Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/284

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17*16 SIXTYANINTH CONGRESS;. Sass. I. C11; 845; *1926. ,_{•Hn}‘,°,g*_'g’g*h$;,d_ F The name` of .Sarah.E. Sunder1and,.widow of Francis M. Sunder-

 late of Company .1, Eleventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer

Infantry, and Company D, Fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteer C•.va1ry~=a1id paylier a pension at the rate of $50. per month in Pm N lieu of she is now receiving. neiéiaé usa. _The name of Henrietta , widow of Orville S. Reed, late of Signal United States Volunteers, Civil War, and pay her a JOMM CMU pQ11S10h¤t ` _ rate of $0 per month. » · · The -name”_of John M. Christy, helpless and dependent son of John A. Christ , late of.Compan _K, Second Regiment Ohio Vol- unteer lrtillery, and pay hun a pension at the rate of $20 per mon . i · · §°,;;‘;,·:.{.¤g•;°5é.:?- The name or Elizabeth Miner-, widow of David n. mm, na or Company G, Second Regiment. Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, and pay a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. » . _ c §i§",'}°E‘¤m,_ The name of Mary E. Gates, helpless and de ndent da hter of Martin Gates late of Company H, Fift -eighth6Regiment1%ndiana Y Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per monththrough a legallly appointed guardians xm nm. The name of Kate hea, former widow of Eli Howell, late of Company D, Forty-sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and P°,m,m,,mm,_ pav er a pension at the rate of $30 per month. — Mor¥J.Tu1Iis. The name of Mary J. Tullis,`w1dow of Seth C. Tullis, late of Company C, Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalg, and pay her _a pension at the rateof $50 per month in lieu of at she is now Taum J'S°°w”d‘ mgghe name of Talitha J. Steward, widow of Eugene H. Steward, late of Company E, Sixty=second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a1nd_pay helrééi pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that seisnow eivm. { ‘ o · · M“"“‘“ M°°°‘“‘“°· • The name of‘M§rtha MeGonagle, widow of Robert MeGonagle, latei 'of Company I, i Ninety·eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantilgygand pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month, throng aulegally appointed guardian, in_lieu of that she is now M¤¤¤¤ ¤·¤¤¤•¤· The fame et A*varilla`C.i Cullen widow of Abraham Culler late ‘ of Company M,iThird Regiment 6hio Volnmteer Cavalry, and pay her‘_a€<peps1oniat therate of $40 per month in lieu of that she IS ~now‘*teee1ving. - = · ·» ~ Claw- <>¤>¤¤- The name of Clara J. Crozier, widow of William Crozier, late of Congpny iF, One l1undred?and fortyiesecond Regiiment, and Company ‘E, A e·h1mdredsand* sixtymintli giment, ew York Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a- pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu mm of that she is now receiving. .· · · ‘ : §u...i.'w..m. · ’· The name of Silas A. Weaver, late of Company L, First Regiment ··l;e;5bYork Volplnteer¥Engineers, and pay, him at pension-at.¤the rate `OW pBl'IDOD.?‘· `· ·; , .

ii°£Ti°f{Z??°°' The name of Ellen A. Baker, widow of · William H. Baker late

‘ ` ` ` of Compan C,=One hundred.and.iorty-second Regiment New 7York ‘Volimteer‘.f11fantiZ;‘and~pay:her a at thee rate of-$50 por ·month?in-lieu of t t she istnow receivin . . . ~— E“‘°"°*" “‘°'°‘· The name of Elizabeth Exby, now gSierer, former widow ·~of _ Thomas Exbyylateiof 3Company A, Seventyeixth Regiment tZPenn· .s•ylvania Volunteer Infantry; and paya here pension at —¢ the rate of ¥$6g1per»month ihlieuwof thatishe is nowireceiving. ; . . · ”°"’ '·B°“‘?“· e name of BetzF. Ballou widow of Ir;i:g§W. Ballou, late

 Company     hgment Ma _ usetts Volnnteer

»Infan¤·y,aand‘ paytherjajpension at errata of $50 per month in lieu of that she 1S now receiving; n ‘