan pay erapensiona era o o . ...§€“‘“'°‘”·"°°°" The mma or Margaret E. Mcoaatiilarvgidgw er William McCarthy, ahas William Donegan late o Company C,_Twenty- sift}: (Illinois Violhmteer Infantry, and pay her a pension a e ra o r mon . ‘ M°'“’°’·H°‘”*°"· The name of Lllsrtha L. Houston, widow of John B. Houston, late_ of Troop L Eleventh Rggiment, and Troop M, Twelfth 5»]egimt<;nt}g3e(;1tucky Vgllunteer avalry, and pay her a pension at ,,,,,,,,,,d_ e ra o er mon . ‘. &;g¤m§i·M°¤i·· The name ofp Sophia M. Morris, widow of Levi R. Morris, late of Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment Iowa Volnmteer Infantry, gdppay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that e IS now receiving. M"“"°°°°“"‘ The name of Margaret Colby, widow of Reuben P. Colby, late of Company B, Ninth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receivi . °‘°“‘““° H°‘°°‘ The name gg Catharine Hikes widow of George W. Hikes, late of Company L, Twenty.-second Regiment Pe lvania Volunteer Cavalry, and Company , Tbird,Regiment Pennsylvania Provisional Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving.